More than just a look...

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(It honestly took way longer than I expected to get a simple picture of a toolbox lol. Anyways on to the story!)

(Y/n) POV.

I could hear my heart beating in my ear drums as Afton left me. I think he's aware of what I've done and plans to... fix that. I get up with my toolbox in hand and begin to walk around a bit to try and steady my heart rate. "Hey (Y/n) you seem a bit shaken up, are you okay?" I heard the concerned voice of Catherine behind me. "O-Oh hey Catherine... I'm just overthinking some things." I say with a small smile. "Well, if you need anything let me or Noct know, okay?" She asked with a bright smile on her face. "I will. thanks Catherine." I say as she walks away with a bounce in her step. 'Wait... I think I can get her to help me!' I gasp happily as I speed walk to catch up to her. "Hey Cahterine, I do actually need a favor, but can you come see me about five minutes before we close? It's REALLY important." I say emphasizing the really, earning a concerned brow raise from her. "Sure, I don't mind." She says before continuing over to a table to clean. Afton seems to have gone back to his office which gave me some time to inform the gang about what's going on. I see that Liz is just wrapping up a song with some children nearby and they all seemed to have started doing karaoke. "Hello (Y/n) is there something you need?" She asked in character while tilting her head. Oh, I just want to make sure nothing got on the back of your dress is all." I say with a bright smile, which I could see she is picking up on something. I got behind her and she speaks in a very quiet tone. "I saw Afton with you earlier, is everything okay?" She asked. "No, I think he's on to me." I quickly say, pretending to wipe something off of her as to not ruin the kids show. "He wants to see me after hours to look in the toolbox where i stored all the chips..." I anxiously say. "Please let everyone know, okay? I'm honestly terrified right now." I state as I noticed my hands were now sweaty a bit. I wiped them off on my shirt a bit before hearing a hum of agreement form Liz. "Thank you so much Liz." I say as 'dust' my hands free of nothing basically. "Alrighty Circus Baby you are good to go!" I say with a lot of optimism as to not ruin the kid's moods. They cheer in delight as she giggles and does a little twirl before continuing to perform.

I make my way over to Freddy who is telling his usual jokes with Bon Bon. The kids were loving every cheesy joke he had to give them. Honestly it was adorable to see. "A-AND KIDS DO YOU KNOW WH-WHY THE BABY BEAR COULDN'T LEA-LEAVE HIS MOMMA?" Freddy asked while giggling a bit. All the kids chimed in "Why!?" very loudly. "Because he couldn't BEAR it!" Bon Bon chimed in, causing all the kids to laugh, along with Freddy. I truly adored that laugh. Then again, what don't I like about Freddy? "Hey kids pizza's here!" I heard an adult call out, causing the kids to all run by me screaming about pizza. "(Y/n) Baby told u-us about tonight, will you be okay?" He asked in a hushed tone. His voice was deep again and riddled with worry. "I should be fine Freddy, if anything happens, I trust you'll all be there to help me out." I say as I stand on my tippy toes to give the bear a gentle kiss on the nose, causing it to squeak. I could see his eyes flush a deep pink shade as steam seeped out of the sides of his face. He let out a goofy giggle before nodding his head. Bon Bon was giggling alongside him. "Well Freddy bear I'll be on my way. I'll check-up to see if you need to be cleaned or anything later." I say earning a dreamy nod from the bear. I giggled as I walked away from the love-struck bear and make my way to Foxy's Funtime Auditorium. I instantly hear him telling tales of being a pirate of sorts and how he survived an attack from the Kraken. The kids all oohed at the story as he tells it with such emotion. This side of Foxy was a really nice sight. I do enjoy our normal banter, but it's nice to see him happy. It's basically radiating off of him. As he finished his story and took a bow all the children were cheering "Capt. Foxy!" Over and over, until they all left to go eat some pizza. "That was an eventful story there Capt." I say while walking up to his stage. "Argh! it is an interesting tale isn't it?" He says while taking a seat on the stage. "On a serious note though, are you okay?" He asked in a soft tone. I nodded a bit before rubbing my arm slightly. "Yeah I think I'll be fine, I trust that you all will be there for me. Plus I have a back up plan to help me out of this. I do appreciate your concern Foxy, I really do." I say with a gentle smile gracing my face as I look up at the Fox. His posture seemed to relax a bit before he hopped off his stage. "Well it's about time to walk around and greet the kids." He says while stretching a bit. "Well if a kid ends up getting you dirty just let me know I'll be walking around a bit." I say while walking with him. He nods and we shortly parted ways.

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