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Auntie I am here. Hey you two how's the studying going?Pretty good. 
We better go eat some left overs.   Don't sit down Tabitha. Your driving us to somewhere than we will get something to eat. Okay! See you two later. Have fun sis. Yes what your sister said. Okay bye. Aunties where too? Amal mentioned to me Avery's old car has alot of miles on it. Yes it does.  I spoke to all of the Harris last night via text and William too this morning. Okay and? Well we are gonna go shopping for your new vehicle.  No way Aunties. Yes way sweetheart. Amal and I  are covering for now the total cost except the five grand Samantha and William both wrote each me a check. Aunties oh my .

My sister screams and Will and I both laugh. Tabitha comes running in and gives us a big hug and thanks us.
She leaves and I lock the door this time and the alarm and we return to studying.

Okay now since you are calmer where too? I know you said a BMW suv or a land rover. Which one? I am liking the land rover more auntie. They cost less here than the bay area. Your aunt Amal knows the owner. 

My auntie tells me which one and I am driving there.

Tabitha you have to use this vehicle as a trade in. Not a problem. I am gonna be a land rover owner. Yes you are sweetie. Are you getting a regular license plate or a vanity one. A Tahoe one with hopefully nurses ♡. If it is still available  I am so excited and  cannot deny it.

We all were singing the song when we arrived at the dealership.  It sure looks like we might get a summer rain.

Amal gets our first to go speak with the owner

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Amal gets our first to go speak with the owner.  My  niece and I  are looking around when I see my nieces eyes light up .

Janice this is Debra she and her husband own this place. Debra this is my wife. Janice and our niece , Tabitha. Hello ladies. I see you found one that interests you and Amal said you will be cash and trading on your vehicle. Yes. Well I need you license and your insurance card along with your jets so one of the mechanics can test drive and I inspect it. I normally would have a salesperson go with you, but I  trust Amal.  Let's switch keys. I will be right back with them and your items. Okay thank you.
My aunts come with me while I test drive it.

What do you think?It rums smooth and I like it

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What do you think?It rums smooth and I like it. Okay let me handle the negotiating agreement you and Janice go test drive another one.  Okay .

We returned and Debra asks me how I  like it. I would like to test drive this one too.  Okay will be right back with the keys and will take these back. Leave them with Mr Debra. I would like to look at this one further. Okay.

Debra leaves and Janice tells me smooth. I will keep her busy.  Come back in ten minutes and say you like this one too.  Okay auntie.
Tabitha and Janice here is the keys for this one .

 Tabitha and Janice here is the keys for this one

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Thank you.

My wife and niece leave to test drive the red land rover.
I look into the cargo area and turn on the stereo .

Debra if she gets this one. I want ten grand off, on star for a year and satellite. What no oil  change and full tank of gas. Sure why not.  Debra this is what this car is worth. It has alot or miles and just needs a tunr up to fix the roughness. It's actually on good shape . Thank you Steve  .
Okay if she gets this one with the trade in I will sell you it for 29,999 plus tax and registration. So your looking at 39, 500.  What about the red one? 45,590. 00 in addition to registration and taxes . She wants a vanity plate with tahoe background. Same price. You are killing me here.  Yes I know.  I hope she picks the one she is in now. I bet you do.

They return and Tabitha hands her back the keys.

Which one do you like? The first one. I told your aunt the cost with trade in and everything else.  Debra which is?
29,999 plus tax and registration. So your looking at 39, 500 with on star , satellite and oil  change for a year and full tank of gas . I will take it. This will include my vanity plate too.  Unfurnately yes.  Please remove your items from this vehicle and you have your pink slip? Auntie I don't have it. I do your dad sent via a courier to the house. Please sign it over to the dealership information like this. Will you still have nation wide ad your insurance? Auntie? Yes please cakm this number and speak with my brother. Amal and Tabitha please come with me once you transfer everything.  Debra it's done. I am neat and don't like carrying alot on my vehicle except my gym bag and tennis racket bag.I  will have them gas it up and wash it really quick .
We all go with Debra who hands a sales lady the keys and pink slip and tells her to get the land rover gas and washed. I will be right back  I am gonna take a photo of it. Okay .

Tabitha runs to take a photo of it and returns.
I'm texting the family thanking them and sending it to Kelly too.
Debra  spoke with my brother.

Tabitha the insurance is being removed shortly and this is being added onto your father's policy. 
Please write down what you want on tahoe plate
nurses ♡.  I will check to see if it's available. You lucked out it is. Please sign here. I will take the check Amal.  Thanks Debra. The suv will be out here shortly  .

I was getting responses and they loved it.  I told them Amal did the haggling and my dad said next time he is taking Amal with him. The three of us laughed.
I text Kelly separate.  She didn't respond and I knew she could  be busy and would reply when she wasn't.

Amal with the price you got it down too  I will be ripping the kids check and ask for  a thousand only  sounds perfect. Auntie how much did you get it off the top for cash? TEN GRAND THAN THE OTHER STUFF. DEBRA TELLS ME SHE WAS SURPRISED I DIDN'T WANT TUNE UPS AND A TANK OF GAS. SHE WAS HOPING YOU WOULD OF PICKED THE OTHER ONE. EVEN THOUGH YOUR CAR DIDN'T GET GOOD REVIEWS THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO LOVE MUSTANGS .IT JUST NEEDED A TUNE UP.  You got a high trade in value for it .
Thank you two so much. No. Problem.  You just remember when Remi gets older or any other nieces or nephews biological or not. This tradition is to continue. They get your land rover when you get a new one and you help with the monies.  I will auntie .
Tabitha here is your keys. Pink slip and receipts with your car manual. Enjoy it and thank you.  Amal no more coming back for awhile. Okay Debra  and thank you.  Your very welcome

I was getting ready to start my vehicle when Kelly text back. ❤ it xoxo. See you around 5 thirty.  ❤ U. Love you too.

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