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Ship: hyunin
( Hyunjin x jeongin )


JEONGIN and the others had now reached to their lodge so they decided to rest there for a bit before they go visit jeongin's parents

So they rested their for half an hour and got ready to go to jeongin's house.

As they reached their, jeongin told his members that he hadn't told his mother about them coming to busan so that they could surprise her and that's exactly what they did

"Omo, why didn't you tell me that you guys were coming? I would have made delicious food for you guys" his mother said as she hugged them all one by one

"Obviously because we wanted to surprise you. And you don't have to worry about the food, we have already ate before even coming here" jeongin said as he smiled to her

"You guys have to come today night for dinner okay?" "Ma'am that's fine we can-" "No excuses chan, you'll have to eat something because you guys don't come here often, do you?" They all shook their head "okay fine, we'll come " jeongin said

"By the way, where is jungwon?" Jeongin asked "He's with his friends, wait let me call him" his mother said before she called hhis brother

Then came a cute teenager boy as he shyly made his way to them. "Where is your friend, wonie?" Jeongin asked as he looked at his shy brother. "Sun, could you some here once?" Jungwon called his friend sunoo. "Omg he's so cute!" Felix and jisung said at the same time "your two are super cute what are your names?" Hyunjin asked as he smiled at them

"I'm yang jungwon, jeongin hyung's brother" jungwon said "I'm kim sunoo, wonie's best friend" the other replied


After they had a happy time with jeongin's family they went back to their lodge

Hyunjin & seungmin were sharing a room whereas jeongin & jisung were the room mates


Hyunjin pov

I was gonna be sharing my room with seungmin and i honestly had no problem with it . But i would be lying if i said i wasn't jealous of jisung as he got to share a bedroom with jeongin

But what can i do? So i kept quiet. But it was also a good thing for me as i had planned something big for tomorrow and i didn't want jeongin to find out about it

So after we had the dinner with jeongin's family we were all very tired.

We went right in out bed and slept. The next morning however i was very nervous.

"Seungmin can i talk to you for a sec?" I asked seungmin who just jodded and sat down in the bed infront of me

"What do you wanna talk about?" He asked "w-well i --- you see ---- ummm --- fuck it! I just wanna ask jeongin out and i wanna plan a date for us but i have no ideas now" said hyunjin

"I KNEW IT!" Seungmin shouted "shhhh" hyunjin said "well now help me!" Hyunjin said with hope in his eyes "well-"


It was already 5 pm now and seungmin had helped hyunjin to decorate everything


Jeongin pov

I was searching for hyunjin hyung because i wanted to just confess my feelings to him because i couldn't hold it anymore but i didn't find him

I had asked almost everyone but they all said that they didn't know and at last i am now infront of hyunjin & seungmin hyungs bedroom

"Hyung have you seen hyunjin hyung?" I asked he looked at me and smiled a bit saying "uhh yeah i think he went out a few minutes ago"

He went out in this cold weather!? I thanked hyung before i grabbed one of my sweaters and a muffler and went running outside

It was very cold but i was just worried about hyunjin hyung

I tried to find him but i couldn't. Just as i was about to go somewhere else to search for him i saw lights. I went up to where i lights were coming from just to see hyunjin hyung there

"Hyung!" I said as i went up to him and hugged him. He did look confused. "What happened innie, why are you crying?" "Stupid! I thought you were lost and it was so cold so i tried to find you" jeongin said as he pushed hyunjin lightly make hyunjin chuckle

"Don't laugh!" Jeongin said wiping the tears "jeongin sit down" hyunjin said as he guided jeongin to the cair and made jeongin sit. Jeongin was confused.

"Wh-" "Dear jeongin, i know this may not be the perfect time to saw this but i just wanted to --- i just wanted to confess because i can't hold it any longer. I had liked you for 4 years now, i realised how important you were to me, i realised how i cent live a day without seeing your smile. I always feel warm and safe when I'm with you. Sometimes i feel jealous when you smile at others, or when you put your arms around felix's neck. I know it's stupid" hyunjin chuckled "i wanted you to know, how much i love you, how much i want to get together with you, just much i want to kiss the kissable lips or yours, it may sound cringe like those k-dramas ---- but i love you with all my heart. So, can i be your boyfriend?" Hyunjin said kneeling down with a beautiful ring

Jeongin right now, was crying. Yeah it may not be an marriage proposal but it still made him so happy. He slowly took out a small box making hyunjin surprise. He opened a box and saw another beautiful Ring


The end


So sorry for the bad ending (TT)
Double update!

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