Here's an Idea!

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(Y/n) was peacefully slumbering after her long night of "hard work" until her alarm suddenly went off startling her awake.

(Y/n) POV

I jumped up at the sound of my alarm blaring next to my head and quickly turned it off. Soon I read the message for the alarm which said, "Make sure you see Mr. Afton during the day" as a reminder. It took a second for it to register what it meant. "Oh right I have to go pitch the idea to Mr. Afton today." I said as I began to stretch in bed before swinging my legs off my bed. I walked around my room to get some clothes ready for the day. To my surprise when I checked the time to see it's 11:30am. "Wow I feel fine off of 5 hours of sleep!" I laughed a bit before walking into the bathroom to take care of my hygiene. 

*15 minutes later...*

I walked out of the shower with a towel around my chest and my (H/l)(H/c) still damp from the shower. As I walked into my room I heard Dad snoring in his room. It reminds me of how lucky I am to have my own room. As soon as I enter my room, I began to use the towel that was covering me to dry my hair so I wouldn't worry about my clothes getting wet from it. After I successfully dried my hair, I threw on a white T-shirt with a long sleeve (F/c) plaid shirt and black jeans. (Sorry if that isn't your style just... imagine something else if it isn't?) Lastly I threw on some socks and shoes to finish my outfit. I looked into my mirror and smiled proudly at how nice I looked. That smile faded soon as my stomach began to growl loudly, causing me to blush a bit and cover it. 'Maybe I should eat before I go...' I thought to myself as I made my way down stairs to the kitchen. I turned the stove 3 stove tops on and placed pans on all of them. 'Now to start some cooking'!

*15 more minutes later...*

"And done!" I shouted as I looked at the 2 plates of breakfast I made. It consisted of scrambled eggs, pancakes, and bacon with a small cup of syrup and melted butter on the side. I put Dad's plate in the microwave and left a note on the counter top when he wakes up so he'll know its there. I scarfed down the food quickly and drank a cup of orange juice, which was a mistake since the last thing i finished was the pancakes with syrup on them. "Oh god that tasted gross..." I groaned as I got up and grabbed the keys to Honey and left the house. After locking the door and driving off in Honey, it feels a little refreshing to see people out in about in the sun. It has been a while since I've actually gone outside with the sun up since I started the job. Hopefully Mr. Afton will see this as a great opportunity to make money for another pizzeria! 

*15 MORE minutes later...*

I quickly hopped out of Honey and locked her doors before running over to Mr. Afton's House. I rang the doorbell quickly and waited a little while before seeing the door open. Mr. Afton looked a bit disheveled from what I'm use to seeing. "Good morning Mr. Afton!" I say as cheery as possible. "Good morning to you as well (y/n). What brings you over? It's not time for your shift if I do recall." He said, with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Well Mr. Afton, I wanted to let you know that the repairs on the animatronics are going smoothly." I said with a self assured smile. His eyes widened for a moment before they narrowed at me. "Is that so? You wouldn't mind showing me the progress would you?" He asked me. I felt an ominous aura coming from him as he said that, but i decided to shrug it off. "Not at all lets head down there and check them out."  He nodded before allowing me to enter his house. We walked down the stairs to the elevator and made our way down to the animatronics. "Mr. Afton what are those keys for?" I asked as I noticed the jingling sound coming from his side. "These? Oh they are so we don't have to crawl through those tight air vents. Age is catching up to me, can't afford to go hurting myself. So we can just use the doors on the side to enter each room." He explained. 'I'm sure you could afford it' I though in my head. "Wait so why didn't you just let me use the keys instead of having me crawl through the vents?" I questioned. It feels like the elevator is taking longer than usual. "For your own safety of course." He explained bluntly. 'My own safety? They don't seem to be hostile...' I thought. Thankfully the doors had finally opened and he motioned towards the door with a large lock on it. He promptly opened up the door to Circus Baby's Gallery, which was pretty dark. I walked in and felt my hand around the room to find a light switch, in which i did. The area was illuminated in a pink light and sure enough Baby was standing on her platform. She promptly activated and looked over at me and Mr. Afton. "Good morning (y/n)! Are you ready for the show today?" She asked in a cheery tone. I think she's a little confused on why Mr. Afton was here. "She knows your name?" He asked suspiciously. "Since I've been working down here, there have been a few times where they would activate as if a child was nearby and would ask for their name. So I said my name and I guess it stuck!" I made up off the top of my head. I mean technically it was the truth just, not the whole truth. "Interesting, I didn't expect this to happen. Shall we proceed to the other rooms?" He asked. I think i peaked his interest! He walked out first and as i was turning around, I flashed a smile at Baby and a thumbs up. She tilted her head quickly before I turned the lights off. Mr. Afton locked the door and walked over to Funtime Foxy's Auditorium. The only light on was the spot light showing a powered down Foxy. As the door closed behind me and Mr. Afton, I walked over to Funtime Foxy and waved my hand a bit. "Hmm... i doesn't seem like-" "WELCOME MISS (Y/n) ARE YOU HERE FOR THE PERFORMANCE?" Funtime Foxy suddenly yelled loudly, causing me to scream, making Mr. Afton chuckle a bit. 'That asshole did that on purpose!' "W-Well no not yet Foxy" I stuttered out as my heart rate began to go back to its regular pulse. "Well that's to bad! The show will have to hold off for another time then!" He said in his fancy radio show host voice. "It's Fascinating that they actually remember your name." I smiled on the inside and looked over to Mr. Afton. "Well after working on them I found some sort of AI chip that seemed to be a little damaged so I repaired it." I explained in hopes that he would believed me. He nodded and began to make his way to another door across from the room. If I have my rooms correct, we should be heading into Ballora's room. As Mr. Afton entered the room I flipped off Foxy for that scare earlier, only for him to wiggle his eye brows up and down in a suggestive way. I felt my face heat up before i quickly close the door. Mr. Afton already had the lights on, and sure enough Ballora was dancing gracefully around the room with her Minireenas. "Good Morning Ballora!" I greeted the ballet dancer. "A wonderful morning to you as well (Y/n), you are not alone are you?" She asked. I forgot she usually has her eyes closed, but still has great motion sensors. "Yes Mr. Afton is here as well." I explained. She spun over to us and did a curtsy. "A pleasure to meet you Mr. Afton" she said in a soft voice. "A pleasure Ballora" He said with a smirk on his face. I think he's liking the fact they are interactive with us. "I'll go grab Funtime Freddy out of the Circuit Breaker Room." I told Mr. Afton. He gave me a simple nod as I made my way into the dark room with a jungle of wires. It was still dark since there was no lights to really use. "Hey Freddy and Bonnie, you two there?" I whispered out. No response. I felt myself get a little nervous until I suddenly jumped from a sudden soft and light object falling onto my head and grabbing it. "Surprise attack!" Bonnie said in his cheery high pitched voice. I laughed a bit as I heard loud foot steps making their way towards me. "(Y/-Y/n?) What are you doi-doing here?" Freddy asked, obviously confused. "Mr. Afton is down and I'm going to pitch him a great idea! Mind coming outside with me?" I asked as I grabbed and held Bon Bon close to me. He gave a firm nod before Bon Bon hopped out of your arms and onto Freddy's stub. I led him out of the Circuit Breaker room and into Ballora's Auditorium. "B-BON BON IT LOOKS LIKE W-WE HAVE A GUEST!" Freddy said in his enthusiastic voice upon seeing Mr. Afton. He walked over happily to Mr. Afton and held Bon Bon up to him. "Howdy there! My name is Bon Bon!" Bon Bon introduced himself. This caused Mr. Afton to chuckle a bit. "It's very nice to meet you Bon Bon. I can assume that your Funtime Freddy?" He asked looking towards Freddy. "WO-WOWIE AM I THAT RECOG-RECOGNIZABLE?" He asked as he placed his mic towards his speaker box. I giggled a bit from the act, so far it seems like this plan is coming along pretty well. "Well (Y/n) I guess I did make the right decision of having you run maintenance on my animatronics. I see that Funtime Freddy's Voice Box is still a little buggy, but it's better than what it was before." He commented as he gave me a firm pat on my shoulder. From the corner of my eye I swear I saw Freddy's eye's flash red for a second... "Thank you Mr. Afton! I was actually curious on if... by chance they would be able to be placed in Pizzeria at some point since they are... working?" I asked awkwardly. This caused Freddy's ears to wiggle a bit and tilt his head. I seemed to have caught Mr. Afton off guard with this question. "My, my this is a sudden request..." He stated as he averted his eyes for a moment. "I-I know it's a little sudden an-and its not like you need to answer now. If you could at least think it over? I'm sure some kids would love to play with everyone here right?" I questioned as I felt my palms getting a little sweaty from the nervousness. His eyes widened for a second before he smiled, oddly. "Of course, the children would love to play with them. It's a good thing you fixed them up now. One of the Pizzeria's nearby are actually in need of some new animatronics." He explained to me. My eyes lit up from that answer and I began to smile. "And it would be even better if the mechanic that fixed them worked there, if you don't mind that is." He said to me. "I would love to! Thank you so much Mr. Afton!" I shout as I began to hop up and down. "You seem very excited for this (Y/n), why's that?" Mr. Afton questioned me. "Well it's kinda been a dream of mine and... Liz to work at one of your Pizzeria's... And I want to keep that dream alive for the both of us." I said with my voice filled with determination. Mr. Afton's eyes widened for a moment before he nodded. "She did love these animatronics didn't she..." He trailed off. The awkward tension in the air seemed thick enough that you could cut it with a knife. "Well that's enough of that, shall we be on our way?" He asked, motioning towards the door. I nodded quickly and started making my way towards the exit. We shortly entered the elevator and started making our way back up through the house. "So Mr. Afton?" I asked as we went up the stairs. He hummed to let me know he was listening. "So when do I start heading over to the Pizzeria itself?"  I asked as we made our way to the front door. "Since it's Friday you'll be making your way over on Monday. Here's the address for it." He said as he handed me a business card. Awesome now I know where I'm going. "Well Mr. Afton I will be seeing you on Monday?" I questioned as I started to back away a little. "Yes (Y/n) I'll be there on Monday. And do remember that you're the mechanic there. Don't feel pressured to pitch in a helping hand by the staff okay?" He directed. I promptly nodded and started making my way. "Have a great day Mr. Afton!" I said as I made my way back to Honey. "You too (Y/n)" He said with an eerie smile on his face. I quickly hopped into Honey and started her up. As I was pulling off from the house, I noticed Mr. Afton had a creepy grin on his face that sent chills down my spine. Something seems off about him... Maybe I'm just looking too much into it... Just think on the bright side, I got them all out of the darkness down there and into the light with children to play with! That thought alone made my heart flutter. I did it, I helped them out! I turned on the radio and sure enough my favorite song was playing. I rolled down the window to let the cool wind blow through my hair as I sang along. "Best day ever!" I shouted as I made my way down the street.

*15 Minutes Later*

I made my way into the house quickly and saw dad was just finishing his breakfast. "Good afternoon (Y/n) where'd ya head off to?" Dad asked. "Oh I went to Mr. Afton's to show him the progress I made with the repairs on the animatronics and pitched him and idea, guess what happened." I said I felt giddy and was rocking on my heels a bit. Dad put on a goofy thinking face. "Did he suddenly give them to you for free?" He said in a silly voice. I laughed for a while before shaking my head. "N-No he said he would send them to the nearby Pizzeria and I get to work there as the mechanic for the animatronics!" I exclaimed. Dad ran over to me and engulfed me in a hug and picked me up. "I'm so proud of you! Sound's like one helluva promotion for you sweetie." He said. I can hear the pride in his voice and it felt great to hear it. "Well I start working there on Monday so I basically have the weekend off. Did you have any plans?" I asked. "I'm actually off for the weekend with all the overtime I was working down in the shop this week. So I planned on relaxing and watching a few movies here and there. You want in?" He asked. I smirked and nodded. "This is going to be an awesome weekend.

(And there you have it folks the next chapter! Again I do apologize for my slow writing on my stories but I do hope you enjoy and I appreciate everyone his is supporting me :D)

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