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" I don't care, you're mine "

( Jeongin x felix )
- smut

Dom: jeongin


They had finally came home after a long day. Felix had a lot of fun with his friends. But it was the opposite for the younger. Jeongin was so pissed off because Felix didn't give any attention to him while they were in the amusement park.

Felix had no idea that the younger was jealous. After they had bid their goodbyes with their friends they both entered their car.

Felix had noticed that the younger was quiet the whole time. Most of the time felix would stay quiet as he knew jeongin gets tired easily but this time he decided to speak up.

"Innie are you fine?" Jeongin just nodded his head. He had a resting face. Felix usually finds jeongin's resting face kinda hot but this time he was kind of scared.

"Did i do something wrong?" Felix asked once again but jeongin stayed quiet. "Innie-" just as felix was about to say something he was cut off by the break. It was then he realised that they had already reached their home.

"Yes you did something wrong, you know how i don't like you being too touchy with others" then felix realised what was happening. He had accidentally made jeongin jealous. And when the younger was jealous he knew what the outcome was.

"B-but innie that's not what i-" "I don't fucking Care, you're mine and i don't like someone touching what's mine." Felix gulped. Last time felix made jeongin jealous he wasn't able to walk properly for a week

"Go to our room,I want you completely undressed when i reach there got it?" Jeongin said as felix slowly nodded and went out of the car.


By the time jeongin reached their felix was fully undressed as he shyly sat down in the bed with his red cheeks. When he heard the door open he saw jeongin looking at him with so much lust. He gulped.

Jeongin came near to felix and hovered over him. Felix now laying on his back while facing jeongin who was above him. "Good boy" jeongin said before he started kissing him roughly. Felix kissed back.

Jeongin's hand pinning his both hands above him (did i even explain it correctly?) . Felix moaned in the kiss. Jeongin broke the kiss after few minutes and started to kiss his neck. When he found his sensitive spot felix moaned loudly. Jeongin smirked before he sucked that part, Abusing it.

After he left some pretty dark marks which would probably be there for some days in the older's neck he pulled the older into a heated kiss once again. Jeongin broke the kiss and started undressing himself. Felic gulped seeing jeongin's size. It was far away from small. And it was not his first time but he was still nervous because he knew the younger would be extra hard on him today. But a part of him was also excited

After jeongin was fully undressed He sat down in the bed near felix and took felix's already hard length in his large hands. He, at first, stroke it slowly but then his pace started to get fast. Felix moaned from the pleasure.

"A-ah s-sir!" Felix cried. "Look at how pretty you look, all submissive for me and only me~" jeongin said with a small smirk as he looked at felix. Who was already looking like he was about to come.

Jeongin continued to stroke the older as he pressed his lips against felix and once again marked him. "I want everyone to know who you belong to" jeongin said. "S-sir I'm a-about to c-cum" felix said in the middle of his moaning

Just when he was about to come jeongin remove his hands from his dick making felix whine. He was met with a hard slap on his thigh. "You think you deserve to cum after all you did today? How about, i not let you cum for the whole session?" Jeongin said making felix eyes widened but he could he say anything to him

"Suck" jeongin said as felix started to suck on his fingers. After sucking jeongin lined it in felix's hole before putting it inside. "Ahh!" Felix screamed. Jeongin started move his hands up and down, slowly at first to let thr younger adjust but faster when he saw felix wanting more

"S-sir could you a-add more, p-please?" Felix requested as he moaned. Jeongin didn't say anything but added one more finger making felix moan louder, and then at last he added another one. He moved his fingers ina fast pace.
"S-sir!" Felix moaned indicating jeongin that he's about to come.

Jeongin smirked again and stopped at his tracks making felix whine. "Turn around, on your knees" jeongin said and felix quietly followed him

One felix was on his knees, jeongin stroke his dick before lining it with felix's hole. "You know i respect you right?" Jeongin asked "y-yeah why?" Felix asked confused "because now, I'm going to fuck with you nothing but disrespect" jeongin said before slamming his dick inside felix's hole
Felix's eyes widened as he moaned loudly "Ahh!"

Jeongin didn't even let felix adjust to his BIG size. He started thrusting fast . Felix moan became louder and messier. "A-Ah~ j-jeongin~" felix moaned

Jeongin's free hand made it's way to felix's neck, choking him, hardly. Felix was a moaning mess. "Try again slut" jeongin said as he thrusted in felix, deeply hitting his prostate directly

"S-sir!! T-there!" Felix screamed. Jeongin just smirked thrusting faster then he already was. Hitting felix's prostate with every thrust. Still choking felix, that would leave some mark Later.

"S-sir c-comming" felix moaned. Jeongin's hand stopped choking him and grabbed felix's dick to stroke him. "A-aah~" felix eyes were becoming watery as he was over sensitive at the moment

"I-i'm g-gonna cum!" "Not until i say so slut" jeongin said as he grabbed felix's dick stopping felix to come while he continued to fuck him. Felix's tears started to fall from the sensitivity. He had no other options but to take what's he's given.

Jeongin thrusted into him hard and fast. "S-sir p-please" felix pleaded.
"I'm gonna let you cum for this once just because you have been good till now, now cum for me slut" jeongin said not stopping to thrust on him

Felix finally came as he rolled his eyes. Jeongin still thrusting on him until he came inside felix. Jeongin kissed felix once again as felix fell on the bed exhausted.

"It's not over kitten, we still have a long night ~"


I told you guys I'd update this chapter yesterday but i had to go to meet my best friend in the last minute.

So I'm so sorry for that but here you go:)

I'll see you guys in my next update
Luv u all <3

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