The Breaker Room

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(Y/n) POV

"I totally thought that was the end of the line for a second..." I sighed out in relief. I scanned the room to get a good look of where I am. Then it hit me like a forward smash from Ganondorf, this was where I met Funtime Freddy! I walked around the jungle of wires only to find him still sitting on the same platform from years ago, just staring straight ahead. On closer inspection it turns out he's gotten a little dusty from the time down here. "Wow Freddy you real need to take more care of yourself buddy" I said to the animatronic as if I was going to get a response from him. Looking down I noticed Bon Bon was also dusty and staring straight ahead. "Same goes for you Bon Bon I know your better than that." I joked as I rubbed my finger on his bow tie and noticed the caked dust on my finger. I let out a displeased sigh before rubbing the the dust off on my pants. "Hmm I always wanted to do this..." I said as I reached for his nose and gave it a quick squeeze, causing a squeak noise to come from it. My eyes widened as I closed my eyes and giggled. By the time I opened them his eyes were looking directly at me, causing me to jump a bit. "Could've sworn you were looking ahead... anyways I guess I should get back to... whatever HandUnit is about to-" "You may now interface with the breaker control box. Using the interface may disrupt nearby electronics. If you feel you are in danger, feel free to disconnect the interface temporarily, until it is safe to reconnect." HandUnit suddenly said out loud causing me to jump. "Yeah that... don't worry Freddy boy I'll come back and dust you off tomorrow or something" I said trying to ignore the whole danger thing HandUnit was talking about. 'I don't see why HandUnit said something about danger...' I thought to myself as I began to fiddle with the control box until I suddenly heard the sound of metal moving around. I instantly turned my phones flashlight on and pointed it over towards where Freddy was, only for him to be a few feet from where he originally was. "Oh you got to be kidding me..." I whispered as I stared at the bear. After a while of staring I went back to work as fast as I could till I heard more movement and pointed my phone over once again to see the bear was closer. "C'mon Freddy chill man!" I shouted at the bear as if it could listen to me." I stared at him again before quickly going back to work. This time I felt the presence behind me and I froze. Slowly, I turned around to see the bear right behind me and boring holes into my eyes. "H-Hello there F-Freddy?" I squeaked as I shrunk back slowly. He let out a, almost psychotic, laugh before answering, which I didn't expect at all.  "Um well hello again!" He shouted as he grabbed me quickly from my spot. I screamed out in fright and began to kick and struggle against the bears grasp trying to break free, to no avail. "Now wh-what's with all th-the screaming?" He asked as he held you off the floor. I was panicking way to much to pay attention to what he said. This seemed to annoy him as he began to shake me rapidly, causing me to slowly, but surely pay more attention to him. "Yo-Your going to hurt your sel-self with all tha-that kicking your doin-doing" He said as he slowly set me down. My heart was racing but I did stop struggling as he did have a point. Kicking a metal bear isn't really that much of a great idea as I would like it to be. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I instantly backed into the wall behind me grasping at anything I could find as a weapon. I felt a cylinder like object in next to me and quickly pick it up and aim it at the bear. "St-Stay back I know how to use this!" I shouted as closed my eyes and shakily point the object at Freddy. "So tha-that's where my microphone went!" He said out loud. My eyes shot open as I realized it was in fact a microphone I was pointing at Freddy. I eventually sank onto the ground, slowly losing my will to fight against the bear, despite the fact he hasn't really done anything to me yet. As i receded to the floor beneath me, Freddy sat down in front of me staring at me like a curious kitten, in this case bear cub. Soon enough Bon Bon had spoke up, causing my eyes to dart to the small hand puppet. "Don't worry we wont hurt you!" He said in a high pitch and soft tone. I was doubtful for a second until I saw the door behind him open up. There stood Circus Baby who slowly walked over to us. "Freddy you haven't done anything to her have you?" she asked in a soft, yet serious voice. "N-No I promise! Sh-She wouldn't stop ki-kicking me when I gra-grabbed her! You can even ask Bon Bon!" He yelled out as he turned his body to face Baby. "Freddy I think because you grabbed her it frightened her..." Bon Bon spoke up while bring a small paw to his forehead. He quickly looked back at you with what seemed to be worry in his facial expressions... or face plates? "Go-Golly I didn't mean to sc-scare you!" He said as he slowly approaches me. My fear is slowly fading as I watched him get closer to me. "I-Its fine... Is this the part where I'm suppos-suppose to die?" I squeaked out as Circus Baby came next to me. Wow she's stupid tall... "I told them to  not kill you (Y/n), what type of friend would I be if I let that?" She spoke as she tilted her head. I slowly stood up and took in the details on Baby. "Bu-But how do I know you're really Liz?" I asked, clearly skeptical of the situation. As I finished asking that question. An opening on her stomach opened up and the arm that grabbed Liz had her necklace hanging on it. "You said best friends forever right?" She asked with a smile. Tears began to perk up in my eyes as I dropped the mic and covered my mouth. "It's really you Liz isn't it?" I asked in disbelief. She nodded solemnly as she opened her arms up as if she wanted a hug. I instantly complied and ran into her arms and hugged her back, letting the tears spill. "I m-missed you so much L-Liz! If I only knew yo-you were Circus Baby I-I wouldn't have shocked you!" I cried into her shoulder as she rubbed my back softly. "I should have recognized you sooner. On the first night I saw your necklace but I didn't believe it was honestly you. So I waited for the next night if you came back and sure enough it was you..." She said softly before releasing me. I sniffled and wiped my eyes while laughing a bit. "Wow now I look like a big baby..." I said, making an attempt at a pun. Freddy suddenly laughed causing me to jump, totally forgot he was even in here. "Tha-That was a good o-one!" He said while Bon Bon giggled a bit. Liz shook her head, letting a giggle escape her mouth a few times. "Well I think it's about time for you to meet the rest of the gang (Y/n)" She said as she walked out. "Are you sure Ballora wont I dunno, strangle me?" I asked nervously, in which she responded with a simple nod and proceeded out the door. I look back over to Freddy who seems to be staring at me for some reason. My face heats up a bit before I reach down to grab his mic and hand it to him. "Here you go Freddy sorry abo-about kicking you a lot..." I muttered awkwardly, avoiding eye contact. He took the mic gently before laughing again, I seriously need to get use to that... "It's not a pr-problem (Y/n)!" he responded before offering his free hand to guide me outside I assume. I hesitantly take his hand and took note on how cold it was, and dusty... "Totally coming back with some cleaning material tomorrow..." I whispered out loud to myself. I noticed that his ears twitched at that and he looked back, causing me to force a smile and an awkward laugh. 

As we walked out the door I see that Liz was talking to Ballora about something. Ballora looked over at me and for a second my heart started to race as the memory of her coming at me like a spider resurfaced. She spun over slowly to me with her music box playing as usual. "I do apologize (Y/n) I didn't realize you would come back here in a place like this" She said with a soft and calming voice. "It's okay Ballora if anything, I'm surprised I came back after the first night, sorry for shocking you by the way..." I apologized as I remembered what I did. "It's quite alright, nothing to painful I promise you that" She reassured me before spinning away. Sure enough I was quite acquainted with everyone and it was pretty great, till I noticed something. "So I'm glad to have met you all, but where is Foxy?" I asked scanning the room to see if I was just not paying attention. As I said that I heard banging in the vents again, causing me to quickly turn around. Sure enough Foxy lunged out screeching with his face plates opening up. That was good enough to cause me to scream and stumble backwards as he holds a menacing pose in front of me. He stayed like that for a while before he began to laugh. "Tha-That was hilarious! If I knew you were this easy to scare I would have already scared you earlier!" He laughed out. I rolled my eyes at this and crossed my arms a bit. "Whatever Foxy that's pretty messed up, you don't see me making fun of your lipstick do you?" I quipped causing the fox to flinch a bit before covering his muzzle. "Hey I didn't ask for this!" He retorted, causing me to laugh and earn a growl from him. "Baby are you sure this is the same kid from when you were both kids?" He grumbled out still covering his muzzle. "Yes she even has our best friend necklaces." She pointed out as I pulled out my necklace from under my shirt. He let out another grumble before walking over towards Ballora and sitting down on the floor. Ballora joined him on the floor, sitting with her legs crossed. 'I can't imagine how tiring it must be to constantly have to spin in place with feet like that' I thought as I noticed how Ballora's feet are designed. "So Liz why hasn't your father came down here for you? Doesn't he know your spirit lives in Circus Baby?" I asked, slightly confused. She was silent for a while before speaking up. "No, he only sends people down here to work" Was all that she said. I was still confused on what she meant but decided to leave it alone. "Well shouldn't we tell him?" I asked a little concerned instantly earning a "No" from her. I flinched at how fast she responded. I soon looked down at my watch and noticed what time it is. "Guys well I should be heading back it's almost 6am..." I said as I stood up. Foxy instantly lunged over towards the vent from his previous position. This caused me to get nervous for a second before looking back and noticed that Liz was now there with Ballora and Freddy. "(Y/n) do you think you can help us?" She asked suddenly. This caught me off guard a bit before I nodded. "With what exactly Liz?" I asked getting worried as time passes. "Get us out of here" She simply said. This surprised me as I never expected to get asked that suddenly. "H-How exactly would I get you all out of here?" I asked her. "We need a body to escape in" She answered simply. This caused my heart to race more as I began to piece together what she was asking me to do. "Do-Don't you think there's another way to get you guys out of here?" I asked while I fiddled with my thumbs. She only stared at me, sending shivers down my spine before answering. "Do you have any ideas on how to get us out of here?" She asked tilting her head? "... I don't BUT I'm sure I can come up with something soon I promise just give me some time okay?" I asked. There was a moment of silence before she nodded. "I trust you (Y/n), please don't abandon us..." She said with a sad tone in her voice. "I would never abandon my best friend, you know that" I said giving her a reassuring smile. She nodded and Foxy stepped aside from the vent with his arms crossed. "Well I hope you can get us out of here soon..." He mumbled as he watched me approach the vent. "I-I'll try and you mister!" I pointed over at Freddy, who jumped in response. "You're getting cleaned tomorrow" I stated. His eyes turned pink for a moment before I noticed Bon Bon laughing. "Bon Bon that goes for you too" I added, which stopped his laughing quickly as he looked at me with his ears drooping down. 'Silly...' I thought to myself as I climbed through the vents to the elevator. 

*Time skip to your house cuz I'm lazy*

After I parked Honey I instantly started my way towards the door so I could go to sleep. After getting inside and rushing up the stairs I noticed that my room was a lot cleaner than what it was before I left. I assume dad decided to go clean some things while I was gone... 'I'll be sure to thank him later on till then' I thought to myself as I undressed and got into my Pajamas and jumped on to my bed. 'I wonder why Liz wont tell her dad...' And with that last thought, 

I drifted into a blissful sleep...

(And there's chapter 4! I hope your enjoying this as much as I enjoy writing it! If you have any ideas feel free to message me! Any who see you in the next chapter!)

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