Brutal Truth's and A Solid Plan

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(Y/n) POV

We walked through the door leading to the maintenance room and was instantly greeted by the smell of mildew. I scrunched my nose a bit before shaking it off. I noticed that there were a set of 3 shower like stalls with drains on the bottom.  The drains were rather large, as if they were made for cleaning up gory messes like this. Freddy had his hand nervously rubbing his stump, causing me to rub his shoulder gently as I lead him into the stall. The stall was large enough for him to barely fit and I looked around for a hose and noticed it in a corner underneath a spigot. I hooked the hose and turned back to see Freddy looking warily at the hose. "Don't worry Freddy boy I wont just blast you with high pressured water! Besides I doubt that this hose is capable of such a thing." I said reassuring. I turn the water on and the water came rushing out at a decent pressure. He simply stared at the water before looking back at me. "Not that bad I promise." He nods a bit before closing his eyes. "SH-SHOULD I OPEN U-UP NOW?" He asked nervously. "Yeah you should be good now. " I said. A loud hissing noise came from his chest and steam escaped through the opening of his chest cavity. The metallic smell of blood instantly hit my noise causing me to gag a bit before looking away. I heard the thick sound of liquid and some sort of chunks being poured out of Freddy. 'If I can't face that this how can I be ready for anything worse in the future?" I thought to myself as I began to muster up as much courage as possible to look at Freddy. I cracked my eyes open and instantly noticed his eyes were a darker blue. I felt my heart twinge out of sadness for the poor bear. I look further down and noticed all the blood dripping out of his storage compartment and clumps of what I can assume is the kids body. I mentally groan as I got closer with the hose to clean Freddy out. After a few steps, I turned the water was so it was washing out Freddy's insides. He let out a strange mechanical noise when the water made contact with him. "You okay Freddy?" I asked a little confused from the reaction. "IT JUS-JUST FEELS A LITTLE WE-WEIRD IS ALL!" He says while averting his eyes. Soon enough the blood on the inside of Freddy had completely cleaned out of the remains. Now all that remained was his legs. As I go over the pelvic area of his animatronic suit, Freddy let out a startling, glitchy yelp and covered himself. "Woah you okay Freddy?" I asked a little startled from the response. "I-I-IT FELT A LI-LITTLE FUNNY!" Freddy said awkwardly. I noticed the pink hue in his eyes again and picked up what he meant. I felt my face heat up a bit before shaking it off. "My bad lets just get your legs washed off yeah?" I said with a awkward smile. He nodded in response as I began to rinse off his legs after a few minutes Freddy was now clean of any blood or remains. To no surprise they all went smoothly down the drain. "Now to dry you off and we should be good to go!" I said trying to keep the atmosphere cheery and positive as possible. I began looking around for a towel while Freddy sputters out something, but I can't really understand it. Soon enough I found a towel. "Alrighty Freddy I have acquired my cloth of drying! So prepare yourself... Why are you steaming?" I asked as I noticed steam coming from Freddy's face. "I THINK TH-THERE IS SOMETHING WRO-WRONG WITH ME COOLING SYST-SYSTEM!" He says frantically. "Well after I dry you off I can take a look if you want." I say as I start approaching him. He seems to stiffen up as I reach into his chest cavity to dry it off. "(Y-Y/N) DON'T YOU TH-THINK I COULD SWI-SWITCH INTO KILL MODE?" He asked warily. "I have faith you won't and if you do... well lesson learned right?" I said trying to make light of the possibility of my death. He lets out a soft whimper after i finished drying his insides. As I moved towards his pelvic area again I gave it a quick simple wipe over, earning a strange noise from Freddy. After drying off his legs I backed away to see a bashful Freddy. I nodded in approval before walking over and giving Freddy a hug, earning a yelp from Freddy. "Don't worry Freddy I swear on my life I'll save you all..." I mutter into the bear's chest. He went silent before wrapping his arms around me and resting his head gently on top of mine. "I know you will..." He said in a rather deeper tone without stuttering. (Listen to They'll Keep You Running and you'll see what voice I mean :3 ) "Wow Freddy I didn't know your voice box could do that!" I said in astonishment. He tilted his head at this before speaking up. "WHAT DO Y-YOU MEAN?" He asked back in his normal voice. 'I must have imagined that...' I thought to myself before shaking the thought off. "Well lets head back to everyone and I'll  tell you guys my next step." I explained.  I finally came up with a way to prove that Mr. Afton was guilty of these crimes he has done. As I came into  the other room everyone instantly turned to me, causing me to flinch a bit. "Everything went well?" Baby asked in her gentle voice as usual. I nod and make my way over to the stage to sit down. "So my next plan is to obviously get these chips removed out of you guys so we don't have anymore... accidents happening." I explained. Everyone seemed to deflate a bit at the mentioning of 'accidents'.  "Don't worry my dad has some tools at home that I could use and when I get one of the chips out, I can bring it to authorities." I explained. I looked over and noticed Foxy cock his head to the side and raise a brow. "And what, they would scrap us after they find out right?" He asked. I shook my head quickly and continue to explain. "By then I will have all of your chips and with me so I can bring them back and open all of you up and show them the placement of where the chips were last installed." I could feel my confidence building up the more I explain my plan. "After that I would simply explain that Mr. Afton has some blueprints in the house hidden somewhere explaining how you all were build and what each of you were ment to do. Like Freddy with his extra storage space." As I took a seat on the ground everyone soon joined me on the ground. Freddy actually sat really close to me this time. "That all sounds nice but what would we do exactly after Afton is arrested?" Ballora asks while resting her head on the palm of her hand. "After that I would claim that I have fixed you all up and you are fully operational for party rentals!" I cheered as I raised a fist in the air. "And don't worry I'll actually bring you all to my home. Of course I will have to explain to dad about this and hope that he believes me, but if he doesn't I would hope that one of you would be willing to step forward and prove that I'm not lying." I finish and smile at the thought of the plan pulling through.  "Wow that plan is... a-actually really well thought out..." Foxy said sounding a little impressed. "Well (Y/n) it seems like you truly did want to continue our dream when we were kids." Baby said with her eyes closed and her smile seeming to widen a bit. "Of course I would Liz! I never dreamed of abandoning it do to that... day..." I trailed of as the horrible memory came back to me for a moment, causing me to shudder a bit. Freddy put a hand on my shoulder gently and surprisingly it was really warm. "I... really appreciate that (Y/n)... That is why you were my best friend. You never gave up no matter how hard the task was. Rather it be standing up to bullies or helping someone who scrapped their knee. You were there to help." Baby said. It seemed like she was reminiscing memories from the past. "And you were always there to support me no matter what and now I'm here to help you all go free." I said raising a thumbs up to Baby. She giggled at this and returned the gesture with a thumbs up of her own. I pulled out my phone to check the time, and sure enough it was time for me to hit the road. "Well guys it's about that time for me to head up to get this plan rolling. If I am correct there should be a party you are all scheduled to be at and I should be receiving the address later in the morning." I explain as I stand up and stretching a bit before giving everyone a hug. I let out a squeal when Freddy lifted me into the air and began to shake me a bit. I giggled a bit when I was lifted off the floor and my face began to heat up a bit before he let me go. I looked up and sure enough his irises were glowing a beautiful pink before reverting back to icy blue. I made my way buck through the vents and to the elevator. 'This plan is going to work I know it is!' I hyped myself up and began smiling like a mad man for a moment. As the doors open I was  greeted by an unpleasant stare of Mr. Afton. I let out a yelp of shock and flinched back a bit before calming down. "M-Mr. Afton I didn't expect to se-see you here. Is there something you needed?" I asked cautiously. He lifted his head a bit as if he was analyzing me. "Why are your shoes wet?" He asked. I felt my heart drop as I realize that it was from when I was cleaning Freddy out. "Oh that? Some of the kids had greasy hands and was rubbing all over Freddy s-so I decided to take him to the back and get him all spic and span for tomorrow." I explained quickly on the spot. He seemed skeptical before nodding. "Very well... If there were any damages on the animatronics or tampering discovered, I would have to fire you on the spot (Y/n)." He said sternly. I gulped and nodded quickly. "I understand sir don't worry I-I have don't think they need any maintenance like that anyways." I shrugged and scratched my head a bit. He let out a grunt and handed me a paper. I quickly took it and looked down and sure enough it was the address for the party later on today. "I will not be accompanying you there so I'll be counting on you to make sure everything goes smoothly. We wouldn't want any... accidents happening." He said with a bit of venom in his tone. I nod quickly again before making my way to the exit. As I was leaving I noticed Mr. Afton was entering the building... I really hope he doesn't throw a wrench into the plan...

(And boom there is a chapter. I will see you all on next time when I get another burst of inspiration! Also thank you to everyone who kept supporting me and pushing me to go on with the story! It even got me thinking of starting other fanfic, but of course that isn't something I should think about until I'm done with this story. I hope you all enjoyed and see you next time!)

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