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Caden. (Again)

"Corbin's really changed these days," Sienna remarked. I didn't answer her and put my arm over my eyes, lounging back on the couch.
"Haven't you noticed?" She asked.
"I don't care," I mumbled.
As if on cue, Corbin stepped into the living room, I lifted my arm and looked at him. He looked ready to go out, his duffel bag at his feet.
"Hey, tell Mom and Dad I'm gonna be spending a couple of weeks,"

Corbin knew that Sienna wasn't a Were and as cocky as he'd become the past few weeks, he want dumb enough to blow our cover.
"Tell them yourself," I said.
"Just do it," he replied "Oh and Avri's asleep upstairs. Will you tell her that I've gone too?"

Sienna's eyes widened and she couldn't help to butt in.
"You don't tell her when you leave?"
Corbin shifted uncomfortably on his feet.
"It's a one time thing," he said

"What's so important that you have to do that you can't tell her you're leaving?"
"It's just training, Caden. I need a lot of it if I wanna be the best,"

I stood up and grabbed his arm, pulling him into the next room.
"Have you even told mom and dad about all this?"
He rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged.
"I'll tell them soon?"
"When is soon? When she gives birth on your bedroom carpet? Then you'll tell them?" I said angrily.

Corbin rubbed his face with his hands.
"Look, this is stress on me too. I mean, it's just bad timing,"
"What do you expect her to do exactly?"
"I'm not ready to be a dad, Caden,"
"I would have never guessed, honestly, this is news to me," I said sarcastically.

"Shut up, look, I'm actually terrified. I don't know the first thing about being a parent,"
"I'm pretty sure the first rule is to actually be there for the child,"

Corbin stopped looking so cocky and his eyes looked sad and for a moment he looked like a little child. He looked innocent and unhappy and his eyes had lost a bit of colour.
I stepped forward and pulled him into a hug.
We didn't speak until he pulled away gently and sniffed sadly.
"I have alpha duties, I'll be back as soon as I can." He said.
"But you're not an alpha yet, dude. This can wait."

He looked up at the ceiling to where his bedroom was, probably where Avri was sleeping, for a moment. Then he gave me a tight smile and turned around and left the house.
The weeks were creeping by slowly and Avri wasn't getting any smaller. Corbin hadn't been back since he'd left'.
Mom and dad still had no idea that Corbin even had a mate never mind the fact that she was having his baby.

"Avri, I'm so sick and tired of your stupid boyfriend," I groaned at her.
"That makes two of us," she said. I glanced down at her stomach.
"Make that three,"
She gave me a small smile and rubbed her stomach gently. She'd hardly spoken a word since Corbin left but I guess that was a good thing because it was easier to hide her away from my parents.

"I don't know what we're gonna do. Mom and Dad are going to lose their minds when they find out,"

Avri stood up and paced around the room, wringing her hands.
"I think I can sort this out," she muttered, more to herself than me.
"Oh yeah?" I replied "How?"
She stopped pacing and looked straight at me, her brown eyes watering.
"Promise you won't get mad?"
I looked back at her suspiciously.
"Depends what it is,"

I felt her heartbeat quicken intensely and her breath became short and fast.
"What if I give the baby away?"
"What?" I yelled "Are you crazy? You can't give the baby away!"
"Well, I can give it a better life," she protested "Think about it, Caden. The baby will be able to have a mommy and a daddy that can look after it properly,"

I shook my head in disbelief.
"I get that, Avri, I really do but doesn't it deserve to be with its real parents?"
She gave a humourless laugh. "It has a scared teenager for a mother and a cocky Alpha for a dad. What a life, eh?"

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