Best Friends Forever

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(B/O/C)= Bottoms of Choice

(9 Years Ago You were 8 in this chapter sorry :< )

(Y/n) POV

 Today's the day! Dad told me that Mr. Afton is allowing people to visit his house to view the new animatronics that were created! I've heard about how some people in school got to go visit them and they all came back saying great things like: "Freddy was so funny," or "Ballora was so much fun to dance with!" Even some said that "Funtime Foxy had a super cool pirate costume!" I'm so happy that Liz invited me to her birthday party. This gives me the perfect chance to give her the gift! It's a really pretty necklace shaped like an acorn! It has really light pink petals that turn darker depending on the light! Daddy said it's called cherry blossoms? I don't know, I'm just so excited! Daddy told me it was a great gift, so he got two; one for me and Liz.

 This gives me the perfect chance to give her the gift! It's a really pretty necklace shaped like an acorn! It has really light pink petals that turn darker depending on the light! Daddy said it's called cherry blossoms? I don't know, I'm just so ...

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(That picture is of Resin Jewelry with pressed flowers.)

"(Y/n) it's almost time to go!" I heard my Dad call from down the stairs. I grabbed Liz's gift, ran out my room, and shouted "Coming Dad!" I was wearing a (F/c) Button up Blouse with (B/o/C) and simple (F/c) shoes). My dad was already at the door waiting with a warm smile gracing his face. "Someone seems excited for today," he chuckled out before opening the door and walked outside, I was skipping around him, barely containing it. "Of course I am! My best friend invited me to see her pets!" I said with excitement exploding in my voice. We hopped into my dad's old, rusty, white truck. His mechanic tool box was in the trunk and the paint was peeling. He named her Honey after mommy, and I love her so much. She's gotten daddy through some tough times. Daddy said that Mommy wanted to go play with angels. He always looks sad when he talks about mommy. I don't like bringing up mommy, but I want to play with her and the angels too! I've noticed that he drinks his fun juice and cries when he's looking at pictures sometimes. "Daddy are you excited to go on this trip too?" I asked as he started the truck. "Of course baby! Why wouldn't I be excited to spend a day with my daughter?" He answered while backing the truck out of the parkway. I smiled and held the red box close to my chest. Soon we arrived at Mr. Afton's house where a handful of kids from school and some parents were outside conversing with one another. Soon I spotted Liz's strawberry blonde hair standing out among the crowd. After we parked I hopped out the truck and ran over to Liz and gave her a big hug. She let out a startled yelp before laughing and hugging me back. "I-It's great to see you too (Y/n)!" She giggled out before I pulled away. I had a smile so wide my cheeks hurt. I quickly hid the box back behind my back and backed away a bit. "Daddy got us something by the way. Wanna guess what it is?" I asked cheerily as she brought her hand up to her chin. "Hmmm... is it a bracelet?" She asked. I got worried when she said that. "No but it's close!" I said before holding out the box. She made a small 'oh' sound before taking the small box and opening it to see the necklaces. Her eye's lit up like tiny candles."They're best friend necklaces! Daddy said it would be a great gift for you and that way we can stay best friends forever!" I said as I grabbed my necklace from her. Her eyes tear up a bit, before she puts the necklace on and smiles. "(Y-Y/n) its so pretty! Thank you so much I love it!" She said as she wiped her eyes. I placed my necklace on before smiling back at her. "Yay! You liked it! So, how often do you go down and play with your pets?" I asked as we began to walk to the door. Before she could speak, a man with a very fancy purple suit and a red button up shirt underneath. (Look up Shuu from Tokyo Ghoul and boom). He looked at us with a welcoming and warm smile before speaking. "Welcome everyone! I'm glad you all took the time out of your day to join us. We have quite a surprise for the children - and don't worry parents, this is a safe environment! Built for the children to enjoy themselves and get a special early view of our new Animatronics that are coming out very soon! So please, I hope you enjoy your visit! If you could follow me inside I will take you all to the elevator." And with that he started inside with everyone following behind. The inside of the house was super pretty! Like gold toys with jewels and pretty pictures were on the walls. Soon Mr. Afton lead us down into a big room with two big doors. I think these are the things that Mr. Afton was talking about. The doors open revealing a metal room with another door and pipe works all around with wires dangling and a fan above us. I noticed a poster of a person that had the words 'Celebrate' on it. I never heard anyone talk about her before. "Hey Liz who is that one?" I whispered. She looked over and noticed who I was talking about before smiling. "That's a surprise I have for you" She whispered back. I smiled and nodded before the elevator started moving down. Soon we stopped and the elevator opened up. We came out to a hallway with a black and white checkered floor and metal walls that had doorways leading to other rooms. We all stepped out slowly and walked down into the hallway. I could hear pretty music playing from the distance and the hall way was lit with hanging lights. We walked into the first room that had a robotic fox standing there in a cool pirate suit. He was all white with bright pink cheeks and freckles on his snout. I noticed there was a tuft of hair on top of his head as well. The pirate outfit looked amazing! It looked realistic and wasn't buttoned all the way up like the pirates on TV revealing a speaker and a red bow tie. His nails were also pink and I personally thought that was really cool and different. I stared in awe as many of the kids made many surprised sounds before the head cocked down and looked at us. "Ahoy, children! Welcome to the Funtime Auditorium! I'm your host Funtime Foxy and you're in for quite a show!" He said as he did a bow. All of us began to clap as we ran over to the platform the Fox was standing on as he started to preform a show. It went on for a while before everyone began to branch off and roam around. Elizabeth and I went to another room with a bunch of wires hanging around and a Big bear was sitting on a platform nearby with a small rabbit on his right hand and a microphone in his left. A few kids and I walked over to get a better look of the bear. He was a lot bigger than I expected him to be. He had white fur with purple cheeks and a lavender colored muzzle. He also had pink speaker on his chest and two buttons going down from the speaker and they were surrounded buy a lavender colored patch reaching from his black bow tie to the waist line. I also noticed that he had purple on his knuckles, shoulders, thighs, knees, ears, elbows, and on top of both of his feet. The cute little rabbit on his hand had an adorable red bow tie on with a button underneath it, and a light blue patch going from the bow tie to the end of his body. He also had some small red cheeks on his face. I looked over from the rabbit and over to the bear again and jumped a bit when I noticed he was looking directly at me with bright blue eyes. He tilted his head a bit before his face made a weird movement and his ears wiggled before standing up. A few of us backed up before the rabbit on his hand sprang to life as well and looked around and noticed all of us. "Hey, Freddy! It looks like we have an audience!" The rabbit said cheerfully as the bear let out a glitched high pitched laugh. "Yo-You're right Bon Bon! I wasn't e-expecting any visitors today were you?" He asked the rabbit - which we now learned is named Bon Bon - in which it responded with a shake of its head. "Well So-Sorry kids for this un-BEARABLE condition!" He said before laughing. We all began to laugh at the joke he made before he started making other jokes to us. Besides his stutter Freddy was super fun to be around! Before I left I walked up to the fuzzy bear who in returned looked down. "Thank you Mr. Freddy for playing with us today!" I responded before he tiled his head a bit and gave what I assumed was smile before holding his hand out. "Tha-Thank you for visiting me and Bon Bon! W-What is your na-name?" He asked as I shook his fluffy hand. "It's (Y/n)! Well I gotta go my best friend is waiting for me!" I said as I took my hand away and ran over to Liz who was patiently waiting for me. We both waved towards the fuzzy bear and in return he and Bon Bon both waved back at us. We the next room we went into was the room with music in it. The floor here was checkered with purple and white unlike the hallway we were in. I see some kids over dancing with what seemed to be a ballerina singing and spinning with some smaller ballerinas. The music was so nice that me and Elizabeth took each others hand and began to dance with together giggling and laughing. "Ah! Welcome to my gallery, children! My name is Ballora." She greeted us with a gentle and calm voice as she danced around us. I noticed she had a pretty purple tutu with golden orbs on the tips of it. She had her purple hair in a bun and pink cheeks. She had lavender colored ballet shoes. She was also wearing a beautiful tiara and golden pearl shaped earrings with a light blue bikini top. "Hello Ballora my name is (Y/n) and this is my best friend Elizabeth!" I said as I began to spin around. She let out a gentle laugh before stopping in front of me. "It's very nice to meet you (Y/n) and Elizabeth. Are you both having fun?" She asked politely. "Yeah!" We both said in unison before looking at each other and laughing. "Well I'll be glad to give you dance lessons the next time you visit! If you don't mind that is." She said. "I would love to learn to dance from you, Ballora! Wouldn't you, Elizabeth?" I asked in which she nodded vigorously. "Well until next time then, (Y/n) and Elizabeth." And with that the ballerina spun away. At this point me and Elizabeth were tired and left. "That's the last one right?" I ask before noticing she was shaking her head. "There's one more that's a secret." She said beaming with a smile. She took my hand and quickly led me toward a room past the exit, and there she was. It was the robot from the poster we saw earlier. She had red hair with pigtails that had purple bands holding them in place. I noticed she had a red nose with rosy red cheeks and blue eyes with blue eyebrows. She had a red dress and red skirt on with a microphone in her left hand. There was a small orange spot on her stomach with a fan in it. I took note on the pins sticking out of her arms and the jester shoes she was wearing with golden bells at the tips. "Woah! She's so pretty" I whispered out as I noticed the smell of birthday cake coming from her. As I said that, she looked over at us and tiled her head before waving. I looked over at Elizabeth who was staring in awe as she walked closer. I slowly began to follow behind her a little nervous the entire time. "Daddy said she was made just for me... she looks like my favorite doll." She said. "Hello there my name is Circus Baby. What are your names?" She asked us with a gentle tone. "My name is Elizabeth and this is my best friend, (Y/n)" she said with a little shock and awe in her voice. "It's nice to meet the both of you. Would you like some ice cream?" She asked as the spot where the fan was opened up and now had a claw with vanilla ice cream and sprinkles on it. "I would love some! Would you, (Y/n)?" Elizabeth asked me. I nodded and smiled as the tasty scent of vanilla drifted into my nose. Elizabeth had retrieved the ice creams and was about to head back over. And that's when it happened... A loud whirring sound screeched out before I saw my best friend grabbed by the claw by her waist. "(Y-Y/n-!)" and before she could finish what she said. She was pulled forcefully into the small opening forcing her back to bend unnaturally and blood to suddenly spurt out from Elizabeth, who let out a painful scream before instantly being pulled in and crushed by Baby. I blinked for a second not understanding what happened before the terror hit me and I began to scream and cry "ELIZABETH!!!" I cried out as I ran as fast as I could and instantly ran into my dad who was already running down the hallway. "(Y-Y/n) baby are you okay? Where's Elizabeth? She was wi-" Before my dad could finish what he was saying he noticed the blood around and on Baby and ice cream that had fallen on the floor. He held me closely before covering my head with his hand and holding me close. I was crying hard into my dad as he quickly picked me up, in which I quickly buried my face into his shoulder and continued to cry. The other parents and children ran over and noticed the scene. Many of the kids began to scream and hide behind the parents who were ushering the kids now towards the exit. My dad quickly carried  us to the exit where Mr. Afton was now waiting. He looked confused as I looked up sniffling and trying to take in as much air as possible. "(Y/n)? What's wrong? Where is Elizabeth?" He asked as worry began to drip into his voice. "S-She wa-wanted to s-see Baby an-and sh-she, she-" I couldn't get it out with all the hiccuping i was doing but I think I he knows what happened. He quickly ran inside as fast as he could. My dad carried me to Honey and sat me in his lap while he drove me home. The best day of my life has now been turned to the worst day of my life. My closest friend I had gone through everything with... Was now gone...

(AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND there you have it chapter one! I really hope you all enjoyed it and I really do want to thank my friend Chloe for helping me with this so I can keep the story somewhat good. So until next time everyone!) 

Memories *Funtime Freddy x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now