Chapter 9: Date Night

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The fresh scent of coffee and sweet candles filled the air around them, but Eddie's shoulders were tense and he couldn't breathe properly. He tried his damn hardest to get the thoughts of Gaege out of his head, but he couldn't seem to snap out of his constant day dreams of him.

"Oh, let's sit over here!" Ashley gently took his hand with a smile, guiding him towards a table for two in the back of the cafe. Eddie nodded with a tight smile, hoping she wouldn't notice him tense under her touch.

After they ordered, which Eddie was only in the mood for coffee, Eddie nervously drummed his fingers against the table. The cool, smooth wood was almost enough to bring him back to reality and not to Gaege's beautiful eyes and lovely smile and...

With a sigh, he picked up his phone as Ashley dismissed herself to the ladies room. Eddie began typing out a message to him, but hesitated as he read it over in his head.

Hey, Gaege. Look, can we talk? I've been wanting to apologize for what happened, and I can explain everything, I promise. Just please, give me a chance to explain myself. I miss you, I miss you a lot. I would hate for this to ruin our friendship.

Eddie licked his lips at the last word, a strange taste forming in his mouth at the word "friendship". But what else could he call Gaege? They definitely weren't a thing... Gaege was too upset for him to put a label on their relationship. Besides, he was on a date already. With a girl. Not with Gaege.

Ashley came back as he pressed send, his heart pounding at the thought of his response. Shit, he was staring out the window again. He hoped Ashley thought he loved gazing at the clouds and not wondering about his best friend.

He took a deep breath before running his hands over his jeans. "So, um... how have you been these past years? I don't think we ever had the chance to properly catch up."

Ashley's light green eyes travelled up to his face before starting, "Time has gone by fast hasn't it? Well, after I moved up to Austin, I really wanted to back home for college. I'm currently going for a major in the medical field." Eddie raised his eyebrows, "Oh? That's really impressive."

"It's been great, yeah." Ashley laughed shyly, "What have you decided to major in?"

Eddie rubbed the back of his neck with a chuckle, "I'm actually majoring in music. I want to teach students how to play the saxophone one day." Ashley's eyes widened as a bright smile crossed her face, "Eddie, that's amazing! I always said you were the best saxophone player I've ever met." Eddie's cheeks flushed at the compliment, and he cleared his throat, "Ha, thank you. Hopefully I'm able to go for my PhD and teach at the college."

They were silent for a few moments, but Eddie felt slightly better. The memories of them speaking for hours after band practice as they prepared for a performance for the next day. The laughter they shared, the jittery, yet excited, nervousness before concerts, the way she used to smile at him from across the class. Eddie missed it. He missed the days he was so sure of himself and not confused about his emotions for someone else.

"Hey, I never got to ask you this but..." Ashley bit her lip nervously, and Eddie cocked his head at her. "What? What's wrong?"

Ashley giggled slightly before shaking her head, "No, it's a stupid question." Eddie smiled a little, "It's okay. You can ask me. I promise I won't judge if it's a weird question."

Ashley met his eyes for a few seconds, an unreadable expression crossing over her face as her eyes flickered down then back up to his face. Eddie swallowed, unsure of the smile slowly crossing over her face.

"Back in high school, when we used to be best friends," Ashley said quietly, a soft blush forming on her cheeks as she said, "I actually used to have a crush on you. Like a major crush on you."

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