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As I step in through the lobby of Boss Lady, everyone looks up. Suddenly, there is an oppressive silence around as the ex-CEO enters the building.

People stop. People stare. They whisper. Once they were my people. No. They are still my tribe because officially, I still haven't signed my name on the dotted line. I was still the Boss Lady here and I wasn't giving up without answers.

"Ms.Bianchi....", Wyatt, the receptionist murmured in anxious surprise.  " Is Josh alright?"

My fingers clenched around the bag.

"He hasn't awakened yet. But, the doctors are positive that he is going to make a full recovery.", I said as neutrally as possible. I wasn't going to give another damn piece of information for Jules to use it against me.

"We will pray for him. And for you.", he said, sympathy clear in his voice.

" Thank you, Wyatt. Now, if you would please ask everyone to assemble in the boardroom.... I have an announcement to make.", I instructed politely.

"Anything you need, ma'am.", he said and made the call.

I strode across the lobby to get to the elevator right to the 47th floor. As the doors closed, a sense of claustrophobia tightened it's fingers around my neck.

As every floor went by, I broke out in  cold sweat. Finally the elevator dinged at the 47th floor and the doors opened.

I walked out of the elevator. My heels tapped against the marble floor as I went towards my office and behold.

Sitting on my chair was none other than my sister, Jules Bianchi, looking out of the vast floor-to-ceiling windows with a pensive look on her face. She knew it was me, she would have known my footsteps from a million miles afar but she did not turn towards me.

To see her sitting on my chair, it cut deep like a knife being twisted in my stomach. That chair had been my throne.

"I have always wondered what it would feel to sit on this chair.", she spoke softly, her voice dreamy.

"I suppose you have always wanted my chair. I do wonder why you waited so long to make a move against me.", I mused, my tone dry.

The chair turned as Jules faced me, looking straight into my eyes. She looked at me like I was a stranger and not someone I had known for the past fifteen years. All relationships needed a moment to break. A mere moment.

"I never knew that I wanted this chair till I sat on it. It's not personal. It was a business move.", she said somewhat dispassionately. Gone was the sister who had held me through all the storms in my life. Gone. And all for power.

I looked at her searching for regret or pain. I found nothing.

"Why?", I asked my voice rising slightly.

" You know why. You were distracted, you were unfocussed, you lost us so much. There was an opening. I took it.", she reasoned.

"How long have you been planning this?"

"Would you believe me if I said this week?", she questioned.

" Honestly....Jules. I don't believe a word you say.", I growled.

"I wanted your throne because I know I can run Boss Lady better! I am more capable than you. You have lost your way.", she shouted.

"Keep telling yourself that. You betrayed me, Jules. You attack me when I am the weakest, when my son is fighting for his life in the ICU. Honestly, your plan was so perfect that I never got the wind of it. Tell me, was your little lawyer boy toy in on it?"

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