Going Home

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(Good morning, everyone! Just a disclaimer, this picture belongs to IceTigerKitten on Reddit. Also, I plan to work on another fanfic soon but it's going to be an OC based one so sorry about that lol. It's for Final Fantasy Advent Children. Anyways let's get this show on a roll!) 

(Y/n) POV

I could feel myself stirring awake, instantly feeling the soar pain on my back from being thrown down earlier. I groan a bit and begin to open my eyes a bit, only to be greeted by a blinding white light. I wince from the unwelcomed brightness and look over to my side to see my dad passed out slouched over on my bed. I rub my eye with one of my hands while the other gently tapped my dad. He quickly jolted awake and look at me and I could see the tears already building up in his eyes. "(Y-Y/n) I was so worried!" He cried out as he pulled me into a tight embrace. I grunt a bit from the pain in my back but return the hug quickly. "Don't worry dad it's just a little bit of soreness and a stab wound." I try to lightly joke to but wince when I try to move one of my fingers. He released me and shook his head solemnly. "How could I have known if you were going to bleed out or anything? I wasn't there to protect you..." He says as he drags his hand through his hair. "Dad, you can't blame yourself for that. I told you what I was going to be doing and that I would be fine and here I am! Somewhat fine." I say with a big smile gracing my face. "Plus, I saved Liz and the gang from Afton's clutches. That's even greater!" I cheer weakly as I look over my hand. It had stitches in it and the wound was cleaned up for the most part. The nurses soon walked in and saw that I was awake. "Ah miss (Y/n), the police are here to speak with you for a moment." She says politely. I thank her and watch as two officers walk in my room and stood a few feet from me. "Sorry to suddenly bother you miss (Y/n), but we had a few questions about the events that took place last night. " One says in a gruff tone. I explain the events that led up to the attempt at my life down to the chips that I have in my dad's tool box. It was actually brought to me while I was still unconscious. I explained how I extracted them from the animatronics and it turns out that's what Afton was using to try and kill children. Furthermore, I told them I would be able to take over as the manager for the pizzeria, in which they surprisingly had no problem with.

After about 20 minutes of questioning, the officers left us alone in the room again. I looked over and noticed a couple of bouquets and notes on them. I smiled warmly as dad explained that this incident actually made it on the news rather quickly. I was apparently out for a long time, which is kind of odd since it was just a stab wound. For all I know I was just losing blood really fast. Dad informed me that the nurse says I should be good to be discharged from the hospital soon since the wound was taken care of quickly. "So how are the others? Like Freddy and the gang?" I asked as my mind drifts to thoughts of my friends being safe. "After I received a call, I drove over to the pizzeria as fast as I could. They had all the animatronics outside, and I had just witnessed you wheeled into the ambulance. I ran over asking questions about if you were okay, in which authorities said I should be fine. After I asked them about the animatronics they said something about scrapping them." He says, causing my eyes to widen and for me to sit up from my bed completely. "D-Don't tell me they-" "Hang on there I wasn't done yet" He states as he sees the panic in my eyes. "I actually offered to hold onto them since I do remember the talk we had." They called some movers and brought them to our house. It was a tense silence between us all as they stood idly in the living room until I spoke up to them." He says giving an awkward laugh at the end of his sentence. I breathe a sigh of relief after hearing this. "Who spoke up?" I asked tilting my head a bit. "Elizabeth did actually. She said she was happy to see me again." He says with a warm smile gracing his face. We spent about an hour talking about the plans for the pizzeria now. Apparently, I'm being put in charge of the place due to the lack of a manager. Originally, I was skeptical of the whole idea, only to find out that Catherine recommended it so we could keep the business running. A nurse soon came to inform me that I was good to leave the hospital and that I should be careful with using my stitched hand for anything. I nod at this, and dad proceeds to help me take the bouquets to Honey. 

(Time skip to the house because yes.)

As we pulled up, Dad told me about how everyone transformed their bodies into a 'much more fleshy form' As he called it. I giggled at that just imagining what his face must have been looking like. " I assume you asked how they did it and Foxy said with 'Magic'?" I question as I hop out the car with a few bouquets in my arm. "He did! And did a little jazz hand gesture and all."  He followed up laughing as he closed the door to Honey and locked her doors. As we reached the door, it swung open, and we were greeted with Liz's smiling face. "Welcome home (Y/n) and Mr. (L/n) glad to see you two made it." She says in a happy tone as she offers to take the flowers from our hands. I thank her and proceed to walk inside, only to see Foxy, Bon Bon, and Ballora all relaxing in the living room watching TV. "Hey guys I'm back!" I say, which got their attention really quickly. "(Y/n)!" Bon Bon yelled as his small form quickly hopped off the couch and ran towards me. I laugh as he jumps up to hug me, in which I catch him and pull him into my chest for a tight hug. "We were so worried about you! Even Foxy was pacing around until Ballora calmed him down!" He cried while nuzzling his face into my chest. "Hey now don't go over exaggerating stuff." Foxy says while crossing his arms. "But Foxy, you wouldn't stop pacing till I said she will be home soon." Ballora says and lets out a gentle giggle. He made some noises of confusion before averting is gaze. I gently put Bon  Bon down and approach the mumbling fox and brought him into a tight hug, causing him to stiffen a bit. "Thanks for worrying about me Foxy." I say as I feel his arms quickly wrap around me and give me a tight squeeze. "It's nothin... You should've seen Freddy though. He was a mess." Foxy says while releasing me. "Speaking of my favorite bear, where is he?" I ask while looking around for the big furball. "Oh, I believe he went up to your room." Ballora said while placing her hand to her chin while thinking. I nod at this and place the flowers down on the kitchen bar and make my way upstairs to see Freddy.

 I slowly crept the door open to be greeted by the sight of Freddy splayed out on my bed sleeping. 'Aw! He looks so adorable like this!' I think to myself whilst making my way over to the sleeping bear. The smell of lavender was wafting around his sleeping form, and it was wonderful! I gently climb on top of the sleeping bear and straddle myself around his waist before leaning down onto him and gently tapping his nose. "Freddy~ It's time to wake up~" I say gently as the bear begins to stir awake. His mumbled something as he looked around the room before his eyes made contact with me. At that moment they instantly lit it up with happiness. He quickly leaned up and pulled me into his chest with a bear hug. "(Y/N) I'M SO GLAD YOUR OKAY!" He said while rocking me side to side in his hug. "I told you I would be fine Papa Bear. I just got a few stitches in my hand is all." I say raising my stitched-up hand to show him. His brows furrowed as he gently took my hand into his large ones. He gently traced his fingers along the outlines of the stiches and a sad look glazed over his eyes. "If only I had gotten there faster I..." He stopped mid-sentence as I hushed him with a finger from my opposite hand. "Freddy this isn't your fault. I knew the risks I was taking with that situation, and I made it out mostly fine." I say while rubbing the side of his face to comfort him. His eyes became half lidded as smile replaced his somber expression. "Well welcome home (Y/n)." He says while leaning his head slowly closer towards mine. And just like that, our lips connected in a sweet and gentle. After a few moments, our lips parted and I rested my head against his chest. His heart was going wild as he leaned back down onto the bed. "I love you Freddy and I see a bright future ahead of us." I say while rubbing little circles on his chest while he strokes my head gently. "I love you too (Y/n) I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you..."

(And there is the finale everyone! I hope you enjoyed this and I apologize if it feels to short of a final chapter, but I wasn't going to pull and ending like I did for Zodiac Wars because... never again lol Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this story and have a wonderful Morning/Afternoon/Evening!)

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