The Job

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It was about 8:00 pm and (Y/n) heard that a family friend had opened up a business in renting animatronics and decided that she would have a better chance at getting a job considering you had quite the history with him. Thankfully you were hired to be the technician for the animatronics and do nightly checks on them from midnight to 6 AM. Luckily you took classes in mechanics back in high school, which was about a week ago. It was suppose to be more than a rental place... maybe she could help make it more than that...

(Y/n) POV

I yawned as I woke up from my power nap and looked over towards the clock. "8 o'clock already?" I asked myself as I rubbed my eyes. I hopped off the bed and decided to get dressed properly. As much as I would like to go to work in my pajama's, I don't think Mr. Afton would like that. I stripped down to my bra and panties and decided to throw on a (F/c) plaid shirt with some jeans and (F/v) sneakers before heading out. I let out a soft hum before nodding in approval before gasping and looking over to my night stand. "Can't for get my necklace now, can I?" I asked myself as I grabbed my (F/c) Cherry Blossom necklace. I walked out of my room and down the stairs to the door before I noticed I hadn't said goodbye to dad yet. "Dad! I'm off to my first day of work!" I called into the living room. I heard movement in the other room and soon enough my dad walked through the archway that led to the living room. "Honey, are you sure about this? After all that has happened?" He asked softly with worry riddled on his face. I nod before walking over and giving him tight hug, in which he returned the embrace. "Yes, dad, I promise I'll be careful and if anything happens I always have my phone with me and I'll call you." I said, trying to reassure him. I heard soft hum before he released me and tucked a stray hair behind my ear and smiled. "You look just like your mother, you know?" He asked. I laughed a little before nodding. "You always say that, you know?" I responded with causing him to chuckle. "Well, we don't want to be late on your first day do we? Drive safe and text me when you get to Mr. Afton's house okay?" He asked as he handed me the keys to Honey. I nodded and took the keys before heading over to open the door. "I love you, dad!" I cheerfully said as I opened the door. "I love you too, sweetie. Be careful out there." He said with a warm smile gracing his face. I closed the door and quickly make my way to Honey. "Alright Honey let's hit the road! If I'm late on the first day that won't look good for me at all" I said to the truck as if it could respond. I hopped into the truck as fast as I could and started the engine. 'Well, I guess it's time to take a trip down memory lane' I thought to myself as I backed out of the drive way and made my way over to the Afton's Residence.

(Time skip because you're driving)

As soon as I pulled up to Mr. Afton's house, I instantly took out my phone and texted my dad to let him know I made it. Shortly after he responded with 'Okay. Please be safe! I will see you in the morning'. I smiled before getting out of the car and walking up to Mr. Afton's door. Before I could knock the door opened suddenly, causing me to jump. There stood Mr. Afton in his fancy purple suit. "(Y/n), my dear! It's been quite a while, hasn't it?" he asked as he smiled at me, gesturing for me to come inside. I smiled and nodded before entering the house. "It has been, Mr. Afton. I see you have kept the house in shape. These mirrors and paintings seem like they have never been touched by dust at all." I said as I looked around at all the mirrors and paintings. He let out a chuckle before answering. "Yes, I have to thank you for noticing! Can't let these things get dusty. It wouldn't be professional, now would it?" He asked. I nodded before following him down into the basement of the house. "So Mr. Afton, how exactly do they get the animatronics out of here?" I ask as we approach the elevator. He pointed over to a platform that had a door above it. "The animatronics all have platforms that lead to the basement so the contractors can move them." He explained. 'He must really have a lot of money...' I thought to myself as I noticed some circular metal covers near the elevator. "So are those for the animatronics to get lifted up too?" I asked, in which a smile graced his face and he nodded. "You surely have gotten older haven't you?" He asked. I let out a laugh before nodding and pressing the button to call the elevator. He looked down at my neck and his eyes softened a bit. "I'm glad you still have your necklace. I'm sure Elizabeth would still have hers..." he said softly. "Yeah, she would... I'm sure she's smile down at us now." I said with a sad smile on my face. He nodded in agreement before smiling. Soon enough the elevator arrived and I stepped in before turning back and waving at Mr. Afton. He waved back before speaking up. "When your shift is done, feel free to use the basement door exit and head on home for some rest, understand?" He asked. "I will!" I responded as the doors closed. Wow, this place really hasn't changed has it?..." I asked myself as I looked around at the dusty elevator. As the elevator descended I closed my eyes, I began to think about the day of the accident. I was snapped out of my thoughts when a sudden voice spoke up. "Welcome to the first day of your exciting new career! Whether you were approached at a job fair, read our ad at Screws, Bolts, and Hairpins, or if this is the result of a dare, we welcome you. I will be your personal guide to help you get started. I'm a model 5 of the Handyman's Robotics and Unit-Repair System, but you can call me Hand-Unit. Your new career promises challenge, intrigue, and endless janitorial opportunities." I looked around for a bit only to look down and see a yellow tablet with a set of eyes and a little label that read 'Mike'. "Um... well hello there Hand-Unit?" I said, a little unsure of if the yellow tablet could even hear me. "Please enter your name as seen above the . This cannot be changed later, so please be careful." It stated before a keyboard appeared on the screen. "W-Wait a minute!" I shouted as I tried to type my name, only for the keyboard to glitch out, making it impossible to type my name. "It seems that you had some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type, and I will auto-correct it for you. One moment. Welcome, Eggs Benedict." The Hand-Unit stated. I stared blankly at the tablet before for letting out an annoyed groan. "Great... now I am a brunch meal..." I mumbled. Before I knew it, the elevator stopped and the Hand-Unit spoke up once again. "You can now open the using that bright, red obvious button. Let's get to work!" It said with a cheerful tone to its voice. I looked down at the red, and really obvious, button and pressed it. The doors opened up rather loudly and the first thing I see is an open air vent. 'I guess I'm suppose to crawl through it' I questioned myself. I noticed that there are glass windows around me, but it's to dark to actually look outside and see anything. There was also a Circus Baby clock on the wall and some strange doll heads near the vent on a stand of sorts. I crawled into the vent and quietly began to make my way through the quiet air vent. That silence was shattered with a sudden familiar voice, and my yelp of fright from the sudden voice. " Allow me to fill this somewhat frightening silence with some light-hearted banter. Due to the massive success and even more-so the unfortunate closing of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, it was clear that the stage was set - no pun intended - for another contender in children's entertainment. Unlike most entertainment venues, our robotic entertainers are rented out for private parties during the day, and it's your job to get the robots back in proper working order before the following morning." the Hand-Unit said. 'Well, at least I was told a little more of what I'm suppose to do down here I guess...' I thought to myself as I reached the end of the air vent. I stood up and rubbed my elbows to sooth the slight pain from crawling on the metal flooring of the vent. At this point, I expected the Hand-Unit to speak randomly, so it only causes me to jump a little bit when it speaks up again. "You are now in the Primary Control Module. It is actually a crawlspace between the two front showrooms. Now let's get started with your daily tasks. View the window to your left. This is the Ballora Gallery Party Room and Dance Studio, encouraging kids to get fit and enjoy pizza. Let's turn on the light, and see if Ballora is on stage. Press the blue button on the to your left." The Unit spoke up. I did as I was told and sure enough a platform was illuminated by a soft glowing pinkish light. The only thing was that Ballora wasn't there. "Uh-oh, it looks like Ballora doesn't feel like dancing. Let's give her some motivation. Press the red button now to administer a controlled shock. Maybe that will put a spring back in her step." 'Wait, what? Do I REALLY have to shock her? I mean that could damage the animatronic right?' I questioned as I hesitantly held my finger over the controlled shock button. After a while of contemplating I let out a sigh as I pressed the button. A loud electrical sound instantly filled the air causing me to cringe a bit and instantly let go of the button. "Let's check the light again." The Hand-Unit spoke up again. I slowly moved my finger over to the light button and pressed it. Sure enough the ballerina was there dancing and spinning with smaller ones along side of her. "Excellent. Ballora is feeling like her old self again and will be ready to perform again tomorrow. Now, view the window to your right. This is the Funtime Auditorium, where Funtime Foxy encourages kids to play and share. Try the light, let's see what Funtime Foxy is up to" I looked over to the window opposite of Ballora's and saw another keypad there. I pressed the blue button and yet again there was an empty platform. "Oh god..." I muttered as I already had an idea what the tablet was going to say next. "Looks like Funtime Foxy is taking the day off. Let's motivate Funtime Foxy with a controlled shock." 'Again? Really?!' I thought nervously as I quickly pressed the button in hopes that Foxy would pop up on the stage as well. The electricity crackled for a second before I decided to press the button and yet, still no Foxy. "Let's try another controlled shock." played through the tablet. "Come on Foxy I'm not really enjoying this and I'm pretty sure you don't like it either..." I said out loud as if the animatronic could actually hear me. I pressed the button again and quickly released it before pressing the blue button again. This time Foxy was up on the stage waving around blindly. "Looks like Funtime Foxy is in perfect working order, great job! In front of you is another vent shaft. Crawl through it to reach the Circus Gallery Control Module." I sighed in relief when I heard that before moving into the air vent ahead of me, this time a little quicker because I'm starting to get a little freaked out from the silence. Soon enough I made it to the next room which had some fans and helium tanks on the floor with a station in front of me with a lot of knobs and lights blinking on it. I noticed a creepy little puppet thing sitting on the station causing me to shudder a bit. " On the other side of the glass is Circus Baby's Auditorium. Let's check the light, and see what Baby is up to." The Hand-Unit said. This caused my eyes to widen as a flashback ran through my mind of what happened years ago, causing my heart to start racing a bit. I slowly moved my shaking hand over and pressed the blue button. The platform was empty and this caused me to get nervous quickly as I looked around the small room I was in. There's no way that animatronic could fit in here, but you never know if the model changed... "Looks like a few of the lights are out, but we can fix that later. Let's encourage Baby to cheer up with a controlled shock." And with that I instantly pressed the button, without regret. After what she did to Liz, I don't have any sympathy for her. I pressed the light quickly and there was nothing on the platform again. "Let's try another controlled shock." played once again. "Gladly" I mumbled as I hit the button again, releasing a crackling sound. I pressed the blue button again and there still was no sign of Circus Baby. I checked my watch and noticed it was already 4:37 am. "Hurry up I really would like some sleep Baby... wait, that didn't sound right..." I mumbled to myself as I hit the button once more. Still no sign of Baby, and now I was getting frustrated. "Great job Circus Baby, we knew we could count on you! That concludes your duties for your first night on the job. We don't want you to leave overwhelmed, otherwise you might not come back. Please leave using the vent behind you, and we'll see you again tomorrow." 'Wait, what? She wasn't even there!' I thought to myself. I slowly began to feel myself panic as I quickly scramble up through the vents as fast as I could. I noticed as I went into the room with Ballora and Foxy that there were dark figures walking around. "What the-" Before I could finish what I was saying the figure in Foxy's room instantly looked at me. I yelped as I dove into the vent and crawled as fast as I could into the first room. "Funtime Foxy maintenance vent opened." Was spoken by a female voice. 'W-Wait I'm the on-only one here though!' My heart began to race more as I reach the elevator I hear metal clanging in the vent I exited out of. I mashed the elevator close button as fast as I could in hopes the door would close faster. As the doors closed I saw a pink muzzle in the vent. I hug my back against the wall as I heard a bang when the elevator began to move up. A flood of relief washed over me as I began to feel safe again. By the time I reached the basement again I instantly ran over to the door and threw them open. The sun was beginning to rise while the air was cold and crisp. I looked back into the basement and jumped as I saw Circus Baby covered in blood and looking into my eyes. I rub my eyes again only to see the basement floor again. "I really need to get some sleep..." I muttered to myself as I closed the basement doors and made my way to Honey so I could go home.

(Time skip to you're getting inside your house because I'm lazy)

As I closed the door and locked it, I heard snoring coming from the living room. I went to investigate the noise and noticed my dad had fallen asleep in his chair. I smiled gently at him and went to the hallway closet to grab him a blanket. I found his favorite black and blue blanket and placed it over him. "Goodnight, dad..." I whispered as I made my way to my room and lay down. "That was an... eventful night..." I mumbled to myself in my room as I began to undress and placed my necklace on the nightstand next to my bed. I dove under my fuzzy (F/c) blanket and curled into a ball to try and warm up quickly. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep...

(And there ya have it folks I hope you're enjoying this because I honestly feel like it's not that good... but if people are reading it then maybe I'm wrong? Anywho I hope you all did enjoy this chapter. And next chapter we finally get to meet PAPA BEAR and others! So stay tuned till then I'll see you next time!)

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