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The day before we had to fight for the actual Alpha position, I went over to see Corbin in his room.
He was sat on his bed with his elbows on his knees and pulling out and retracting his claws. Our little sister, Haven sat on his chair, swivelling around childishly.

She waved at me and carried on spinning. I sat next to Corbin and smiled at him.
"You okay?" I asked him as he stared at his claws. "You thinking of getting a manicure? I think a nice clear coat would be more your touch," I teased him.

Corbin growled at him but I only laughed and pinched my nostrils with my fingers.
"Actually toothpaste might be more your touch. What did you have? Garlic? You'll probably win tomorrow by default. I swear I'll forfeit if you don't avoid eating rank foods,"

It wasn't the slightest bit funny but I wanted to keep a lighthearted humour between us. I knew how nervous he was for this. But even though his brow was furrowed he still couldn't help a little smile.

"Shut up that's not funny," he said but he ended up laughing.
"Look, there's nothing to be nervous about,"
"Yes there is," he said "I don't want either of us to be each other's Beta's,"
"Well it's gonna happen one way or another, dude, we can't avoid it,"

He let out a groan and buried his face in his hands.
"Hey," I said gently "If you want, I'll give up the position, for you," I said. I wasn't sure if I meant it or not but I know that I definitely wanted him to be happy.

He looked up at me and even Haven stopped spinning.
"I can't let you do that, Cay," he sighed "We'll just have to face whatever happens,"
"I wish we could be Alphas together," I said.
"Yeah but that's against the rules,"

Haven suddenly stood up
"You're both morons," she said "Wouldn't you guys be the ones making the rules once you're Alpha?"
"Yeah," we both replied.
Haven rolled her eyes "So bend them. Impose two Alpha's upon the people,"

"Impose? Sounds a lot like a dictatorship," Corbin said.
"So?" Haven replied.
"We are not doing that," Corbin said firmly.
"Speak for yourself," I said to him "All in favour of a dictatorship say 'I'!"

Haven and I both raised our hands and yelled "I!"
Corbin rolled his eyes "Does anybody actually have something sensible to say?"

"Fine," Haven said crossing her arms "Kill an Alpha. Take over his pack. Merge our and theirs together and then you'll both be legitimate Alphas,"

"I'm not being held responsible for murder because of my own selfish desires," Corbin said like the good little boy he always is.
"You're no fun," Haven and I both said at the same time.

"Alright," He sighed "How about this. We both lose on purpose, then neither of us will get the position,"
"I don't know," I replied "I kinda feed off power," I said truthfully.
"Or," Haven interrupted "You could just let nature take its course. Whoever is destined to win, will win."

I smiled and nodded and Corbin did the same. I put my arm around his shoulder and messed up his hair.
"Let the best Alpha win."

The next day, the tension all around the Pack house was so thick you would have needed a chainsaw to hack through it. Everyone was clearly on edge. Not only were they anxious as to who would be their future leader but also anxious as to what it would do to mine and Corbin's relationship.

We had breakfast together as a family for the first time in heaven knows how long. But even then, we could see how Mom's mouth was drawn tight and Dad's brow was furrowed with worry. Nobody really spoke much, there was only the scraping of forks and the odd cough here and there. Even baby Ash knew something was up and kept to herself, quietly sucking on a piece of toast.

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