A Case Full of Beasts

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Growing up, Lila had seen her fair share of wild magical beasts that roamed around the area of Japan, with Petrels being the ones whom she was most acquainted to.

Back in Mahoukotoro Academy of Magic, the students had a special activity that only Japan seemed to thrive in, and that was Petrel racing. Lila dimly remembered flying through with her assigned Petrel partner as they would whizz through the sky and clear away from obstacles. It had been the trendiest sport, a sport of not only magic but of a comradeship between wizards and their creatures, and it had been with a heavy heart that Lila had to say goodbye on her very last day at her magical school.

But Newt's Scamander's case was unchartered territory altogether.

It was spectacular. No, not even spectacular. Spectacular didn't even cut it.

It was purely, breathtakingly magical.

Lila gaped. And gaped. Mouth open. Eyes wide.

She would've continued on standing there like an idiot if not for Newt's soft chuckle before he motioned her forward.

She stepped into the makeshift fences that lined the small open-plan cottage that seemed to contain all of Newt's belongings, gazing up at the large creature that seemingly resembled like the distant relative of a rhino, except with softer curves and with a bulbous forehead. It was presently nuzzling Newt while he rubbed under its chin and proceeded to fill its feeding station.

Taking notice of her gaping form, Newt's head turned to address her, "Erumpent. She's usually picky with who she likes."

Lila merely blinked, not quite sure what to make of what she was seeing. A few doxies fluttered around her, causing her to flinch back on impulse.

"Don't worry, they don't bite unless you stick your hand out," Newt called as he gave the Erumpent a final pat.

Then, he strode over to his makeshift wooden counter before grabbing onto a bucket, gesturing her to come along as he went.

Up ahead, mooncalves were already jumping up and down at the prospect of food, their elongated heads bobbing along to Newt's every movement.

And maybe it was the fact that he was in his natural element, maybe it was the fact that his face was relaxed and open, free from creases in comparison to how flustered he always seemed to be. But Lila couldn't help but find the smile dancing across his lips quite charming, to say the least.

She approached the pen, quickly dodging a giant beetle as it scuttled past her. And as though they were already friends, some of the mooncalves bounced over to where she stood with her hands thrust unsurely in her jean pockets. Their eyes shone and their tongues lolled out in excitement, jumping at intervals.

Lila let out a giggle, hand reaching out to pet one of them. It snuggled up to her, meeping softly.

"They seem to like you."

Lila's eyes glanced up to see Newt's gaze on her, "how long have you had them all?" she couldn't help but be amazed by his handiwork. She wasn't a great connoisseur on Magical Creatures but there seemed to be a lot of ongoing work to maintain all of these to perfect condition.

"Oh for a while now," Newt extended his arm as they gobbled up the pellets, all pushing each other out of the way as they did so, "sometimes I take them in to put them back where they belong. Others...Those who have nowhere to be, they--they stay with me, in my case." 

"That's--" Lila's words turned to mush. No wonder this man was known worldwide and had a reputation of gold, "that's amazing." 

If she'd expected anything from him, it would've probably been around the idea of embarrassment and him flushing right down to the tips of his toes while he did his very best to avoid her gaze. But Newt didn't do that. Surprisingly, he merely lifted his cerulean orbs so that they locked onto hers, his pools of blue swirling with a bright fire she couldn't quite place, yet made her heart squeeze. 

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