Newt Scamander

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When Lila's mind slowly woke from her slumber, it was with great difficulty that she managed to blink away the stars pulsing through her eyes. She shook her head and slowly came around to seeing that she was in a room. It smelt foreign, it felt foreign.

Instantly, the memories came washing back and Lila's hand shot up to clutch the time-turner, only to curl around thin air.

She sat up so abruptly that the world spun for a minute, and so she rubbed at her temple, trying to think of how she'd managed to find herself stuck in a time she hadn't even asked to be stuck in.

There had to be a mistake. Or was it just a huge-ass joke?

The door on the far left opened before her thoughts wandered any further, and in came a man with dishevelled auburn hair that looked like he hadn't brushed it in days and a shirt tucked into beige pants.

He held up his hands as soon as Lila scrambled the blankets against her form, a sign of peace, "it's alright, I'm not here to hurt you."

She could see the wariness in his eyes and was certain that was a perfect mirror of her own expression.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Her hands fisted upon her blankets, "where's my wand?"

That was obviously not the greatest thing to blurt out, especially since she wasn't certain that he was a muggle. But right now, she really couldn't care less.

He nodded towards the desk beside her and she quickly grabbed onto it, the familiar warmth of the wood bringing some kind of comfort.

"Who are you?" She asked again.

"I'm Newt, Newt Scamander. I'm a--a Magizoologist, of a sort," he was eyeing her warily, unsure of what her next move was going to be as he slowly stepped towards the bed.

The name sounded familiar somehow. Scamander? She dug through her memories and frowned for a moment. 

Then it hit her.

"N-Newt Scamander?" Her jaw dropped, "As in, the one who wrote Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them?"


Okay Lila, think. Newt Scamander is probably around eighty years old in your time, her thoughts started running amok in her brain, it didn't make sense that the same Newt Scamander was standing before her looking like they were the same age.

Wait. Her brain backtracked to their first encounter, 1930.

She had gone back in time.


"So let me get this straight," she took a deep breath, shuddering slightly, "we're really in the 1930's?"

Newt blinked, crystal blue eyes open with curiosity. He nodded. 

"Oh dear merlin," Lila felt her heart pick up its pace as her breaths turned shallow. Panic flooded through her at the thought that there was no logic to this. Time-turners usually brought one back for a maximum of five hours, depending on the revolutions of the device. But since the time-turner had broken underneath her weight, its magic might have somehow caused her to travel back to the 1930's by accident. It didn't make sense, but it seemed to be the only explanation at the moment. 

Her hand palmed at her chest before her gaze swivelled up to meet his in a mixture of fear and panic, "Where is it? Where is my time turner?" 

"Your what?" 

"My time-turner. My necklace," her brain was running hundred miles an hour, "where is it?!" 

"I have it," Newt watched her face soften with slight relief. Things were getting curiouser and curiouser by the minute and he wasn't sure he was all too thrilled about it, "what's going on? And why's your necklace so important?" 

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