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"boyfriend's brother"

Ship: minsung
( Minho x jisung )


JISUNG has been in a relationship for over some months with his current boyfriend. His boyfriend's name is Seo Changbin.

Seo changbin is a very popular boy in their college. He had everything he ever wanted. He had many friends, almost all the girls and even boys had crush on him, he was rich, he was popular. He is just so perfect.

But jisung?

He was completely different from his boyfriend. He was known as the quite kid in his whole school. Not a lot of people wanted to be his friends since they didn't want to look like him. He would get bullied at since he never used to talk back to other students. He was mostly quite throughout the day. He would usually spend his time listening to music alone in his classroom or in a water fountain which was his secret place where he used to visit whenever he was sad or feeling down.

Their relationship was kept a secret as changbin wished so. Jisung didn't want to make his boyfriend angry or anything so he kept quiet.

It was a peaceful morning. Jisung woke up and did his usual things. Brush his teeth, take a bath, change clothes, make bed, pack bags, eat breakfast, go to school. It was his morning routine that he always followed.

While going to school he listened to some peaceful music. When he reached his collage everyone acted as if he didn't exist. He just looked down as he kept on walking. He was sure some of them were talking bad about him but he didn't pay attention to them. He never did.

As he was walking he saw his boyfriend with his friends. He had to cross them to go to his class which was not a big deal for him. So he started walking towards his boyfriend. His boyfriend's friends started laughing at him while his boyfriend did the same. Jisung just ignored them and went to his class but deep down in his heart it hurt.

He sighed as he sat down on he corner of the classroom. "Okay students today we'll be learning chapter 12. Be ready with your books" the teacher announced. He just layed his heads down with his earphones in his ears as he closed his eyes. The teacher didn't really care anyways.


After the class was over he woke up from his sleep. It looked like everyone had gone home. Well except for some students who had either detention or some after school works. He packed his bags and went out of the classroom.

As he was walking in he empty hallway a hand grabbed his wrist making him stop on his tracks. "Babe wait!" He turned around hearing the familiar voice. Changbin was standing there.

"Babe my ass?" He said rolling his eyes as he kept on walking but his boyfriend followed him. He was kind of mad as well as sad from earlier in the morning.

"Babe are you okay?" He asked. He turned around again crossing his arms on his chest. "Obviously I'm not. Why the fuck don't you ever speak to me at school?" He asked having enough of changbin's bullshit.

" We already talked about this before starting our relationship" his boyfriend replied with no emotions on his voice

Jisung sighed as he just decided to ignore his boyfriend and started walking. But again he was stopped by his boyfriend. "Baby you already know you're special" changbin said. "Okay then tell me, if I'm so special, why am i a secret?" Changbin was shocked, and he didn't know what to answer. By this time jisung's tears started coming out from his eyes. "Why the fuck is that!?" Changbin opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.

Now, jisung knew the best thing to do.

"Seo Changbin, let's break up. From today you don't know me and i don't know you" jisung said not even waiting for the other's reply as he just started running. Wiping off his tears as he ran. "Jisung wait!" He heard his boyfriend wait- no Ex boyfriend yell out his name but he didn't care.

As he ran while crying some students who were yet to leave saw him. Staring at him. Just then he bumped into someone. "I-i'm so s-sorry" he said not even looking up to see who it was as he sobbed.

"Jisung" he man said "h-huh?" "Han jisung, isn't it?" The man asked. Jisung finally looked up to see a Hansome man. He looked familiar but jisung didn't know who exactly the man was

"H-how do you know my n-name?" Jisung asked

"You are my brother's boyfriend, right?" The man asked


Pt.2 will be out on Friday OR Saturday

Good day/night everyone!!
And thank you sm for 1k + reads!!!!

Luv u guys sm:) <3333

【 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 】✓Where stories live. Discover now