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Newt had been busy.

No, that was an understatement. He made himself busy. He wanted to be busy.

Every morning was a routine. He woke up, checked the vitals of the eggs nested close to his bed for warmth, then padded out into his trunk. He greeted every magical creature, tendes to those who needed ointment, and ensured that everyone was having a generally nice morning. He spent the most time with the mooncalves, who seemed a little down ever since Lila'd departure. But he wasn't thinking of that. He wasn't thinking about her at all.

Oh, who was he kidding?

Definitely not his Nifflers. They caused a ruckus, throw tantrums anytime they could. It was their way of showing their discontentment and Newt had no heart to scold them. He felt the same way.

"Any letters from Lila yet?" Theseus asked when he'd visited him a few days ago, briefcase in hand and looking like a wet dog. The storm was raging outside, a thick fog covering the entire city.

Newt shook his head, trying to stop the swell of worry blooming across his chest, "she would have arrived to Japan by now."

Theseus nodded, "knowing her though, she'll take care of herself."

There was a hesitance before Newt answered, "yes. I'd like to think so."

A few days after that found Newt huddled up in one of England's national parks, crouched down on all fours and trying to get the attention of an escaped Pixie who had decided it would be fun to travel all the way from Paris.

Pixies were fickle creatures and loved working, always ready to clean with a rag in hand. Precisely the reason why Newt was taking his time. A lot of time, particularly.

The pixie was just within reach. If only he stretched his arm a little longer--

A blur of white and brown zipped past him. Newt gasped, toppling over and causing the pixie to shriek in delight before it took flight.

He groaned, dusting off his pants before looking up only to notice an owl perched on the branch. It blinked at him, hooted twice, and held out the letter dangling from its beak.


"Hello there," Newt murmured, reaching over to gently pry the letter away. The owl let him, hooting once more before flying over to settle on his shoulder. Seemed to be a species from Asia.

Something that felt like hope burst through Newt's chest. Lila.

No. He shouldn't keep his hopes up.

Settling down and quickly prying it open, Newt smoothed out the crinkles as his eyes took in the contents. It was definitely Lila's handwriting and warmth blossomed through his chest at that, causing a small smile to dangle from his lips.

"Dear Newt,

I hope that the nifflers haven't been missing me too much. If so, just tell them I'll be back real soon. You didn't think I was gone forever now, did you?

Say hello to the mooncalves for me. I actually miss them a lot. Ah, and Theseus as well, I guess.

Anyway, the reason why I wrote to you is because I managed to find my house. My grandma's there. I think I might have found a lead. She works in the ministry as an auror. A great way to get in.

I'll keep you posted if I find anything. Don't worry about me (if you are but let's face it, you're probably neck-deep in your suitcase).

See you soon, hopefully.

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