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Auntie everlasting has expanded big time in Italy. Yes, the former owner or the other winery works for us at a chemist. His knowledge of the grapes we thought would be thrown out he managed to make excellent wine from. It was too bad his brother  did what he did benefiting everlasting. We vefree get going to the lake as l promised.

Baby girl did the druvhg . We arrived when they were putting the equipment away and running Richard was tying the huge boat . I thought you forgot about us sis. NO WE JUST WENT TO THE NEW Addition etcetera. Well we caught more than enough fish . Valerie and Kiki are going to smoke them.

We headed back to my parents home with security following us.
Maur I wonder if we will ever have a normal life again without,  explosions   accidents,shootings and kidnappings. Auntie I don't think none of us could handle it.
We finally arrive back.  Kiki and Gloria are getting the fish while Richard is gonna make the side dishes .
Ah the wine arrived . Ah thanks for getting alcohol free wine. It's not a problem Lisa.

Samantha have you given it some thought what I asked you? Yes their lease is up and I informed them the lease wouldn't be renewed. Carlo said he would make any changes . Will and I will go over the blue prints. We know the garage will need to be for two vehicles.  We don't want anyone the opportunity to vandalize them nice  area or not.  We will have access to the hot tub and pool correct? Yes your sister discussed that with me. I will have part of the fence to be a gate. Casey has already started on the remodeling of our place. They knocked a portion of the wall between the two condos and they are going to start on the two garages.  Your garage is a double like ours.  Your entrance will be on the side but still the same address. You are leaving us? Yes Auntie Amal . Joy I guess it will just be us three again. Amal I know you like having them, but I think we might cramp the newlyweds style.  Joy it's not that.  We didn't want to ask for more rooms to have our home offices.  It's okay. I completely understand.  I hope bedrooms and bathrooms will be sound proof that are adjoined to the bedroom or bedrooms.  Samantha are they? I don't know are they Kelly? Yes it was just remodeled not too long ago with a new modern kitchen. I had that done to it too. Yes auntie amal. Now Will and I get to have fun picking out furniture and all. Everyone please no gifts for our new place.  Please donate to your favorite charity.  As you know we don't need any help in that area.  I am surprised sis you are moving next to them when you two could afford any home. Will and I don't need anything  huge or fancy.  We got use to living in our condo back in college.  This place has more space than we are use to as it is. Samantha have you thought about the house my parents left you? Will that isn't a house. It's a mansion. To me that is all I knew what a house looked like growing up until I got older.  To answer your question yes.  I still will want the current staff to be employed and it will state in the lease agreement the butler and head cook or chef and one of the cleaning ladies is still to live on the grounds.  Just as your parents had it and the other employees would live elsewhere. Samantha you will lose some of the staff now because what my parents left them. I will have the lawyer to send me who us staying on as employees. This could change possibly change your mind.

Richard how are the side dishes coming?Quite well. Dad you still do alot of the cooking. Yes well you know your ex got me interested in cooking and I  try new things everyday. Some are good and others Jackie and I spit them out.  Oh my!
Avery and Jackie later on can you teach me and Will to salsa dance? Sure we can have salsa lessons for anyone interested. Mom I don't have the correct shoes. Yes, you do. One of the few things that didn't get ruined.

Okay everyone dinner will be outside  . We can use the tent. I might as well get some good use out of it. Everyone done and get your plates and served yourselves.  The tables have no linen on them.

My aunt Kiki and Valerie brought in all the fish inside and we started serving ourselves.

Will we have tonight and tomorrow to get the dance moves down.
Samantha if we don't , we don't . Please don't worry. I always pictured my wedding to be outside and me salsa dancing after I saw Avery, June,  Jane,  Maura,  Yilena and Beth dancing it well. Well it will be outside. I cannot promise I will get the steps right.
We all got out plates and the staff had extra silverware and glasses for the designer and her staff to join us . They were very appreciative.  The designer informed us that Samantha, Tabitha's, Janice,  Amal,  June. Avery Rizzoli, Parker, my grandparents and dad attire were done and just requires them try it on after they took q shower.  We all had a ball during dinner telling one another about us three sisters and our childhood. The designer and employees returned to working on our clothes. The ones needed to take showers took one first before the rest of us did.

My dad,  grandparents and auntie Janice attire required some minor adjustments only.   The soon to be spouses were not allowed to see any of their future spouse wedding attire.

We practiced salsa dancing  My family and others were doing well except for me. I felt like I had two left feet.  Will told me to relax and take a break.  We would continue tomorrow.  We all headed to our rooms for the night.

Maur what did you think of the clothing of of gowns, dresses and suits done so far.  This unknown person and her team are doing excellent job..I asked the designer for her business card. She has our measurements. I want her to make is some clothes fur future galas. Rose Fischer says she isn't  known yet but hoping with the photos taken of the wedding she will be . Good night J. Night Maur.

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