Twenty Seven

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"Dad, are you and your team ready?" Corbin whispered. We were hidden away just at the edge of the woods, camouflaged by the trees and shrubs, overlooking the building where Xavier was. We were crouched to the ground, waiting on Corbin's instructions.

Dad nodded. It was strange seeing him listen to our orders without being difficult. I admired him for doing that, I found myself hoping to be like him when I grew up but then the feeling quickly passed over - I enjoyed being difficult way too much.
"Come on then, Caden," Dad said to me, he jerked his head in the direction that the others were heading in. I didn't move.
"I'm not going with you," I told him "I'm staying with Corbin,"

Corbin frowned at me. "No you're not, I specifically told you-"
"I know what you said but I want to come with you and that's final,"
Corbin looked up at Dad. "Dad, tell him! I already have the plan set out,"
Dad looked from Corbin to me and back again. I half expected him to take Corbin's side as usual and tell me off for not co-operating. I already knew what he was going to say. I sighed and made as if to move towards Dad but he stopped me.
"Corbin," Dad said "Take your brother with you,"
"What? Why?" Corbin whined, his Alpha authority suddenly dropped from him quickly.
"Because I said so,"
"But Dad, that's just undermining my authority," he complained. Dad raised his eyebrow at Corbin.
"Do as I say, young man," Dad said "Okay, I'm going to head off that way. Be careful boys, look after each other. Oh and Corbin, it wouldn't kill you to listen to your brother every now and then."
I couldn't help but grin at Corbin. I pressed my thumbs against my temples and wiggled my tongue at him childishly.
"Idiot," Corbin said hitting my chest but he couldn't help but laugh too. I think he needed to laugh because if he didn't he'd think too much about the fact that his son could be anywhere with anyone. We kept laughing, play fighting with each other but we'd let our guard down a little and from where we were stood, we saw the rogues that prowled around there suddenly become alert. We both stopped laughing and stood up straight quick as if someone had flicked an off switch on our happiness.

The rogues had guns this time, huge rifle-looking things that they carried with both hands.
"They don't know how to use them," I said analysing them carefully.
"How do you know?" Corbin asked.
"Look," I pointed to the one nearest to us. "His finger isn't even on the trigger, and that one," I pointed to another one a little further down. "He's holding it as if it was a piece of bread. Either they're empty or they're untrained,"

Corbin looked at me. "Okay, great, this means we can take them," he moved as though to run through the shrubs but I grabbed him and pulled him back.
"Er, no. Relax. It was just an assumption, they could take us by surprise," I looked to the back of the building "We wait until the signal from Dad and then we go,"
"I know, I know," I reassured him. "Look, we're going to get Xavien and everything is going to be fine, I promise,"

Corbin looked doubtful for a moment but then he nodded and we went back to watching for the signal.
As soon as we heard the wolf cry from one of our guards on the other side and the rogues were temporarily distracted, Corbin and I ran at full speed and aimed for the door.
But the rogues descended on us like a pack of, well, rogues.
"Corbin, you go in," I yelled, "I'll hold them off!"
One of them tried to butt my head with the end of his gun while the other went for my leg. I elbowed the first and kneed the second in the mouth. I felt a surge of adrenaline rush through my body. All those years Mom and Dad had tried to stop me from fighting; using all kinds of punishments, blackmails and pleads and yet it was truly the only thing I was good at. I smiled to myself as I took each rogue down, glad that my hunch about them not being able to use their guns was right.

One scrawny rogue pointed his gun at my head, I felt the barrel push against my temple but I twisted it from him and he released it with a cry of pain. I grabbed him, the crook of my elbow around his neck and the gun to his temple. The other rogues stopped, all of us breathing heavily eyeing eachother.
"Hey, hey," one with around four teeth said to me, he lifted his palms up. "We didn't try and kill you, it's only fair that you don't do the same,"
"So why do you have these things then?" I rattled the gun against my hostage's temple and he whimpered and crossed his legs like he was trying to stop himself from peeing on himself. I wasn't about to kill him but I just wanted to shake them up a little and it was working.
"I don't know, Kale said-" Four Teeth began but then stopped abruptly, clamping his mouth shut.

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