Complicated Things like Feelings

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"The Well of Time."

"Yes. I saw it when the Augur showed me my timeline," Lila raked her hand through her locks in barely restrained frustration, "the answer's there. I feel like it is."

They returned back from their little trip to the Augurs' and to say that she was flabbergasted by the turn of events was an understatement. Newt had been patient as she recounted the entire story of how her timeline was supposed to play out, gentle aquamarine blue eyes providing her with a sense of comfort that made her feel heard, warm inside.

That, and the fact that he'd reassured her by stating that while Augurs were a big predictor of time, that didn't mean they were always right. There was always a chance of error when dealing with the concept of time.

And now, as they sat around Newt's dinner table filled with empty plates of food -- Lila had whipped up a quick fried noodle recipe that her brothers always doted on -- Lila quickly summarized the flow of events to the older Scamander brother in ordee to shed light on her options. Not that she had any.

"So wait, hold on a minute," Theseus held out a hand, frowning as he took in her information, "you want to travel to Japan and see if you can find the Well of Time there? Why exactly?"

"The Well of Time is an entity, not am object. It recognizes people and maybe--" Lila tried hard not to think of what would happen if all else failed, "--maybe it might remember me."

And, she added silently, Faolan's life was at stake. Lila could not move on and act like everything was fine when clearly, there was something else, somwthing bigger going on.

"And what if it doesn't?" Theseus, of course, had to voice out the question.

She shot him a glare, but replied, "well... we'll find out soon enough."

He didn't seem too convinced. But nobody was certain that this was the solution. Maybe it was another fruitless exploration that would lead to nothing but more heartbreak, more reminding that Lila was stuck here with nowhere else to go.

And yet... what else could she do apart from hope that one day, her search would lead her back home?

Because deep inside her heart, Lila still believed that there was a way back to where she belonged. And she wasn't ready to give that up yet.

Newt kept quiet as she went over her plan; to travel by boat to Japan and find the Unspeakables headquarters in hopes that she'd find something relevant. Then, she would consult the Well of Time and see what it would tell her. Maybe she would even come in time to save Faolan.


It didn't mean much when his name was mentioned now, maybe due to the fact that she hadn't seen him in so long. That didn't mean that saying his name under the tip of her tongue didn't stir something up inside her. This was the man that Lila had crushes on for the paat five years, and she wasn't about to forget him anytime soon.

"Are you certain this is the only way?" came Newt's question when she was done with the itinerary.

"Obviously not," Lila bit down onto her lower lip, "but I don't have much of a choice, do I?" She glanced between the two brothers, feeling their silent disapproval in the way they were gazing up at her standing figure, "I need to know that Faolan is safe, I need to know if I can go back to where I belong because I-- My brothers don't know and they'll be worried, and I left them alone--"

She choked on her own voice, looked away in an attempt to seal the emotion rising up in the back of her throat.

"I just want to make things right again," her voice came out as a hushed murmur, "this is my life we're talking about."

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