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I don't think I even managed to do a square inch of the floor for my punishment. Not even after Corbin came over and got down on all fours to help me, he even borrowed mom's bright purple washing up gloves with fur at the top so we could both wear a pair but that only motivated me for about two minutes.

To make make matters worse, Haven came in just to laugh and taunt us which caused me to throw a wet sponge at her that caught her full in the face.

This also meant that I was digging myself a bigger hole with dad.

As soon as she went wailing away, I pulled an immature face behind her. "Loser," I mumbled.
"Hey, don't call her that!" Corbin defended her.
"You're a loser too," I said.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words shall fail to do me any harm!" He replied raising his voice.

I rolled his eyes and then lay on my back with my sponge on my chest. I needed a rest after half an hour of doing nothing.

"Alright, calm down, Shakespeare," I said sarcastically.
"Shakespeare didn't say that,"
"Well Shakescaden did. Now shut up, I wanna rest,"
"We're not allowed-"
"I liked you better when you didn't speak, you know that? Less earache,"

"Caden, get up, it's gonna take us all day and we still need to talk to mom and dad about Noah,"
I waved my hand dismissively.
"Why? Whatever nonsense happened in the past is done. We can't change it,"

"Corbin, shut up. The past is in the past. Let it go, dude,"

"Why the hell are you so selfish?" Corbin asked me.
"I'm sorry, did I stutter?"
I laughed at him "You're getting awfully brave, lad,"

"Look, I slipped up in front of Uncle Carter. He wanted me to tell him everything but mom called me to do something," Corbin's eyes were wide and distressed "He won't relent until we tell him now."

I sat up and pulled off one of mom's purple rubber washing up gloves from my hand.
I lifted the glove and then slapped him with it fiercely across the face.

"Pull yourself together, okay?" I said.
He rubbed his cheek and his bottom lip stuck out slightly.
"Ow," he whispered.
"I can't believe we're twins," I said honestly.

"Caden!" I heard a voice roar.
"Yes, Your Highness?" I replied.
Dad stormed into the room.
A vein on his left temple throbbed and his blue eyes were starting to turn a golden yellow. I'd never seen him so angry before.

He took quick short breaths and his fingers flexed.
"You wanna go apologise to your sister?" he asked calmly.
"Not really, no,"
"Caden, one day, I'm gonna -"

He stopped in mid sentence and flexed his fingers like he was practising wrapping them around my throat and he looked furious but then he turned around quickly and walked out.
"Raiven, speak to your son!" he yelled before we heard the front door slam.

Corbin looked at me in disbelief.
Honestly, I felt like crying myself.
I didn't want to hate him, I didn't want him to hate me. But I figured he always liked Corbin better. So if he didn't like me anyway, might as well make it worse, right?

I pulled the other glove off violently and slammed it on the floor.
Corbin moved closer to me.
"You need to stop being so..." he looked up, searching for the right words. "" he finished off.

I shrugged.
"I don't care anyway. I won't be here much longer," I grumbled.
"What do you mean?"
I moved closer to him too.

"I'm moving out, Corbin," I whispered.
It broke my heart when I saw his face fall.
"What? Caden, you're sixteen!"
"As soon as we have our 17th birthday party, that same night I'm going,"
"What about me?"
"You can come visit,"

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