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Hello everyone thank you for all the gifts for Remi. Avery and I truly appreciate it. Please tell me if any problems have
arisen and how has it been resolved or not.

Two of the trainers explained to us all. As a group, we came up with possible solutions. Everyone had to be recertified in CPR and first aid from new borns to adults. I left them to be certified and went to my office.

I started answering my emails and booking more cities for the trainers to be at to do the training

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I started answering my emails and booking more cities for the trainers to be at to do the training. I emailed all of the trainers who was going when and where. I finished as I promised Avery. I headed to the grocery store to get the fixings for mashed potatoes and gravy that Avery and I were to bring tomorrow to my aunts house for Thanksgiving.
I finally made it home to read to my son before he took his nap.

Jackson how did things go? No problems. Your dad and sisters will be here soon. You just missed your grandparents. They left to go to your aunts to stay the night. I will be leaving soon so I can drive to my parents home for Thanksgiving. Thank you for giving me the time off. I will be here Monday at 7:30. Enjoy your Thanksgiving. You too Jackson.
Jackson finished putting Remi's clean clothes , fed him and changed him before he left. I stripped all of the beds and started the laundry. I was almost finished when my Jason and sisters arrived. They said hello and put their bags and fixings for several hams away before they headed to my son's room. Of course, Samantha woke up Remi from his nap. Jason and I told her he was all hers to deal with, since she woke him up. He was glad to see my family.

Jason - Jackson said your parents are here already. Glad they got here safely. Tabitha is making her way of doing the ham, I am making my way and Samantha is making hers. Tomorrow morning this place is going to be very aromatic. It's okay. I just wish Remi could eat it. Lisa he will eventually. I am go for a swim now, since Tabitha is in charge of Remi. Ah man, I wanted to go swimming. No Tabitha he's your responsibility now. I know dad. I guess he and I will study.
Jason - Avery was saying you now only have your suv now? Yes, I figured I might buy another vehicle. I am still debating on what make and model if I do. I am going to use Avery's office. By the way, I won that case. Jason I am so glad. I would've not, if it hadn't been for Avery. Jason what another lawyer in the family good for if she can't help with suggestions. Avery should be home anytime soon. Okay. Jason left to Avery's office while Samantha and I changed to swim after making our bed and switching the bedding to the dryer and starting another load . Tabitha study while having to look after my son.

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