Twenty Four

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None of us really had any idea on what to do. The only thing we were able to do was to keep Xavien's birth a secret. But it was getting a little hard after a few days. He was a restless baby and wouldn't sleep for more than a couple of hours and that was the least of our troubles.

His cries started getting louder and louder and a little strange too. He still had the shrill sound of a newborn but the when he shrieked it was like a thunderstorm. He would start of crying normally but if we didn't get him what he wanted, it turned into a problem.

"What do you want, sweetie?" Avri asked for the twentieth time. She was exasperated and frankly, we all were. She bounced him in her arms as he started crying, his arms and legs kicked and flailed around.
"Maybe he's hungry?" I suggested.
Avri looked at me like I was dumbest guy she'd ever had the misfortune to lay eyes on.
"He just ate and he completely drained me, I'm all miked out,"

"Just let him cry it out," Caden said, he was lounged on the armchair in the nursery, one leg  draped over the arm while he played with the mobile that was over Xavien's crib. "Let him exercise his lungs, it's good for him,"
"Okay, thanks for that Child-Expert-Extraordinaire Caden," I said sarcastically. "But I'm just gonna ignore your advice."

Xavien was starting to get more and more restless, his cries were starting to get louder.
"Shh, shh," Avri said hopelessly rubbing his back.
"Oh my goodness, everyone's going to think I'm murdering children in here," I said.
Caden nodded. "Yeah, you've got the face for that,"
"We have the same face, idiot,"
"But I wear it better,"
"Yeah, on Halloween," I retorted.
"That's stupid," he said pulling his tongue out.

"Guys!" Avri moaned "Why do you always bicker at the wrong moments?"
Xavien let out little coughs and hiccupy noises and his crying died down a little.
We all held our breaths, hoping he was starting to quieten down.
But then his face screwed up again and he let out the loudest ear-shattering cry to have ever emanated from tiny lungs. Avri recoiled back and from where I was stood by the window, a whole flock of birds flew away from the nearby treetops, the cars outside suddenly sounded off their alarms and a couple of stuffed animals fell over.

Caden pressed his hands over his ears.
"How is he doing that?"
"I don't know but it needs to stop before people start coming over," I said. I grabbed his pacifier and put it near his mouth, it trembled under the velocity of his screams but once it touched his lip, he latched on quickly and suddenly there was complete silence - except for the cars that were still blaring and the sweet little sucking sounds he made.

We all looked at eachother, dumbfounded.
"What the hell just happened?"
Xavien stared back up at us, blinking his wet blue-green eyes at us as if he hadn't just been screaming for all he was worth a few seconds ago.

"We need to do something, I can't let them take him away. Especially because of the fact that he  causes car alarms to go off," I said.
"Corbin, I'm sure they can't make you physically give him up, right?" Dad asked. We were all in his office, everyone but Caden. Dad was stood up with Xavien asleep in his arms. It was so weird seeing such a guy like my father, melt whenever he held a baby.

"I'm sure they can, they've got the law on their side,"
"Besides we can't put up too much of a fight, those humans might start snooping around here and find us out,"
"Yeah but they're gonna find out he's a Were anyway," I said "Can you imagine, one day they're walking with Xavien in the park and then the next thing they know, a little wolf is suddenly yipping at their heels and screaming his little lungs out like he does,"

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