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'I want you to be happier"
- Marshmallow ft.Bastille

Ship: Hyunin
( Hyunjin x jeongin )


JEONGIN was in the cafeteria with his friends who were having their lunch. Jeongin just stared at his food thousands of thoughts in his head.

"Innie why aren't you eating your food?" Chan asked as now everyone's eyes were on jeongin "N-nothing hyung I'm just jot Hungry" he said with a small smile

"Would you like to him some of my kimchi?" Hyunjin asked to the other boy "No you should eat too!" The other boy said. It pained him to see hyunjin paying no attention to him but to the boy who came here few weeks ago.

Hyunjin and jeongin had been dating him for over 2 years now. And he has never seen hyunjin that happier with him as he sees hyunjin with the other boy.

Whenever jeongin would ask him if he had feelings for the boy named jaehyun hyunjin always denied it saying they were just friends but jeongin wasn't stupid. He could clearly see hyunjin's heart eyes whenever he talked with jaehyun.
He never had those same heart eyes when he was with jeongin

It hurt jeongin so much knowing that the boy you're in love with is inlove with another boy.

Today jeongin decided to let go of hyunjin. He had no other option but to let go of someone who he loves the most. But it's for hyunjin's good. At least he will be happy.

MARCH 20, 2022

Today was hyunjin's birthday and jeongin had prepared a gift for hyunjin that he knew hyunjin would love it.

He planned a trip to busan where he had a lodge where they could stay. "Innie you don't have to do this much" "wow from love to innie" jeongin thought

"No hyung i wanted to do something special for you and their is a bigger surprise waiting for you" jeongin managed to say.

"Huh? Bigger surprise?" Hyunjin asked confused "Mmhm just wait" jeongin said

Jeongin spend the day talking with hyunjin. It was gonna be his last day with him anyways so he wanted to talk with hyunjin as much he can cause he won't be able to hear hyunjin's voice after

It was now evening time and hyunjin had a blind fold on because of jeongin. Jeongin took him to a beach and told him to open his eyes. There hyunjin saw a beautifully decorated place with a table and lights

"Hyung just wait here okay?" Jeongin said as he made hyunjin sit on the seat. "Huh? Where are you going?" Hyunjin asked

"Don't worry about me just wait" jeongin said as he turned away tears running through his eyes as he started walking away

Hyunjin was confused but still did as he was told
After few minutes someone came and sat down infront of him

"Jaehyun?" "Yes it's me" jaehyun said as he smiled at hyunjin who blushed. "But jeongin?" Hyunjin asked. Jaehyun just sighed "he left"

"H-huh? What do you mean?" "You heard me hyunjin, he left, h-he gave you to me" jaehyun said as he looked at hyunjin

"B-but why?" "Just take this, it's the latter jeongin told me to give you" jaehyun gave him a letter

He read the letter as tears Formed in his eyes.

Dear hyunjin hyung,

You might be wondering what's happening, right? Well I'm giving you to jaehyun hyung because i know you love him more then you did to me. You were always more happier  with him and sometimes i wondered why i couldn't make you happy like he did. But don't worry about me I'm fine. I do admit it hurts a little-- maybe more then 'little' but as long as you're happy then I'm happy too!
I'm giving you to jaehyun hyung so that he could treat you better, i know he's a great person for you and would love you very much.
I'm so sorry that my last goodbye had to be like this but i just couldn't bring myself to say this to you face to face.
I hope you liked the birthday gift:)
And always know that no one can love you like i do, okay? I'll always love you till the day i die❤️

Yours lovely bf
Yang jeongin

Hyunjin was crying like hell after reading the letter. He looked at jaehyun who was also trying not to cry after seeing hyunjim cry.

Hyunjin stood up. "W-where's i-innie?" Hyunjin asked "i-i don't know he didn't tell me where he was going" jaehyun said with a sad expression

"I-it can't be N-no" hyunjin ran away jaehyun following after him "hyunjin wait!"

Hyunjin went back to the lodge where they were staying and called for jeongin but jeongin was no -where to to found. He looked at their closet to see jeongin's clothes were not there anymore.

He grabbed his phone and tried to call jeongin only to find out jeongin had blocked him.

Hyunjin called the only person he could think of. Felix.

"D-do you know w-where is jeongin?"
"Felix please tell me please!" Hyunjin begged felix

"H-he's leaving korea"
"W-what?" Hyunjin didn't know what to do

"He's already on the plane and t-there's no way to stop the plane"


OCTOBER 13, 2027

Jeongin was gonna head back to korea after 5 years. He was nervous to meet hyunjin once again because he still hadn't got over him but nonetheless he was also excited to see his friends again

Jeongin decided to surprise them as he went to felix's house as felix had told him all of them are gonna have a sleepover in his house

He rang the bell and soon enough a figure smaller then him opened the door. As soon as he saw who it was his eyes widened.

Without saying anything felix hugged the younger who did the same. "Guys come here!!" Felix shouted making the others come to them. Their eyes widened to see jeongin once again

They all hugged him. At last it was hyunjin. Jeongin looked at him and gave him a small smile indicating that it was fine to hug him. As soon as he did that hyunjin hugged jeongin tightly. His eyes becoming watery

"I-i missed you" hyunjin said still hugging the younger
"I missed you too hyung"


The End


Hey guys!
I hope you're having a great day so far:)

I noticed that most of my stories are idk sad?
Well i can't help but write sad stories only (TT)

Anyways if you have any requests then please do message me^^

I'll see you guys in my next update
Byee luv u <3

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