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"I wish i were heather"
- Conan Gray

( Minho x seungmin )


SEUNGMIN and minho were best friends even though they would fight a lot. Minho has been there for seungmin since they were kids

Even though minho didn't show it, minho always cared for the younger. But things started to change once they were in highschool

Minho made a new friend Han jisung. Soon enough they were very close with eachother. Minho would usually ditch seungmin to hang out with jisung

That thing hurt a lot. Knowing that you have a feeling for the other person. Yes, seungmin had taken a liking in minho back when they were still in elementary school. He never said a word thinking that it would affect their friendship

Jisung was like an angel. He was very kind and helpful. He was funny he could dance,rap, sing. He could literally do anything.

Seungmin could see the heart eyes that minho made whenever he was talking to jisung. It hurt. It did hurt a lot inside but he kept it to himself. Because he wanted minho to be happy. But some part of him was also very jealous.


They were now in the cafeteria. Jisung & minho were talking like usual but seungmin was always quite. Today he wanted to ask minho if he wanted to hang out.

"Hyung, do you want to hang out today? It's been a long time since we last hung out"

Minho looked at him with sad eyes. "Sorry min but i have a plan with jisung" seungmin sigh. It was always like that. Whenever seungmin would ask minho to hang out he would always say that. Whenever they two were alone mingo would always talk about jisung. Jisung this, jisung that.

Seungmin was not honestly getting annoyed by this. "No no! You can hang out together, me and minho always hang out anyways" jisung said as he gave seungmin a warm smile "Sungie are you sure?" Minho asked

"Yup!, Now shut up and just go hang out with seungmin after school alright? We can hang out any other times" jisung said smiling at them

"How could i hate him? He's such an angel" seungmin thought to himself. He thanked jisung as he quietly ate his lunch. He looked over to see minho and jisung being all lovely dovely

"But than again kind of wish he was dead" seungmin shaked his head as he stood up. "Min were are you going?" Minho asked "oh don't worry I'll just go use the restroom" seungmin excused himself

"Hyung, is everything alright with seungmin? He's been acting strangely nowadays" jisung asked as he looked at minho worriedly

Minho's eyes softened "don't worry, I'm sure he's all right, I'll ask him what's wrong when we hang out later " jisung just nodded


Seungmin pov

I was in the bathroom stall. I don't know why but the hot tears were running out of my eyes. I sat down in the floor and hugged my knees slowly remembering the old days before jisung came to our lives.

【 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 】✓Where stories live. Discover now