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Good morning detective Salas. Morning sheriff. I need to speak to you and detective Harris when she comes in. Okay.

I went to get myself some coffee and Janice came in. Aye partner, Jay wants to speak to us. Do you know why? Nope.

Janice and I go into his new office.
Morning ladies. I got a call from Miami this morning. I will be loaning you out to Miami Dade police department. Yilena since Janice looks like Rizzoli. I told him it would work. There was no way I was going to ask retired detective especially after what she and Dr. Isles have been through. One of your former cases with the gangs is asking where you two been at. They know you supposedly went out of the state to prison for armed robbery but your so called parole hearing occurred and you were released..sheriff that case is like 15 or more years old. We know that. Horatio said the gangs want you to do another job. There last safe cracker and wheel man got arrested..Here is all the information you need to know. You two leave tonight.. Here is cash for clothes and essentials. Leave to go shopping and be at the Sacramento Airport by 7. Uber will pick you up from your homes. You can be gone up to 6 months. Yes sir.

Janice and I left. We took off to go shopping and we called our wives while they were at work. Both weren't happy but knew it was part of our job. Yilena went over the past case with me and the players while we went shopping for expensive attire along with jewelry. Yilena told me to call Jane so she could tell me more about her part that Yilena didn't know.The suite room phone is ringing and Maur answers it.

Morning Maura is Jane around I need to speak with her it's important. Hold on Janice.

J J J pick up the up other phone. It's Janice she needs to speak with you. Okay got it.
Janice what's up? Yilena and I are heading to Miami tonight to go under cover on old bank robbery case you two worked on. The gang knows you two are out and need you two for another job. Yilena updated me hut she said to contact you..I need to know your conversations and contacts. Dang they are at it again. Janice they are ruthless gang and will kill you if they think you are a cop or a snitch. Get a tablet and I will go over my part.

Jane and I were on the phone for an hour an half.

Jane thanks wish me luck. Good luck and be careful. I will do my best.
The call ended and Maur looks at me worried. She knows what the case did to Yilena and I. She is worried about Yilena going back under cover and Janice playing me. I called Jay.

Jay this is Jane. I rather go with Yilena than Janice. She messes up even the slightest they will kill her. Rizzoli your a civilian now. I know that. I will be at the airport by 6:30 to get the suitcase of clothes and I will have some of my own. Jay I am going with your permission or not. Fine I will temporarily depitize you. Just be careful. I will do my best.
I hung up and Maur and I packed. We got back home by 12 enough time for her to give me a tattoo.

 We got back home by 12 enough time for her to give me a tattoo

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J I am coming with you. This tattoo won't last forever. Maur you know this is dangerous . Yes we three did it before. You not telling Jay are you? NO. I WILL TELL NEWSOM THOUGH. I now know how to use a gun back than I didn't. Well our wills our up to date. You call Katelyn while I speak with my family and business partners. We won't have our cells or anything they can contact us.

Maur finished packing and spoke to the governor and her sister. I contacted my business partners and family.

J and I made love, took a shower and left for the airport by Uber

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J and I made love, took a shower and left for the airport by Uber.

Rizzoli and Maura you shouldn't be here. Janice we are both worried of you forget one thing they will kill you. I know we look alike. You both are civilians. I am but not Jane. Jay made her to be a temporary deputy. I will take your luggage. Jay knows about me. They are calling for us to board. Enjoy your family time and work here.

We board the plane in first class.
Maura you didn't tell Jay did you? Nope don't need to only the governor. He is going to be pissed. Just like J told me the other night, I can't make everyone happy and shouldn't.
Let's get some sleep.
Maur is playing the doctor like last time if anyone of us gets hurt.

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