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"I don't care, you're mine"

Ship: jeonglix
( Jeongin x felix )


FELIX was on his phone like he usually did while his head was on his boyfriend, jeongin's tummy. He was texting his friends while jeongin was probably watching YouTube.

Jisung who was also his friend suggested they go to an amusement park or something like that to hang out in their gc. Jeongin was also in thr group chat but he would usually leave them on seen as he was not that interested in chatting. He would prefer face time over texting.

Felix stood up straight smiling widely as he looked at his boyfriend. Jeongin also noticed felix as he looked at him. He smiled softly seeing his boyfriend so happy

"What happened kitten?" Jeongin asked "jeongin can we please go to the amusement park with jisung and all? Pretty please" felix said as pouted.

"Sure kitten, you know you don't have to ask me for those things" jeongin said spreading his arms for felix to come and hug him. Felix happily hugged him as he smiled.

"Yeah i know you always tell me that but i still wanted to ask you, anyways you'll also come right? Cause i don't need those excuses saying you are bus-" felix was cut off with a kiss

Of course he kissed back. He was flustered at the sudden kiss. Once they pulled out felix looked at jeongin confused. "What was that?" He asked as he pouted.

"You talk a lot sometimes you know" jeongin said "w-what do i actually?" "No no! Not in that way, you look cute when you talk" jeongin said

"O-oh okay" felix said as his cheeks were red. Small things like this gave felix butterflies.


It was already the next day. Jeongin woke up early and did his morning routine. He then went to the kitchen to make his boyfriend breakfast.

By the time felix woke up jeongin had already prepared his breakfast. Felix sleepily walked up to jeongin snd hugged his boyfriend who smiled at how cute felix was

"Good morning" felix said "good morning kitten, did you have a nice sleep?" Jeongin asked hugging felix back. "Mmhmm" "good, now eat up and get ready okay? I read that groupchat and they said they'll come here early" jeongin said as felix nodded eating his breakfast

After they had their breakfast felix went to change. Jeongin had also changed. They were both ready and felix wouldn't stop talking about how excited he was since it's been a long time all 8 of them hung out together. Whenever they made plans always 1 or 2 of them have to be busy but this time no one was busy

Few minutes after they were ready they heard the door bell ring. Jeongin went to open the door for their friends. They all greeted eachother and sat down.

"It's been a long time since we all hung out together " chan said as everyone agreed "yup, I'm always so busy,i had to request the manager for a leave today " chanbin said as he sighed

"At least we can hang out today. Let's all forget about our worries and have fun" chan said as all of them smiled at him


After few minutes of talking in their house they decided to go to shopping first and then go to amusement park a bit late.

So now they were in the shopping mall. They all agreed to go shopping with their partners and meet at a coffee shop near the mall at 4

That's why jeongin and felix were now at a clothing shop. Felix was looking for some clothes while jeongin was helping him pick.


After they all gathered in thr coffee shop they rested for about 20 minutes before they made their may to the amusement park.


They were now in the amusement park exploring different things. "Jeongin can we borrow felix for a while?" Seungmim asked "sure" jeongin said as he smiled at them

Jeongin was now with chan, chanbin, & minho. They were just walking around enjoying themselves.

Felix was with jisung, seungmin, & hyunjin. They were also enjoying themselves. Felix and jisung were just talking and laughing along with hyunjin and seungmin. Felix was also getting a little bit too much touchy with jisung.

And all of that, jeongin was watching from afar. Jeongin and others weren't that far from felix. Jeongin couldn't help but feel jealous. He just glared at them unable to take his eyes of them.

"Innie, are you fine?" Chan asked looking at jeongin glare at felix and jisung probably already knowing about jeongin's jealousy

Almost everyone knew how much dominant and possessive jeongin could be when he was jealous. Whenever jeongin got jealous felix wouldn't be able to walk for a few days.

"Huh? Oh yeah hyung I'm fine" jeongin said giving him a small fake smile. "Oh okay---ah they are calling let's go" chan said as they made their way to Felix, han hyunjin & seungmin.

Even though jeongin was there felix and jisung were very touchy with eachother. Constantly hugging and all. Not only jeongin but now minho had also seen them and minho was also very jealous. The thick tension lingering in the air could be felt by everyone except jisung & felix

Jeongin had not yet said anything to felix. He was just waiting when they'll go home so that he could give his kitten a little punishment


You guys might have already guessed it by now what's gonna happen in pt.2 😃

Anyways sorry for this short chapter
I'll update the next chapter which is the pt.2 of this chapter tomorrow
Idk the exact time

I'll see you guys on my next update
Luv u <3

【 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 】✓Where stories live. Discover now