Rollin in the 1930's

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Lila stared up at the big victorian columns that flanked the giant oak doors of the Ministry, heart thudding like a hummingbird in her chest. Last night, the Magizoologist's proposition had been a great idea, a solution to all her problems. But now, standing before the actual building with constant streams of wizards coming in and out as comfortably as salmon swimming through water, Lila wasn't so sure whether this was what she wanted right now.

"My brother likes playing hero," Newt murmured, looking just as nervous as she was, "you'll be fine."

Lila's eyes stuck to the ground as the pair made their way inside, careful not to stick out likr a sore thumb even though, now that she spared a few glances here and there, she was glad that her beige coat hid her jeans and all too casual baby blue shirt, her customary office attire.

If she thought she was in a nightmare, then the long coats and fancy hairdos were crude reminders that she was indeed, as far as home could be.

They passed by a stone fountain and walked down the open hallway lined with chimneys, wizards appearing out of green flames and going about their daily routine. At the very end stood an old-fashioned elevator sectioned off with a bright red fence that reminded Lila of the colour of double-decker buses.

The pair stepped inside the elevator as it traveled up the floors until it reached its desired destination: the Aurors department. Unlike the Unspeakables Department, Aurors usually had offices that overlooked the cityscape and the British Ministry of Magic was no different. Mahogany desks lined the main corridor and as she followed with her head held down, she couldn't help but notice the tension in Newt's shoulders, as if he was just as uncomfortable as she was to be here.

But it wasn't like he had been transported back 90 years in the past.

He had nothing to complain about, she huffed to herself.

They stepped before what seemed to be a receptionist, where Newt identified himself and asked to see the head auror. The wizard nodded before gesturing down the hallway.

The pair stopped in front of a door made out of the same wood as the desks, a gold plaque glistening atop its surface with a name engraved:

Theseus Scamander, head auror.

Newt took a shaky breath, reached out and knocked twice.

"Come in." A deep alto called out from the other side.

It was no surprise to find that Theseus Scamander bore the similar features found in his younger brother, with a darker shade of auburn locks and the same clear blue eyes that were presently narrowed in suspicion. He was tall, taller than Newt, and held an air of confidence that seemed absent in the younger Scamander.

"Newt," Theseus greeted, "I was wondering what could possibly cause my brother to show up at the Ministry now that the whole Grindelwald affair is over and done with."

The auror'a blue orbs then slid over to Lila's face and she forced herself to squirm underneath the intensity of his gaze.

"Theseus," Newt greeted back before gesturing towards Lila, "this is Lila. She's...she's a friend."

Theseus's eyebrow shot up in amusement. Lila felt her face grow hot. Not that kind of friend, dumbass, she felt like snapping.

"I was hoping to talk to one of your colleagues," Newt continued, "Yasmin, to be more exact."

"Yasmin?" Theseus echoed, "from the Unspeakables Department?"

Newt's head ducked down, eyes flitting around nervously, "yes."

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