Step One to Destruction

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Deals in my world were not made in the boardroom but at the golf courses over a good shot and a glass of champagne. We signed deals with a shake of hand. Any good businesswoman worth her salt kept her word. I was the best.

Jaime Kincaid was a well known golf enthusiast. But, it would take more than a game at Shadow Creek(one of the most elite golf courses in the world) to woo him. Though, even he had to admit that it was impressive.

As I lined the shot perfectly into the hole, he gave a slow clap.

"Impressive, Ms. Bianchi. I see your weapon arm has not become a tad bit blunt.", he said with good-natured humor.

"Neither has yours, Jaime. Even though you are 40 years older than me.", I said winking.

He gave me a smile. Jaime was in a way, a father figure, a mentor. I didn't wish to strong arm him. With his salt and pepper hair and wrinkled face and a receding hairline, he looked like the harmless old grandpa but he wasn't anything like that. He had been one of the most shrewd Investment Bankers from Goldman Hacksaw. After his retirement, I had brought him in as a board member. Currently he owned 12% stake in my company.

He wasn't any trouble to me however. He was a silent partner. He was happy to have his share of profits and a good term sheet.

"Never tell a handsome man's age in public, ny dear!", he replied.

"On the contrary, I believe a man who is not ashamed to say his age, is way more attractive and confident.", I countered.

"Fair point, Ms. Bianchi.", he said with the respect that I deserved.

He lined up another shot and bent over as he asked,

"But, I take it you haven't come to discuss my age today. Let's get down to business, young lady. "

"You called me young. I declare you the winner for that comment.", I joked.

He laughed heartily.

"Dear God, I missed our conversations.", he said.

"It's a beautiful day and I want to enjoy it with a friend and an excellent player. Talking business ruins all the fun.", I said oozing charm and stroking his ego.

"You are pulling all the tricks out of the bag aren't you?", he asked with a sly grin.

"Have you ever known me doing anything half-cocked?", I asked saucily.

His eyes twinkled with mirth. I fixed my aviators and took another shot. This one didn't land.

" Uh! Close one.", he said clicking his tongue.

"Winning and losing is a part of the game.", I said nonchalantly.

The next shot landed perfectly.

"But you like winning don't you, Miss Bianchi?", he asked as he took his turn.

"Can't say I hate it. It's a rush of adrenaline. It's heady. The feeling of a win. The best high.", I said.

"I can relate. Hated losing. All my life chased the rush. Hard to let it go. Retirement is such bullshit.", he harked.

I grinned.

We took our towels from the patient attendants and walked back to our cart. Taking another drink of the bottled water we carted off to our next course.

As we reached the next course, he asked me about my nee job. It was no secret that I had been hired. Aslan Lemaire had issued an official statement confirming my position as the Head of Marketing. He was curious about how that was coming about. I kept my answers vague and short. He asked about my son and I told him that there hadn't been any change in his condition. Thankfully he changed the topic.

This course was very difficult. As the ball swirled three times, I held my breath. Then it finally fell into the hole. I gave him a predatory smile. Jamie couldn't land the hole.

We were exhausted and sweaty by that point. Golf might look like child's play but it took precision, and muscles to land every single shot. It was tiring.

We sat back at the erected pavilion with a shade and sipped our drinks. The staff had delivered an array of finger foods and exotic dips. There were also herbal teas and other services available on the tray.

We didn't touch any food but we drank the champagne.

"I lied to you about having no business today.", I told him.

"So, you do have something for me? I can't say I'm surprised.", he said as if expecting this conversation from the very beginning. We rarely did anything without a bigger purpose.

"I have something you might be interested in.", I said holding out the letter between my index and middle fingers.

He plucked the thick, expensive hand-made envelope from my fingers. Removing the wax seal on the front, he looked up, his eyebrows bunching together. I gestured him to go ahead with the swish of a hand.

He opened the pristine creamy paper, his fingers trembling slightly.

He went through the letter and looked up speechless.

I bit my lip waiting for him to get out of his shock.

"How?", was the only thing he asked.

"Doesn't matter how. What matters is if you want it?", I questioned.

" I have been on the Royal Golf Society's wait list for years. Years. How did you get it?", he asked me, his fingers unconsciously tracing the beloved letter.

I laughed inwardly.

"Let's say I got a helping hand from a guardian angel."

My darling, darling angel. My Ethan. He always had my back. Even half the world away, he had managed to tip one of his father's friends to give us a recommendation.

Then, I plucked the letter out of his hands. He looked up startled.

His eyes we're transfixed on my fingers. I had tempted the greed in him.

"Of course it was a difficult and expensive endeavor for me.", I whispered dramatically.

"Any price. Just name it.", he said trying to get the letter back again.

A greedy wolf was that much easier to trap.

"Money is not the issue. I have just enough.", I said silkily taking a sip of the champagne. He practically salivated.

"Whatever you want, it's yours.", he promised. Like the spider, I lured him in.

"I want your loyalty in exchange for this. Let's just say, a war is coming. We all have to choose sides."

Perfectly vague. But, he understood it alright.

"You want to buy my vote.", he said plainly, not surprised at all.

"Dear, dear, I would never do something so immoral.", I said pretending to be offended. " I just want to aid your decision a little bit."

"I can sell you my stake for this.", he promises.

I tsked.
I didn't want his stake and I didn't want Jules to know about my plan of action.

"Nah! I don't want it. All I want is friendship."

He gave me his savage grin that mirrored mine. The ruthless greed and ambition that we all hid behind civilized masks. We stopped at nothing to have success. No moral point was too low for us.

"You tempt the devil in me but have my v-.....loyalty, Miss Bianchi.", he promised.

I handed the letter over.

We shook our hands.


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