Mission Impossible

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"Mrs Ling, how lovely to see you again."

"I could say the same about you, Kazuha."

That was the ongoing conversation happening right before the Ministry's entrance while Lila, trying to be as inconspicuous as ever, stands on the other side of the column in hopes that her young grandmother would not figure out that there's a trespasser listening in on her conversation.

"Any new reports since last Friday?"

"Well there is something weird going on between aurors right now. What is the issue, we're not quite sure."

"Is it the Chinese aurors again coming to protest against their rights to work?"

"Something like that, yes." A pause. "I believe that there are other people who are angry about being fired just because they carry a Chinese family name. Not just aurors. The ministry in general is going through a complete scan of their employees."

Celia chuckled, "that only means I'm next on the list."

"I wouldn't be so scared if I were you Ms. Ling," Kazuha was quick to answer, "the head auror is quite fond of you, after all."

"Is he now? How lovely..."

And in they went through the doors, leaving Lila standing like a complete idiot without another plan. Not that she had much of one anyway. What was she to do? Barge in-between their conversation in hopes that Celia would recognize her and like her enough to usher her in?

On the other hand, Lila could potentially enter as a guest. As a client looking for a service.

Hmm, Lila thought to herself as she watched wizards come and go.

A few minutes after found her in the queue for administration, hands clasped in front of her and her head bowed like a diligent lady. The perfect picture of one. She'd even made sure to dress for the occasion. Theseus would've been proud of her if he saw her put in so much effort.

While she waited, she couldn't help but look around at what was the Ministry building before it got refurbished. Unlike Britain, the Ministry of Japan was made of the same light wooden material used for its houses, with a rectangular, open-spaced plan that gave way to all the different sections as soon as one individual would walk in. Up above were wooden railings blending in with the architectural infrastructure and was home to the mail owls that flew back and forth between Japan and the other countries. Everyone was dressed in either a white shirt and black slacks or a kimono. It was still very common for women to wear kimonos and Lila felt strangely out of place in her British themed coat.

"Next," the wizard at the administrator counter did not look like he was having a particularly great time. Then again, no one in the Japanese ministry seemed to be having it easy. Blue aprons dotted the skin underneath his eyes and his hair looked like a bird's nest. Lila couldn't help but feel sympathetic towards the young man.

"Who am I speaking to and how can I help?" He asked in the most mundane voice possible.

Lila cleared her throat, "well, uhm. My name is Nancy Wong and I'm looking for a certain Lila Ling-I mean," she was quick to catch herself, reddening as she did so, "I meant Celia Ling, sorry. You know, me and my Japanese. Haha."

The wizard, whose name tag read Mizuku Kotarou, merely stared at her like she'd blurted out she was a criminal.

Finally, he let out a soft exhale before looking down at his diary, "why do you need Celia Ling?"

"I-uh, we're cousins. Yup, that's right. Can you see the resemblance? No, oh well that's okay," Lila rambled on while her brain steamed up like a train. What in the world was she saying?! "I need to see her. It's a family emergency."

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