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While an owl had been sent in urgency to the British Ministry of Magic, it was up to the small group of wizards to find a mechanic that could potentially help fix the broken time-turner while waiting for orders from the head auror Hawks.

As they ate their breakfast that morning - as per what the Japanese were used to eating, boiled eggs on white rice with some miso soup made by Celia - they tried brainstorming a plan that had various alternatives in case they all fell through at some point.

"I think that we shouldn't just trust anyone with that time-turner," Theseus said in-between sips of soup, "and how are we going to explain this?"

"You don't have to explain anything," Celia argued, "it's their job to fix things without asking anything in return. We pay them for this."

Theseus didn't look convinced. He crossed his arms, eyebrows furrowed and a scowl imprinting on his face, "I still don't think it's a good idea-"

"But we don't have any other choice," Lila intervened, "unless you have another way of traveling to my time to get Grindlewald back."

"This Well of Time..." Newt started, hesitating for a few beats before continuing, "how was he able to use it to travel?"

Lila shrugged, "no idea. He might've cursed it. Maybe cruciatus, though I doubt that would bring him all the way to my timeline."

"We should ask the Well of Time then," Celia said, "maybe you haven't been asking the right questions."

"And you want me to go there how? I'm literally wanted all over the country-"

"Not yet. And not if you use polyjuice potion."

"And turn into who exactly? We don't even know who has access to-"

Celia cut her off by lifting a clear plastic bag, in it containing a few long strands that curled at the edges. There was a small smirk dancing along her lips as Lila's eyes widened a fraction.

"Who-Who's this for?" Lila couldn't help but splutter.

"It's Taneki," Celia said, "the guy whom I spoke to a few days ago when we were trying to get in."

How did Celia even fall upon such a rarity is a surprise, but a welcome one nevertheless. This is how they decided that Celia - since she was more familiar with Taneki's schedule - would catch him by surprise, knock him out, and drag him to a nearby supply closet with the help of Newt. Theseus would then slip into the Unspeakables Department with Lila dressed as Taneki, and try and speak to the Well of Time once more in hopes that it would provide them with better answers to their questions.

"Right well," Celia pursed her lips, "I'll have to figure out when he actually comes out of his office. I know it's late at night, but I'll be on the lookout."

As per Celia's theory, Taneki was supposed to end his last shift around eight in the evening and coincidentally, Celia would be at work at exactly the same time. This would give her the opportunity to hex him without any witnesses nearby. Wizards were usually gone at this hour of night.

"Okay, and what about the mechanic?" Theseus asked once the Japanese woman had finished explaining her plan, "do we still need to look for one?"

They exchanged looks of concern. Finally, Newt said, "I wouldn't give the time-turner to anyone. One report could send us all to Azkaban. It's better if we try talking directly to the Well of Time."

They all agreed. The time-turner was something that came from the future, and any accusations related to that would just make things more difficult for both the Scamander brothers and the youngest Ling.

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