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I almost lost my mind after a couple of days of not seeing Corbin.
I mean, sure he punched my tooth out and yeah I told him that I hated him but I still kinda needed him.
I went out, trained, ate and then sat in my room for the rest of the day like a prisoner.

I was laying face down on my pillow, playing my now favourite game of How-Long-Can-I-Stay-Like-This-Before-I- Lose-My-Damn-Mind when my door swung open.
I looked up quickly, expecting Corbin but it was only my parents stood at the door.
"Oh," I said and pressed my face back down.
"Caden, sweetheart, don't do this," Mom said sitting beside me.

I didn't answer her.
"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" She asked.
"What do you want?"
"My brother,"

Dad sighed and then crouched down beside my bed.
"Son, you know why we can't do that. You'll end up killing each other,"
I sat up.
"Why can't I at least see him, just once?"
"I know you miss your brother but it's for the best,"

I groaned out loud.
"That is such a sucky answer,"
"Watch it, kid," Dad warned.
I folded my arms and sighed.
"I can't wait until all of this is over," I mumbled. "Are you sure me and Corbin can't just retire already?"
Dad smiled and ruffled my hair.
"You'll be fine, I promise,"

"I need my twin though," I moaned.
Dad stood up and looked down hard at me.
"Stay away from him, Caden. Please."

I waited until they were clear downstairs before I could creep out of my room. I crept down the long hallway having to pause at the smallest sound. Eventually I got to the door which separated our wings and I thought I finally made it undetected but suddenly a random woman from the pack opened the door.

She frowned at me.
"Caden? You're not supposed to down here,"
I refused to panic and did my best Corbin impression, widening my eyes a little and putting on a worried expression.
"I'm Corbin, I just went out to get some air,"
She narrowed her eyes suspiciously and I held my breath.
But after a moment she smiled
"Oh, sorry, sweetheart. But you do know there's another staircase closer to your room? Take those next time,"

I gave my sweetest smile.
"Yes of course, thank you,"
She stepped to the side to let me go through.
"You're so polite," she commented.
"You should hear Caden. He's a dream."

I left her quickly before she could detect anything and made my way down the hallway, sniffing out Corbin's scent. Once I got to his door, I pushed it open but instead of being greeted by him, his mate was lounging on his bed fast asleep.

"Hey!" I went over and snapped my fingers in her face. She shot awake like an electric current went through her and clutched her heart.
"Caden! What the hell you don't creep up to people like that!"
"Where's Corbin?"
"Why are you even here? I thought you weren't allowed,"

"I can go wherever I want, now where's Corbin?"
Avri folded her arms.
"Ask nicely,"
"Tell me where my brother is or I'll throw you out of the window, please,"

"You'll do what?" Corbin's voice came from behind me. I spun around and I almost ran straight to him to hug him but I restrained myself.

We looked at each other a little awkwardly. The last time we saw each other wasn't exactly a memory to keep.
Corbin wiped a little sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand.
"Hi, how are you?"

This wasn't exactly what I'd been expecting. I was hoping for a slow-motion run up where we throw ourselves into each others arms kinda thing. But then again I realised how is basically told him I despised him.
"Good, good," was all I could say.
"Well, uhm, can I just -?" He pointed to his bathroom door where I was stood blocking the entry. I'd been complaining, chewing off the field ear of anyone willing to listen that I hadn't seen him and that I was dying without him but once I was face to face with him, I wanted to run back to my room.

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