Out of the Darkness

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Monday Afternoon (Y/n POV)

After doing my morning daily routine, I decided to head off to work to check up on everyone. I took me a while to get to the Pizzeria since it's a little farther than i expected to be. I pulled up and the first thing I saw was a giant sign saying "Circus Baby Pizza World" on the building. Now that I think about it, I have always seen this building when Dad would be heading over to get some groceries for us. The only difference is that the parking lot is nearly full. As I walked in it was pretty loud, children were screaming and having fun, music was playing over head. I looked around and saw some kids were dancing with Ballora in a farther corner of the building. Foxy was over dressed in a rather... interesting pirate costume. Baby was singing with a few kids near the stage. Freddy and Bon-Bon had their own pedestal that they were sitting on telling jokes to kids. 'So far it seems as if everything is going pretty good! "Wow I never thought I would see an adult come to a Pizzeria alone!" someone called out, snapping me back to reality. "O-Oh I'm just here to make sure if there is any maintenance problem with the animatornics, then I can fix them." I quickly answered. The waitress walked over to me and smiled before playfully hitting my arm. "I was only teasing, Mr. Afton informed us that the mechanic that fixed the animatronics would be coming so I assumed it was you. My name is Catherine by the way, and yours?" She asked with a gentle smile while offering her hand out to shake. "I see, well my name is (Y/n). It's nice to meet you Catherine!" I said with a cheery smile. "Hey Cath! We need some more soda over at table 12!" A male voice called out. "On it! Well (Y/n) I hope you will enjoy your time here!" She said as she quickly made her way back to the kitchen with her blonde pony tails bouncing behind her.

 I walked over to Ballora after the kids sat down to take a break. "Hey Ballora! Is everything good for you?" I asked with a big smile on my face. "A wonderful morning to you as well (Y/n)" She said with a joyous and soft voice. "It's great to be dancing around the children, they are all so sweet." She said as she spun around me. "That's great! Well I'll be around in case any malfunctions happen." I said. She waved me goodbye as I started making my way over towards Baby. It seemed she was dancing among the children and singing. I walked over to her with the beat of the song. "Hey Baby how's everything going?" I said while bending my knees to the beat. "Good morning (Y/n)! Everything is going great! Hey kids lets all say hi to miss (Y/n)! She's a wonderful friend of ours here!" Baby said with a cheery tone. All the kids turned around and started dancing around me. "Good morning miss (Y/n)!" They all said. It made my heart melt for a moment before i smiled and greeted them back. "Good morning everyone! I hope you're enjoying your time here!" I said as they all started running around again. As Baby finished her song she walked over to me. "(Y/n) this is amazing! I didn't expect Dad to actually let us up here." She said as she took one of my hands. "Well I know my way around the negotiating table, in which I mean he didn't really hesitate on approving the idea. He actually looked a little... off when I was leaving. As a matter of fact, he's been acting strange lately. Like one night he said I hope to see you alive and well the next day, as if I was in danger..." I trailed off as I averted my eyes from Baby. When I looked back at her, she was looking me straight in the eyes. It felt as if everything fell silent around us. "(Y/n) be careful around him." Was all Baby whispered to me. "Huh?" I said with a tone of confusion. "Alright kids ready for another song?" Baby suddenly cheered. The kids began to cheer and run over to Baby. I made my way, keeping note on what Baby said, over to Freddy. "Well that wasn't beary nice of you Freddy why didn't you share any of the deserts with me?" Bon Bon asked with a disappointing tone. "BON BO-BON YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T EAT BON BONS YOU WOULD B-BE EATING YOU-YOURSELF!" Freddy yelled causing the children to laugh and make me giggle. He looked up at me as I giggled and his ears twitched up and down. "HEY KI-KIDS OUR NEW PAR-PARTNER ARRIVED! LET'S AL-ALL SAY HI!" Freddy said as he began to wave over to me to join him. All the kids yelled hi to me and i greeted them all back as I took a seat next to Freddy and Bon Bon. "Is everyone having a fun time with Freddy?" I asked the kids. They all nodded, smiles all around. "Well that is why he earned the title of Funtime Freddy!" I joked, causing them all to laugh. 'Wow that was a bad joke, but it can make kids laugh.' I thought as I put on an awkward smile. "(Y/-Y/n) THAT WAS A CH-CHEESY JOKE. I'M SURE YOU COULD COME UP WITH A FETA ONE!" Freddy said, causing Bon Bon to face palm and the children to laugh more. "Ah yes kids are easy to entertain" I whispered over to Freddy, who nodded quickly. We cracked jokes with the kids until they got up and ran over to eat some pizza. "Well you seem to be enjoying yourself Freddy boy" I joked and nudged his side. He looked over at me and nodded again. "IT'S FUN TO B-BE AROUND KIDS WHO CA-CAN LAUGH AT MY JOKES!" Freddy said with enthusiasm, or at least more enthusiasm than he already has. "Well after hours, you can always practice some on me, I'm always open to hear a few good jokes." I offered. "YOU RE-REALLY DON'T MIND?'' He asked in a shocked tone. "Of course I don't, you're my friend, that's what friends are for." I said giving him a warm smile. His irises turned pink for a moment before going back to sky blue. "Whoa i didn't notice your eyes could change colors! That's amazing!" I said as they changed colors again. Freddy let at an awkward and glitchy laugh while scratching the back of his head with his free hand. Bon Bon was snickering all the while this was happening. "Is it a malfunction you have? If  so I should be able to fix it" I offered as I was reaching for his head. "N-NO IT'S NOT A MAL-MALFUNCTION" He quickly quipped. I retracted my hand before shrugging. A few minutes go by and sure enough I noticed Mr. Afton looking over at me and Freddy. "Hey Freddy I'm going to go to talk to the boss man real quick okay?" I asked. No response. He was just staring blankly ahead. I looked over to Bon Bon and saw that he was asleep on Freddy's stump. I shrugged it off and walked away to Mr. Afton. "Hello Mr. Afton! Everything seems to be going swimmingly!" I said with joy evident in my tone. "I see, it is good to see this place up and running again." He said with a sigh of relief. I noticed Freddy talking to one of the kids off in the distance. I shrug it off before bringing my attention back to Mr Afton.  "Well the worker's here are pretty nice and the place is a big hit on the first day! I'm living our dream for us." I said as I held my necklace close to my chest. "I'm sure Elizabeth is happy as well (Y/n)" he responded with a small smile. I looked over and noticed Freddy was now gone. 'Huh, guess Freddy is off entertaining the kids somewhere.' I thought to myself before taking a seat over by an arcade stand. 

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