Cleaning Time?

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(Before we start this is not my picture its by Amanddica and Danniful On DeviantArt! They do pretty good work if you want to go check them out :3 )


"Get them out? I don't think I can just bring people down there to be... No I'm sure there's a way to get them out...' I thought to myself as I lay in bed at 11am. This question has been banging around in my head ever since I woke up. It was hard to come up with a peaceful way of getting them out though... "Maybe I'll go ask Dad! I'm sure he'll have an answer!" I shouted out loud to myself and hopped out of bed to stretch. Soon I found myself zipping down the stairs to smell Dad cooking breakfast like usual. "Good morning sweetie you seem to be in a rush!" He laughed a bit as he turned around with a plate of food in his hand. I took a seat at the kitchen bar (I think that's what those kitchens with the bar thing you can eat at are called?) as he placed the plate in front of me. "Yeah I was stumped on something and I can't come up with an answer so I figured I would come to the smartest Dad in the world for some advice! Also thank you for straightening up my room for me... I was gonna do it one of these days, but I guess I never got around to it."I said as I propped my arm up on the counter and rested my head on my hand as I waited for him to finish making his food. "Aw come on (Y/n) You know I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed" He chuckled as he walked around and sat next to me and began to eat. "So what is it that you wanted to ask me about?" He said as he shoved a forkful of eggs into his mouth. "Well... Lets say I have some friends that are broken... and they can't really get out of a place down below." I started. He gave me a confused look before swallowing is food and speaking. "That's quite the plot you got going there, but go on." He motioned for me to continue. "How would you suggest getting them out?" I asked. I don't want to let him in on the details of the situation I'm in right now, but I think I was discreet enough to get an answer out of him. "Well, if your friends are robots of sorts, then I would suggest you fix the problems they have, then give them a test run. If they work then suggest to someone that they rent said robots to get them out more." He suggested. My eyes widened at the idea. "That could actually work" I muttered as I stuffed a piece of (F/f) in my mouth. "And this is why your the greatest Dad in the world!" I praised him, causing him to smile in delight. "Now now, there's no need for praise, I'm here to help you out whenever I can" He said as he finished his food. I finished about a minute after him and decided to wash my plate before going upstairs to get changed into something better than Pajamas. As I was walking up the stairs I couldn't stop smiling at the idea. 'I can't believe I didn't think of something like that! I knew my Dad was awesome but this just makes him even better!' I thought happily to myself as I start to skip up the stairs, causing me to almost stumble going up. After I got my self situated and back down stairs, I saw Dad was in the backyard cleaning the pool of any stray leaves that may have fallen in. "Hey Dad! One quick question!" I shouted from the door. He turned over and shouted back, "What's up!?" "I know this might sound weird but do we have anything good for cleaning and shinning metal!?" I shouted back. He seemed more confused than before after he processed what I just said. "Yeah we should have a lot of polishing material inside the garage, Why!?" He questioned. "I have to make sure the animatronics are clean and ready for me to fix them and get them to parties! Thank you for the info though!" I shouted before dashing to the garage to search for the polishing material. Thankful we didn't have many objects in here for spiders to hide behind. I reached for the light switch to turn on the light, and sure enough I felt a cob web and instantly snatched my hand back from the switch. I flashed my phones light at it and thankfully there wasn't anything there. I sighed in relief as I flipped the switch, causing a light hanging from the ceiling to illuminate the room. We had a shelf and a work station straight ahead and sure enough, there was a jug of metal shiner (Dunno what the actual product would be called lol) sitting there. 'Now to make a mental note of that to make sure I come back and grab it' I thought to myself as I closed the garage door.

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