A Secret Revealed

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"You are mad at me.", Emir stated as we stepped out of the office to grab lunch together at the deli.

There was mad rush on the streets. We shifted through throngs of people trying to cross the street.

"What is the point of giving your word when you don't intend to keep it?", I said.

"What promise exactly?", he asked.

"You said you would listen and take my advice the night of the Gala."

"So, you are mad about the virtual fashion show idea. I said I would consider it."

"You can stop trying to patronize me.", I snapped back.

"If I am patronizing you then why have I talked to a Metaverse expert about the specifications of such an endeavor."

I nearly tripped in my Ferragamos.

"You did?"

"I take your advice seriously, Sana. I am not a tech genius and neither do I have an idea about what it entails but, I do know that Aslan-Lemaire needs to go in a new direction and I don't have any better ideas at the moment.", he offered.

"So, you were bullshitting Clementine.", I acknowledged impressed. The man was an excellent diplomat.

"She is the partner and she doesn't tolerate another predator in her lair.", he explained.

"You make it sound like we are in a jungle.", I muttered.

"Aren't we? I would say you are the apex predator."

We grabbed club sandwiches and salad.

The moment we were about to step foot in the office, he pulled me to the side.

"There's a derby race this weekend. I need a date.", he said.

"I don't do gambling. I don't do dates.", I stated.

"Our horse will win. It will make you a lot of money.", he promised. His eyes were mischievous like a boy about to play a prank.

"Give me a better reason.", I said refusing to budge.

He leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"Gauthier Delacroix."

I reared back stunned.

"The owner of Delacroix racing and your board member. You can confront him. I thought you might want to...
..convince him. Jane Marconi might also be there. She is frequently spotted at the races. ", he said.

"Killing two board members with one threat.", I mused.

"One more crossed off your list.", he offered.

" I would have to wear a hat.", I said with an evil smile.

"Oh dear! Then we better get you one.", he said taking my arm and walked inside.


When the day at the office was finally over I was exhausted. I needed a drink and a talk to unload. Unfortunately none of my friends or enemies were available for such a endeavor. So, drinking alone was the only option left. It was a lonely thought.

I walked into the bar expecting a lonely evening nursing whisky but I was pleasantly surprised to see Caldron with his head in his hands and an uncorked bottle of beer left on the table.

I sat down quietly in front of him motioning at the bar for a dirty martini. It seemed that the hard stuff would have to wait. The dive bar was filled with local clientele, people chatting with each other after a rough day. It was low key and no one would recognize me here.

"Nursing heartbreak, are you?", I asked.

Caldron looked up sharply, his eyes glassy.

"Sana.", he said after a moment. " I didn't expect to see you here."

So, he wanted to be alone. No matter. I would find myself another seat.

"I just wanted to stop by and say hello. I haven't seen you in ages. I will let you have your peace.", I said with a small smile. I was preparing to get up when his hand shot to mine.

" Stay.", he begged. "Please stay."

I sat back down. He rubbed his bloodshot eyes with both of his hands.

It hurt me to see an old friend this way.

"You know, Cal, why I chose this bar? So, I could drown myself in whiskey for some time and not remember who I was. Nobody would recognise me. I wanted to forget.", I said taking a sip.

It broke something in him. He seemed to visibly shrink in size.

"Tell me Cal. Tell me, if only to unburden yourself.", I said.

"I can't tell you without betraying Jules' confidence.", he said regretfully.

What a barrier there existed between us. Friends turned into enemies simply because of a fight. It hurt to see my closest relationships destroyed. All our friends had had to choose sides but I had made it easier for them. I broke myself away so they wouldn't have to choose.

"Then don't tell me as a boss. Tell it to me as a sister.", I insisted.

"Jules spread malicious rumors about you through the newspapers to ruin your reputation. I am not sure you want to be her sister.", he reminded me.

"Nevertheless, I am her sister and rumours don't bother me."

His eyes closed briefly.

"SHE IS PREGNANT.", he blurted out.

"What?! ", I exclaimed, my eyes rounding in surprise.

"Juliana Bianchi is pregnant with my child.", he said, a little unfocused.

What a thing to happen! My child was battling for life and she was going to give birth. Nothing could stop the anger rushing through me.

" Told you you wouldn't want to know.", he scoffed bitterly.

"It doesn't matter. Congratulations are in order, Cal. You would make a good father.", I said refusing to drag an innocent child into an ugly fight.

"I am worried about Jules.", he said bitterly. " She has started drinking again. Heavily. The work pressure is hard on her."

I waited for concern to come. There was nothing but red, hot anger for her.

"Well she can reap what she has sown. ", I replied without mercy.

" Even if it would kill her and the baby?", he asked.

I looked into the now empty glass. I didn't answer.

"My son is in coma. I don't know if he will wake up. I cannot muster one ounce of sympathy for her."

"But she didn't do it. You are punishing her for a crime she didn't commit.", he pointed out.

"You love her, Caldron. You can never bear to be angry with her.", I said.

" You love her too. Even when she has taken everything from you, I know in the deepest corner of your heart, you still love her otherwise you wouldn't sit hear listening to me."

"I can use this information to my advantage.", I said.

" But you won't. Because you are not her.", he confirmed.

And how right he was. I could never.

Only I did not know that I what I was capable of doing.


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