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Ship: hyunin
( Hyunjin x jeongin )


HYUNIIN was laying down in his bed as he was using his phone to text his best friend


Hyung I'm bored (TT)

Fav hyung♡
Aww my innie is bored?
What do you wanna do then?
Should we hang out or smth?

we should hang out with other
hyungs !
But where should we go?

Fav hyung♡
Wherever you wanna go:)

We all have vacations and we aren't going anyway either so what about we go somewhere for a week or so?

Fav hyung♡
That's a great idea innie but where
Are we gonna go for a week?

Let's go to busan !
I haven't even met my parents and also there's a lodge there where we can stay(^^)

Fav hyung♡
Okayyyy that low-key sounds good
I'll message others:)

And I'm also soo excited now>.<

Fav hyung♡
Me too;)
I can't wait to see you again<3

Me too! I was so sad when i heard
That i wouldn't be able to see you for 3 weeks :(

Fav hyung♡
Aww now don't be, we'll see tomorrow<33

K byee hyung i have to go!
I love you♡

Hyunjin sighed. He knew that the younger didn't mean it that way but what can he do? He's so whipped for jeongin. He heart hurt because the younger said "i love you" as a friend,as a best friend.

Hyunjin has loved jeongin since highschool. They have been best friends for over 5 years now and it has been exactly 4 years since hyunjin started having feelings for jeongin.

But he didn't knew if the younger was gay or if the younger liked him or not. Not in a friends way, he wished the younger liked him more then friends but he could only wish... He knew that the wishes could never become true

He sighed once again as he stood up and went to his closet to take out some clothes to pack it for tomorrow and after he was done doing that he went back to his phone to inform others


Yo bitch😀

Deez nuts😋
Wassup bitch

Dumbass 👍
Where are others?

Deez nuts😋
Bangchan hyung & seungmin are probably together sharing some lovely dovely kisses rn
Minho hyung is here with me and his 3 cats
Felix & chanbin are doing the nasty stuff in the bathroom
And lastly jeongin, you should know about him

(TT) I'm feeling so single rn

Deez nuts😋
Bitch you already have jeongin

【 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 】✓Where stories live. Discover now