Chapter 15: Christmas Vacations

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Another white t-shirt flew across the room and landed inside Gaege's suitcase, earning a cheerful shout from Gaege as if he shot a perfect three-pointer in a basketball game. Sometimes he acted like a literal child, but he was sure his roommate was used to it.

He grabbed one more pair of jeans before pressing his hands over the pile of clothes as he forced the leather suitcase closed. He hadn't realized how much was in his room until he had to clear it out for winter vacation. He couldn't even imagine that he would make it to the second semester of his sophomore year in college until now.

He stared at the blank, grey walls for a few moments, unsure of how to feel about the vast emptiness of his room. He knew that he would be back in a matter of weeks, but something still felt strange about staring at his now lifeless room. It was almost as if every piece of evidence that proved he was living there seemed to vanish into the trunk of his black car.

"You all packed already, Mully?" Gaege asked as he entered the kitchen, peeking into his roommates room.

"Yeah, just a few more things and I'm out of here." Mully stretched his arms above his head with a yawn, "Then another airplane ride back to Adelaide with Josh."

Gaege was silent for a moment before asking, "Do you think I should see Eddie one more time before I leave?"

"Bro, is that even a question?" Mully shook his head with a laugh, "Of course! I mean, he was the one that stayed over last night, no?"

Gaege froze as his face became hot. "W-What? How... How do you know about that?"

Mully pressed his lips into a line as he stated plainly, "We have thin fucking walls, mate." Gaege opened his mouth to say something before shutting it, knowing that no possible excuse could make up for what they did last night. Mully shrugged his shoulders before joking, "But damn, I didn't think you were the rough type."

"Mully!" Gaege rubbed a hand over his face, knowing he was blushing even more at the memory of it. "That's not something you say to... you know what? Never mind. I'm going to go see him."

Gaege grabbed his wallet off the counter before heading out, ignoring Mully calling after him. "Remember, Gaege! Use protection!" Gaege groaned as he heard Mully say that, hoping no one in the hallway had heard that.

After a short walk across campus to Eddie's dorms, Gaege happily hummed as he knocked on Eddie's door. A Dominic Fike song was stuck in his head, but he didn't have time to ponder over it when the door swung open.

"Eddie!" Gaege beamed as he peeked his head in. "Hey, how are you-" He stopped halfway through his sentence as Eddie scooped him in an unexpected hug, pausing when he heard Eddie stifle a quiet sob.

"I'm going to miss you so much and I know I'll be with my family but I'm going to miss you and- and..." Eddie rambled before sniffing, and Gaege gently rubbed his back soothingly.

"Hey, hey... it's ok, big guy." Gaege hugged Eddie tightly, feeling his eyes starting to fill his eyes as Eddie sobbed into his chest. Eddie's hands grasped his shirt as if terrified Gaege was going to disappear in his arms if he didn't hold on tight enough. "I'll be back soon baby and we can call every night if you want."

"I know but it's... it won't be the same," Eddie sniffed, still gripping onto Gaege like a lost child being separated for their mother. "I wish I could go with you."

Gaege swallowed a lump in his throat, shutting his eyes as he stayed in Eddie's warm embrace for a few more seconds. He took in the feel of his warm lips pressing gentle kisses against the sensitive skin of his neck, his large, skinny hands rubbing his back, and the natural smell of his shampoo in his dark hair.

"Maybe for the next vacation you can go with me." Gaege offered, hoping he could comfort his boyfriend without hurting him more. "And you could even my dad if you want to."

Eddie sniffed but smile nevertheless, responding with a quiet nod before pressing a gentle kiss to Gaege's lips again. Their soft farewell was almost enough for Gaege to choke back tears, but he pulled Eddie as close as he could. Despising the fact that he had to pull away, Eddie walked Gaege to his car before saying his final goodbyes, starting the beginning of their long vacation and the end of another semester.

**Time Skip, A Few Hours Later**

It took Gaege a few hours for his flight to finally reach Florida, seeing the familiar view of flat, green land and the shore of the Melbourne beach. It was a strange experience to be able to smell the fresh, ocean air and feel the dragging humidity that was causing beads of sweat to dribble down the back of his neck. The bright sun baked the green trees and against Gaege's light, sensitive skin.

His house wasn't too far away from the airport, but he couldn't calm his racing heart beat at the anticipation of seeing his father again. Part of him couldn't believe he was about to meet his father in what felt like over a year... the other had a chorus of anxiety forming in his chest with the worry that his father hadn't changed.

His eyes then flickered to his old campus, seeing the familiar "Florida Institute of Technology" sign in front of the university. A wave of nostalgia swept over him so fast, he swore he almost turned into the campus. His fingers drummed against the steering wheel as he glanced at the college in the rear view mirror, prying his eyes away as he saw it fade into the distance with a quiet sigh. He was past that point now. He was never going to return to his old university, and he made up his mind a long time ago. So why does it still leave a sting of nostalgia in his heart as he drove away?

His mind was soon cleared as he pulled up to his childhood house, taking a deep breath before getting out the car. He rolled his suitcase up the wooden steps and threw his backpack over his shoulder, unsure of how to pinpoint exactly how he felt at the moment. He looked up at the dark oak door in front of him.

His hand hovered the smooth wood, hesitating as he swallowed a lump forming in his throat. The last time he had been standing on the steps, he had been shoved out of the house by his father.

"Get out! If you don't want to stay here with me, then leave!"

"You know what? Fine, Dad! I hated this fucking house and everything about you anyway!"

"You better fucking apologize you- where the hell do you think you're going? Gaege? Gaege! Fine, but don't expect to welcome you with open arms when you come crawling back!"

He shook of the sliver of doubt in his chest, ignoring the strange taste in his mouth. He truly regretted not telling his father before he moved to San Antonio or ignoring his wishes. His dad did live alone after all, especially with his divorce with his mother who hadn't been seen since Gaege was born. He had been there for him ever since he was young, but now... Gaege had to be there for him.

He knocked with a profound confidence that he didn't have before, stiffening his back straighter as he heard the familiar jingle of the lock as the door swung open.


The mere sound of his voice caused tears to sting the corner of his eyes as he set down the suitcase, nodding before seeing a bright smile spread across his father's face.

His dad scooped him in a tight hug, and Gaege choked back a sob before his father could notice. He had missed the way his arms would wrap around him when he was little, and the comforting smell of oak wood cologne that he was oh so familiar with.

"It's me, Dad. I'm home."

A/N: Damn, how long has it been? Two months? I wanted to update this book again especially since I've had some spare time lately. Life is very busy at the moment, so I'm not sure when the next update will be. But I hope you have a good day/night <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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