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I woke up early and started cooking my ham and my dad and Tabitha were cooking there's while Lisa was making mash potatoes.

Avery can we talk in private? Sure Samantha we can go in my office.

We walk to my home office and I close the door.

Whats up Samantha? I am going to need your support today when I tell dad and auntie I switched majors . Why did you do that? I wasn't liking the med courses. Our grandparents and now Tabitha knows. I will be graduating cum de laude this spring in marital law. Oh sis that is terrific. The three Harris will be lawyers. I am so happy for you. I will support you. You should of been honest with them but everyone only wants what will make you happy. You know family comes above all first. Thank you. How did they not realize when you came home with your books? You know how dad gets squirming? Yes. When ever he or Tabitha would enter the room, I had a book in between and my lap top screen saver was a bloody person.
Okay you. I am happy you told at least a few. Cum de laude. WOW.

I hugged my sister and we went back into the kitchen.

Babe is the deep fry turkeys almost done? Yes Halle. Okay, I am gonna get the trays containers so we can sit them in my car. Halle let me take them in my car just in case any of the oil drops. I can rinse off my truck. Okay.

Amal stop fretting everything looks nice. Thank you Becky. Taste my stuffing. Oh Becky you gonna make me cry. Why,? This is exactly how my mother's would taste and she refused to give the recipe to my brother or I. Babe you missing your family. Yes holidays was always a big thing for us at my parents home when we were younger and when I got my job as a tax attorney. I started to host them. This is why I wanted to host it instead of Kiki. Well once you explained it to Kiki she and Lisa had no problem hosting it. Everyone is coming and the tent is set up outside for everyone with the heaters.

Amelia and my brother Jaime showed up and instantly she apologized to Avery and me. We hadn't seen them since they moved to Florida and she came onto my wife. My brother thought it was best they stay at a hotel while they were here. We agreed.

I am glad you two were able to make it to California for Thanksgiving. Yes, I have a part I am auditioning for in LA on Monday so we will have to leave on Saturday so I can rest up and practice my lines. Ok - no problem. Let me introduce you to people.

June went and did that while I brought the crab dressing to serving table. Amal made sure each dish was labeled with the ingredients so everyone could make sure if they had an allergy they could read it. She made it in big font so all could read it easily

 She made it in big font so all could read it easily

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Everyone thank you for coming. All the dishes are labeled with the ingredients. Please check the ingredients. We only have two doctors here and they would prefer not to do any medical treatment if it can be avoided. As we all know four people who normally would be here can't but Frankie informed me they are safe and enjoying it together with each other and the officers who are watching them. They have made this video for us to view. Babe please hit play.

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