Hate Date

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"Eh....you have a lunch date scheduled in your calendar.", Lola said entering into my cubicle.

" Do I? Either I am old which I will deny vehemently till my last breath or I have an errant admirer.", I told her.

"Actually it's neither. The boss wants to meet.", she informed.

" Hold up....did you just say that Vlad the Impaler wants to have lunch with me?", I asked horrified.

"Si, jefa", she chirped.

" Are you sure he doesn't want to have me for lunch?", I asked, my forehead creasing.

Lola laughed but stopped midway because a snooty voice replied from the door.

"I may have many faults but cannibalism isn't one of them. Now, may I come in?"

Fake politeness, of course. He was the boss. He could damn well come in.

"No you may wait outside.", I said to spite him.

He entered anyway.

"Eavesdroppers never hear good things about themselves.", I tut-tutted my boss.

He rolled his eyes.

"Lucky for you, Miss Bianchi, your opinions matter little to me.", he replied coolly.

"I am so hurt by that.", I fired back.

" Okay, I am leaving the room.", Lola said and backed off.

"So, you wanted lunch.", I clarified.

" I do. I feel we bury the hatchet over food and talk business. Hostility in the workplace in unproductive.", he said as he sat. His eyes scanned my mostly empty office and settled back on my face.

I noticed he had forgotten to shave again.

"I can't waste my one-hour lunch in a passive-aggresive battle with my boss. I have better things to do. You people are so stingy with breaks. ", I told him.

"Fine. We won't fight. But, we need to discuss the upcoming show. We have three months to prepare.", he said.

"Since you are asking so nicely.", I sighed and let him lead me out.


The Indian restaurant was upscale, classy. Which meant the portions were bite-sized. By bite-sized I meant extremely tiny.

He ordered some healthy salad and I ordered black beans curry and chapattis.

He looked rather peculiarly at my plate but then resumed eating.

"So, what are your thoughts regarding the designs for the annual fashion week?", he asked.

" It's good.", I said taking a bite of food into my mouth.

He looked at me in disbelief.

"You wish for me to believe that! That you don't have an actual opinion?", he said.

"I am more interested in eating.", I said nonchalantly.

He laughed bitterly.

"You are non-stop aren't you?", he asked.

"You said you didn't want a fight. I have no interest in starting one.", I said.

He kept his fork away.

"Let's keep the games aside for a moment. CEO to CEO, tell me what you really think?", he asked.

" So, he acknowledges that I am a CEO. ", I said chewing slowly.  "I'll give it you. It's good, it's excellent. But, it lacks that dazzling factor, that X-Factor. Something that will leave the audience speechless, craving for more."

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