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"i want to spoil you as much as i can"

Ship: jeonglix
( Jeongin x felix )
Dom: jeongin
Sub: felix




Jeongin had come to pick up felix at his house and felix was all ready. Felix got inside jeongin's car. "You look stunning kitten" jeongin said eyeing felix licking his lips.

"Jeongin control." He reminded himself as he started to drive. His left hand made it's way to felix's thighs looking at Felix for permission "may i?" As felix shyly nodded

This whole ride jeongin had his hands on felix's thighs slowly caressing it every so lightly. Meanwhile felix was a blushing mess. He couldn't even focus on anything else but jeongin's large,slim, veiny hands which was on his thighs. He gulped. His minds already making up a lot of not so Innocent images

Jeongin of course noticed it as he smirked. Squeezing it making felix come back to reality "kitten you good?" He asked acting as if he didn't caught felix staring at his hands

"O-oh yeah I'm fine" felix stuttered as he shifted his graze from jeongin's hands to the view outside. His cheeks completely red.


They made their way inside the hall where everyone else were. Jeongin had asked if he could hold felix by his waist in which he told him that he didn't need to ask permission for those things

Jeongin and felix walked up to a couple who were chatting with others.

"Chan hyung" the man turned to them as a big smile formed in his lips. "Innie it's been a long time" they bother hugged. "Nice to see you again seungmin hyung" the man named seungmin smiled at him.

Chan's eyes landed on felix "innie is he your partner?" He asked. Jeongin turned to felix with a small smile "yes hyung" chan smiled at felix "nice to meet you, I'm bangchan and this is my fiancee kim seungmin" seungmin smiled at him "hii" felix returned the smile back

"I'm lee felix nice to meet you guys too". "I hope you guys will enjoy the party now if you may excuse us we have to greet other guests too" as jeongin smiled and nodded

"I don't know if i should ask this but who are they? They look so kind " felix asked "they are my friends, i practically grew up with Chan hyung" jeongin said smiling


Jeongin and felix were still in the party and felix was feeling super bored. Which jeongin was quick to notice. "Is my kitten bored?" Jeongin asked

"Kind of... Well maybe yeah" felix admitted. "Do you wanna ditch the party then?" Jeongin asked making felix's eyes widen "n-no that's fine, you can't just ditch the party like that!" Jeongin smiled at how cute felix was

"Don't worry kitten nothing will happen let's get out of here" jeongin said grabbing felix by the wrist and making their way out of the party hall. They went to their car. Jeongin starting it and driving

"Where are we going?" Felix asked "at my condo" jeongin said focusing at the road.

They had reached to jeongin's condo and were now just talking while drinking some champagne.
Felix stood up and walked to the window looking at the beautiful view. Just then he felt a presence behind him.

【 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 】✓Where stories live. Discover now