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I woke up in my own dark bedroom. The curtains were pulled shut and I had a throbbing pain on my face. I could remember who dad had fully knocked me out but for his sake I decided not to inform the Child Protection services.

But I could still smell and taste Caden's blood for some reason.

I kinda needed a hug from him ,even though he wasn't the hugging type he gave better hugs than anyone that I knew. Sure he was the meanest person to have ever graced planet earth but he deep down (way down) he was a sweet guy.

I had to creep across the hallway so that I couldn't be heard by my parents or anyone else and then pushed open Caden's door just a crack.

"Cay?" I whispered.

I saw him sat on the edge of his bed, he was dripping wet and smelt of his shower gel. He'd only managed to get his shorts on but not his top.

Both his elbows rested on his knees and he was looking down at his wet hands. His claws were out, glistening with water and he just stared at them, his mouth slightly open.

"Caden," I said a little louder.

He jumped and his claws retreated sharply.

"You okay?" I asked him.

He wiped some water from his nose and shrugged casually.


"Don't lie to me,"

"Shut up," he said reaching for a towel. It was like that phrase had been cemented permanlty to his mouth these days.

"Hey, what happened at the ice cream place?" I asked instead.

"You tried to kill me," he replied.

"Oh," I said "My plan didn't work," I tried to laugh.

I waited for him to come out with something witty and smart but he just raised both his eyebrows and dried himself before tossing the towel to the floor.

"Oh c'mon," I said to him "What's wrong?"

He didn't answer me and rummaged through the floor until he found a T-shirt and pulled it on.

"Caden, your tattoo," I reminded him.

He looked down at it and then rolled the short sleeves up even more.

"I'm gonna be out of this hell-hole soon enough anyway, what does it matter?" he mumbled.

I felt my breath catch in my throat. What do I say to something like that?

He shoved his shoes on then stood up.

"You wanna go for a jog?" he asked me.

I only nodded even though it was getting dark outside. And plus I still needed that hug

But, personally, I didn't think it was a good idea to go for a jog, I mean look what happened the last time we left the house.

We went down the hallway, Caden in front of me. He stomped extra loud when he went past mom and dad's bedroom.

Mom came out quick as a flash.

"Corbin!" she exclaimed, and she pulled me into her arms then kissed me all over my face. "Are you okay?" she asked stroking my, what I assumed was, bruise.

I nodded, keeping my mouth firmly shut.

She looked at Caden. "Where are you off too now?"

"We're just going for a jog," he replied a little too coldly.

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