Uncle Flo

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"Babe come on I wanna see the baby!" Florian called from down the steps.

He was anxious to go see baby Mario. He would be leaving early in the morning tomorrow and I had kept him all to myself. We hadn't left the house since he had arrived. We'd been just spending time one on one, watching movies, playing games, and of course having back to back rounds all around the house. I can confidently say that this time apart was good for our sex life. It was healthy before but it was like now we couldn't get enough of each other and I knew it was gonna suck when we were apart again.

"I'm coming!" I yelled slipping on my sneakers.

 I jogged down the stairs holding all the little outfits I had ordered for him online

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I jogged down the stairs holding all the little outfits I had ordered for him online. Florian shook his head taking them from my hands and leading me to the door. We got in the car and the drive over to Michael and Kay's place was filled with Florian being super excited about seeing the baby in person for the first time as well as me telling him how I fell in love with him since I saw him the first time.

"No fair you got to meet him without me." He whined.

I smirked. "Aunty privileges." I teased. He rolled his eyes and we pulled into their driveway, me texting them to let them know we're here. We weren't going to go inside just once again speak from the porch. Florian and I had been vaccinated but with him just coming from another country Michael and Kay weren't comfortable risking it and we respected that and weren't mad.

I saw the door opening and immediately started cooing over my sweet nephew.

"Say hi to Aunty and uncle." Kay titled Mario up so that we could see his face from where we stood.

"Oh my gosh, he's so precious!" I said smiling at his gummy smile.

"He's so cute." Florian cooed. "Wait til we have one of our own." Florian smiled down at me pulling me close.

"We've got plenty of time before that." I said giving him the side eye and patting his chest. With the way his career was going, this wouldn't be even close to his last movie and having him traveling around the world for months at a time while he films and leaves me home with a baby was not how I pictured us parenting a child.

"So how is the movie going man?" Michael asked Flo which lead to them talking about the script, his costars and whatnot while me and Kay talked about baby Mario and his sleeping and eating patterns and I pulled each of the outfits I bought out of the bag showing them to her one by one and we both "oohed" and "ahh" together.

Baby Mario started crying and we took that as our cue as Kay was going to take him to be breastfed.

"He's just so cute." Florian said on the drive home. "I can't wait til we have one of our own." He slid his hand into mine and I just smiled softly.

"When do you think we'll have kids?" He asked, pushing the subject more.

"When the time is right." I answered vaguely. He looked at me before turning back to the road. I sighed knowing he would want more of an answer than that. "I just don't think right now is the right time. I mean you're career is taking off and you'll be traveling and as long as I'm working with Michael I might have to travel with him for his roles. I just don't want us to have to lug a kid around and uproot their lives all the time you know? Plus I don't want to be stuck at home raising a kid while you're half way across the world." I explained.

"You think I would just up and leave to film without taking that into consideration?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No I know you wouldn't and that's why I think we should wait. I know you wouldn't take a part if it took you to Australia for a year, if you knew that it would leave me at home with a baby by myself. I don't want you to make sacrifices in your career this early. We have plenty of time to have a baby. I also just want to enjoy you. Travel with you, love you, make love to you in different countries. I wanna be a little selfish and keep you to myself for a little while longer." I explained rubbing the back of his hand.

"I understand. I think seeing Mario gave me a little bit of baby fever." He chuckled.

"Oh trust me, I had it too when I first saw him and then I saw him throw up and have a diaper blowout in the span of 15 minutes and it washed it all away." I laughed and so did he.

We arrived back at the house and it settled in that Florian would be leaving tomorrow. I pouted thinking about it.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked as he opened the door for me to enter the house.

I shrugged. "Nothing I'm just sad to see you go." I explained. He pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly and placing a kiss on the top of my head.

"There's just another few months then I'll be back where I belong." He spoke softly. I pulled my head away resting my chin on his chest. I just looked at him, taking in his face committing it to memory. I wanted this moment seared into my brain to get me through the next few months. To remind me that this is what I had to look forward to. A lifetime of loving this incredible man in front of me.

"You know you're stuck with me right?" I said. He furrowed his brows in confusion.

"What?" He asked.

"You're stuck with me. There's no leaving. I love you too much and I don't think I could ever let you go, as selfish as that sounds. No matter how bad it gets, I'm not leaving. I will do whatever it takes to make it work. But if there's ever a point where you're unhappy or you feel like there's something that we need to work on then you tell me. I don't want you to end up with pent up emotions and end up hating me." i said seriously.

"I don't think I could ever hate you." He said and I raised my eyebrow at him. "Seriously. I say that because I know in my heart you would never do something to intentionally hurt me, let alone something to make me hate you. I just hope you don't get tired of me one day, tired of this life, having me gone for months at a time. I see so many couples in this industry that don't work out because of one partners work commitments and I'm scared that one day you won't be okay with it." He explained, getting sad towards the end. I stood on my tiptoes kissing his chin.

"Florian, when I said for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live, I meant it. I don't plan on going anywhere. If I have to follow you across the world then I'll be there without a second thought. I love you." He smiled down at me softly, capturing my lips in a gentle kiss.

"Now, my wife, god I'll never get tired of saying that, let's enjoy these last few hours we have together before I have to head back." He said scooping me up in his arms and running towards the living room as i giggled and squealed.

A little filler chapter before things start to get spicy 🥵
As always comment and vote and let me know what you guys think or where you think this is going.

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