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Another explosion of colours busted the windows of Newt's flat, rattling the furniture as Lila stood, arms crossed over her chest and with a glare pointed towards the said broken time-turner that she'd been working on for days. The said asian girl huffed, quickly dusting herself off and grabbing a hold of her wand to repair everything back to how it originally was with a flick through the air.

"Everything okay up there?" Newt's voice boomed from the suitcase.

Lila grimaced, though she yelled back, "yeah. It's fine!"

It was not fine.

Nothing was going as she was planning it to. Things kept breaking and experiments kept on going awry no matter how many times she tried assembling them with the right doses of magic. Lila's patience was running thin, not that she was patient in the first place. She'd always leaned more towards impulsiveness and getting things done as soon as she possibly could.

But this time-turner was making it especially difficult for her to function to the best of her availability.

"Nothing! Absolutely nothing works!" Lila threw her hands in the air to display her exasperation that night, when the pair had dropped by Theseus's house for dinner. It was a monthly event, Newt had muttered with a slight grumble, as though the thought of sitting through dinner with his older brother was as bad as re-taking his O.W.L.S.

"I'm really starting to question whether you're straight up lying about coming from the future," Theseus stated as he shoved some mashed potatoes in his mouth. Beside him was an empty chair designated for the short-haired American auror, who seemed to be running a little late tonight.

Lila narrowed her eyes at him, "do I look like I'm lying?"

Theseus raised a brow, gave her a once over, before returning to his plate, "You're right. You look too crappy to be making it up--"

Lila cut him off by shoving his shoulder so roughly he almost toppled from his chair, and a small burst of laughter rumbled through his chest, eyes crinkling up in amusement.

"Not funny, doucheface," she scowled, before glancing over at the empty seat, "Newt, where's your girlfriend? The dinner's almost done."

The said magizoologist stiffened, blood rushing to his cheeks as he mumbled out, "she's not--she's not my girlfriend."

"Sure, whatever floats your boat I guess," Lila rolled her eyes, "but honestly, there's nothing really fun happening in my life right now. Might as well live vicariously through yours. So when are you planning on asking her out?"

Newt's blush was a raging fire ravaging his face, down his neck. Lila wouldn't be surprised to find that he was blushing down to his toes, "you--it's not, it's not that easy."

"Want me to ask her for you?"

Newt's eyes widened in horror, causing Theseus to burst into even louder laughs, "I like this one. She's spunky."

As though the devil had conjured her out of thin air, the said female auror appeared with a crack! a few minutes later in the middle of Theseus's living room, looking like she'd aged a few years since Lila had last seen her. She didn't hesitate to fling her coat onto one of the chairs before sitting at the table with nothing more than a grunt of acknowledgement.

"Rough night?" Lila asked lightly, though she immediately averted her eyes the moment Tina's orbs flashed up to hers. There was something intimidatingly scary about Tina's facade. It made Lila feel unsettled somehow, as though there was just something about her that she couldn't quite place. It made the asian girl awkward and always trying to fumble with her words whenever the woman was around.

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