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My brother, William, my sisters, Kelly and parents immediately got on their computers ordering items for a wedding after baby girl woke up Jackie as we were landing. Richard and Jackie were thrilled to have it at their homes. Jenna would bake the cake and the both of them would cook along with their staff the food. Lobster, steak or chicken. We were to write down who wanted what. My aunts Gloria and Kiki told me they beat us to Jackie and Richard and they would hire a band.

Lisa would you do me the honor and become my wife again. Yes babe. Dad you have two daughters to walk now. Wow a triple wedding.

The staff came and got us all.

We arrived at my parents new mansion after the last one exploded

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We arrived at my parents new mansion after the last one exploded. We were all happy no one wasn't home not even their staff who had time off while they were away on vacation .

Oh you guys it's so good to see you all so soon. Yes mom dad it's going to be a triple wedding now. All of the Harris sisters are getting married. Wow the wedding dress designer will be here with her staff tomorrow. She is bringing 25 of her staff and various materials and other items to make three dresses now. I better call her to have her bring more staff and material for 5 brides and one groom. Richard them to their rooms I need to call her immediately and with her attitude . HI DAD. HI SWEETIE.

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