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Auntie I handing you the check for the sale of my mother's home. You put alot of money in it too besides me. Oh sweetheart thank you. Joy tomorrow please take her to the bank so can deposit it. Parker I don't have to do that. I have an application on my cell that I can deposit it now. Please do it than.

The check was sizeable for the sale of the house to a complete stranger. There friend had moved out and got her own place instead of buying my mother's home. She said it was too big for her to keep up. Parker gave the furniture and contents to her aunt and mother's friends.

Jenna, Yilena and I finally arrive at the Marriott in Boston. Maur is crying when she sees us three.

Jenna your here? Yes I was on duty to keep them safe. Frankie asked me to help along with three of my former colleagues of the special investigation unit. So this is why Jay changed our units name and we are working other cases besides homicides. I guess so.

Maur kissed Jenna and Yilena on the cheek and kisses me passionately. Jenna said her goodbyes and we thanked her for her help. Maur plans on sending all the past and present detectives ahthr warden a menu that they can each other three cases of wine of their choosing once she is allowed to contact Katelyn or give them an option to stay at her cabin rent free for 7 days which they will have to work out with the property manager or the third option is the the bed and breakfast inn in Italy  for seven days room only which they will have to work out with the manager of the inn.

It was dinner time so one of the officers left to go get us turkey burgers for the works for J with large fries and strawberry milkshake, Yilena a double cheese burger with the works, two large onion rings chocolate milkshake with two cold ale beers. With a dozen of double chocolates chips cookies with milk for us all. My wife and I took a shower and made love in the shower. Yilena took a hot bath she said. Our food arrived and the two of us pigged out from the daily robber. They kept practically the same menu with a few more healthy items along with alcohol free beers. Wines from Everlasting winery . Kiki still owned it. She had hired better cook and waiters and waitresses that didn't cop an attitude. She added the changes at the request of the Boston police officers. J and Yilena ate their food and then I had three cookies. Yilena four cookies and J with five cookies with milk. We all went to bed together and Maur was in the middle. Nothing sexual just happy we were still alive. We watched a few comedies than we eventually fell asleep. J and Yilena fell asleep first.

Auntie Kiki and auntie Lisa I am so happy that they are all alive. I want them all the gang members killed. Baby girl you never been that way. Auntie Kiki if not they will always be looking over their shoulders like auntie Gloria did for years . Babe I am with baby girl. It was a very hard life as you know. You only saw a little bit. Izzy and I marriage was on edge alot. My blood pressure was always high alert. Avery I can understand your view sweetie. Thank for agreeing with me June. Aunties thank you for dinner but we need to get home . We have to be up early for work. June has a shoot in Boston with Christina for the police department, mayor and Massachusetts governor. June don't go to where they are. Actually we have the same hotel but Frankie told me no communication at all. Glad your following my nephew's instructions.
We hugged them and left to go home after saying we loved one another.

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