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"Must have been the wind"
- Alex Benjamin

Ship: jeonglix
( Jeongin x felix )


JEONGIN was in his room while it was around 1:35 pm. He stared at his wall, his mind blank. You may ask what was he doing at this hour? Well he couldn't sleep. He didn't know why, it didn't happen often.

Suddenly he heard some noises from above him. It was as if someone threw a glass and it shattered. And yes, he was living in an apartment in a building as his parents basically threw him out from their house because he was "useless"

At first he thought he was just assuming things because he was tired so he ignored it. It was quite for 5-10 minutes. Then he again heard some noise but this time it was as if someone was crying. "Why could someone be crying at this time?" He thought but he was feeling worried too, he didn't know why. He tried to ignore it and sleep but he just couldn't.

So, he decided to check up on the person who was " crying". He went out of his room and went to the elevator and pressed the 2nd floor button and waited till the elevator door opened

He walked through the hallway and stood outside the room from where he assumed the noise was coming from before knocking

He waited for 5 minutes or so and then the door finally opened showing a boy smaller in hight then him with blonde hair and freckles. He also looked like he was crying because he had red eyes.

"Umm sorry i had to disturb you at this time but i heard some glass shattering and someone crying so i was worried and i came to check up on the person" jeongin said as he gave a small smile to the boy who looked nervous

The boy looked back to check on something behind him before facing jeongin and replying "I think your ears are playing tricks on you" "but it felt so real? Are you fine? I know I'm not someone who should be asking you this but if you're having some problems you can feel free to tell me" jeongin said

"Thanks for caring Sir, that's nice of you but i have to go back in" The boy said as he closed the door but he was stopped when jeongin held the door stopping him to close it

"Are yo-" jeongin was interrupted but the boy " i wish i could tell you about the noise but i didn't hear a thing" "Are you sure?" "Yeah i think it must have been the wind"

"Sir, i have to go back in" the boy said making jeongin leave the door as he watched it slowly close "i guess it must have been the wind then" jeongin thought to himself as he turned around to leave



t has been few days since the last incident but jeongin just couldn't take the boy out of his mind. He was bery worried about the boy and he didn't like the feeling a bit.

He was again laying in the bed as he stared at the wall above him. Whatever he did he just couldn't forget about the boy.

He knew something was wrong but he wasn't sure what it was. Even though the boy was a complete stranger but he just felt something about the boy.

He doesn't know why but he wanted to be beside the boy. He didn't want to leave the boy alone.

He stood up from his bed making his way up to the roof of the building. When he reached there he saw a figure sitting there. He was confused because who would be there in thr middle of the night?

He went up to the before and was kinda shocked to see the same boy that he saw that day . He slowly sat next to him, keeping some distance so that he wouldn't make the boy uncomfortable

The boy noticed his presence but didn't say anything as he jusy stared at the night sky. There was a silence between them and it was not awkward silence it was a comfortable one even though they've not met for a long time.

Jeongin suddenly took out his phone and scrolled through his playlist, playing a song called "lean on me" before silently offering one of his earphones to the boy

The boy was confused at first but after he heard jeongin say "don't worry just take it" he nodded with a small smile before taking it and listening to the song playing on jeongin's phone

"What's your name?" Jeongin asked not too loud as he looked at the boy "lee felix" the boy replied "what about yours?" "It's yang jeongin" jeongin said

"Why are you here in the middle of the night?" Jeongin asked "i could ask you the same thing" felix said chuckling

" Just couldn't sleep, you?" "Same" jeongin looked up to the sky. There was a brief silence before jeongin spoke again "Are you okay?" The question took felix by surprise as he froze for sometimes "y-yeah?Why are you even asking me this? I'm just a stranger" felix said with a low voice. It was his first time that someone asked him this

"I don't know, it just looked like you're not fine" jeongin said still looking at the stars in the sky

"H-how do you know that I'm not okay? I-I mean i am but-" jeongin cut felix off with a chuckle "don't worry, you can take your time to open up i won't force you but always know that you can lean on me or tell me everything even though it's our first time talking together, I'll always be there for you yeah?"

Felix was very much moved by his words. No one had ever said that to him. He just looked down at his hands before nodding and saying "T-thank you"

"Now for tonight let's just forget about alll the problems and just enjoy" jeongin said as he smiled to felix who did the same

They spend hours talking, getting to know about eachother. And before they knew it was already going to be morning and they had to bid their goodbyes for now so they stood up

"You're always welcome to come in my apartment and stay there for an hour or two if you really need a friend okay?" Jeongin said to felix

"O-okay but again thank you so much for everything you're doing even though we just met" felix said

Without saying anything more jeongin just hugged felix and felix was very surprised as his face flushed pink but he hugged him back

Felix didn't know why but he felt safe in jeongin's arm.

"You can talk about the noise when you're ready but until then I'll just say that it must have been the wind" jeongin said chuckling as felix nodded smiling a bit

"And if you ever need someone to talk to you already know I'm there for you" felix eyes became watery, no he didn't mean to cry but the tears just keep coming even if he tried not to

"Don't worry, I'll always be there for you,wherever you're going through will be fine okay? Trust me I'll always keep you safe no matter what" jeongin said as he broke the hug wiping the tears off of Felix's beautiful face

Felix looked so beautiful and ethereal. There was something that attracted the younger towards felix and he wasn't complaining about it now. It hurt so much to see felix crying like that. He wanted to help him he didn't know what the older was going through

So all he could do now was to comfort the older by saying sweet things to him and he was saying it sincerely, there was no lie in whatever he said earlier. He would do everything to protect the older no matter what.


I know it's not so good but i hope you guys liked it:)
Idk if i should do a part 2 for this one :-\

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