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"I know i can treat you better, Better than he can"
- Shawn Mendes

Ship: ??

FELIX woke up groaning as he adjusted to the light before opening his eyes fully. He saw his boyfriend still sleeping cutely, making him smile as he pressed a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead making the boy wake up

"Good morning honey" said felix as he smiled at the boy he loved "morning, did you have a good sleep? His boyfriend chanbin asked "yup i had a wonderful sleep especially because you were besides me" i said as we both smiled

"Wake up okay I'll make breakfast for you" felix said as he walked out of the bedroom. And just as he walked out of the bedroom chanbin took out his phone as he dialed a number. He waited for a few min before the person on the other side replied

"Hey darling, did you sleep well?" The other person said "Mmhm i had a good sleep, i was thinking about meeting together today at my house?" Chanbin said

"But felix?" The other person asked "Don't worry about him, he said he's gonna go out today and will he home back late" chanbin said as he other person hummed in reply

"Okay then, I'll meet you then and be ready to get punished for misbehaving yesterday ~" chanbin said as the other person giggled before they both hung up

Chanbin made his way to the bathroom, got ready, and made his way to the kitchen as if he didn't just talk to someone else like that

"Here i made your fav, eat up I'll go get ready" felix said as he gave the plate to chanbin smiling, making his way to their bedroom to get ready


Felix was out with his friends, jisung, minho, hyunjin & chan. They were at the market buying different stuffs "by the way, why didn't seungmin & chanbin come?" Hyunjin asked

"chanbin hyung said he has to complete some of his works so he was unable to come but i don't know about seungmin" felix replied

"Seungmin said he had an appointment with a doctor today" jisung said as they all nodded

"Okay let's just enjoy ourselves okay? We can always hang out with them other times when they are not busy" minho said trying to light up the mood

"Okayyy, let's go play that game!" Felix said in excitement as he dragged them all with him while they just smiled at how cute their friend was


"Well we finished up pretty quickly" Minho said as they were now retuning home

"Yeah i wanted to do more shopping " felix said as he pouted"aww don't worry, we'll come back here the next weekend " hyunjin said as he hugged his friend

"I guess so, bye guys see you next time" felix said with a smile as he reached his house

He was surprised to see the front door not locked? "Maybe chanbin hyung came back early?" Felix thought to himself as he shrugged the uneasy feeling he had, entering the house

He placed the shopping bags in the couch and as he was about to go to the kitchen to get some water he heard some weird noises coming from their bedroom

【 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 】✓Where stories live. Discover now