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3 years later

"I'll be home in time to tuck Andrei in bed. I promise." Florian spoke from the other end of the phone.

"Mmhmm." Was all I replied.

He was currently waiting to board a plane in Houston to make it back to LA tonight.

"Don't be like that baby." He said, giving me a face. I rolled my eyes.

"Be safe Florian. I love you. Say see you later daddy." I turned the phone to allow them to see one another.

" I turned the phone to allow them to see one another

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"Bye mein kleiner Bär (my little bear)." He said leaving Andrei cooing at the phone.

"See he misses his daddy." I said smiling.

"And do you miss your daddy?" Florian winked at the phone.

"Byeee Flo." I shook my head as he laughed and I hung up the phone.

Time seemed to fly after we got married. Florian's career has continued to pick up. After the success of Shang Chi, his name came into talks for bigger projects. Michael even took more control and began directing Creed 3 which is where Florian had been off shooting for the past few weeks.

The time after our wedding was incredibly blissful. We went on a gorgeous honeymoon to Mykonos, Greece. We spent about a month there before we were brought back to the real world. But it felt great to finally be able to be publicly married and not have to hide it from the world.

I got pregnant a year after we got married and Andrei is currently a year and 3 months. Andrei Viktor Munteanu. Our little blessing. Since we had him, Florian is eager to give him a sibling but I told him I wanted for us to see where both our careers would be taking us in the next few years before we had anymore children.

Both of our parents are excited at the prospect of more grandchildren but I told them they'll have to wait for a little while.

I've taken on the job of being Michael's assistant manager. It's a step up in position while still allowing me the flexibility to opt out of being at every function and appearance of Michael all the time.

Speaking of Michael, he and Kay tied the knot. They decided they wanted something lowkey so they snuck off and eloped in Jamaica. I was pissed at first, I missed the opportunity to see my brother and best friend get married but then I realized that it wasn't about it me, it was about them celebrating and honoring their love and doing what was right for them. I still ended up throwing her a post bridal party since we didn't get a bachelorette but that just ended up being us watching scary movies and ordering room service to the nice hotel suite I had gotten for us and the girls. We're not as interested in the night life although we won't ever turn down a girls night out even if it's just us getting wings. She'll always be my ride or die for life.

Florian and I's relationship has blossomed in ways I could have never imagined. I think it's because we both realize that we want this marriage to work so we both chose to try to stop our bad habits that caused problems in our relationship before. Don't get me wrong, we still have our fights and disagreements, but we've learned healthier ways to work through them, especially since Andrei has arrived.

I think that's the most important thing about marriage and love. Choosing each other every single day, even though it might not be the easiest thing to do. I wake up in the morning and I choose to love him and honor him and cherish him and I know he does the same. The security that I've fallen into was scary at first. I had never in my life imagined knowing deep in my heart that there is a man who loves me wholeheartedly and takes the time to show me each and every day.

8:46pm Florian walked through the door, setting his bags down. I could hear him call for us as I gave Andrei his bath.

"Here's my family. How I missed you guys." He squatted down beside me at the tub, kissing my lips before kissing Andrei on the forehead who immediately began babbling at the sight of his daddy. These two are thick as thieves. I already know I'll have trouble when Andrei gets older and his father will have his back for everything.

After I finished washing him, Florian wrapped him up in his towel and took him to his room while I cleaned out the tub, when I made it into his nursery, Florian had already dressed him and was sitting in the chair rocking with him as he told him about his time with his Uncle Mike.
I backed out of the room, allowing them their time together and headed to finish putting away the food downstairs. A few minutes later I headed up to our room and turned on the shower, allowing it to heat up before stepping in. I was letting the hot water soak into my body when I heard the shower door open and Florian step in. Immediately his hands wrapped around my body bringing it to his.

His head settled into my neck, leaving light kisses. "I missed you guys so much." He said rubbing circles into my bare hip.

"We missed you too." I gasped as his light kisses turned to nibbles up and down my neck. His hands began palming at my ass. I could feel his length growing against my stomach, poking at me. He guided me back to the bench we had inside the shower, sitting down before I slid my legs on either side of him.

I hovered over his dick before sliding down onto it, moaning as it filled me inch by inch. He palmed one of my breast while sucking my other nipple into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue.

"Fuck baby. Show me how much you missed me." He said and I began moving, filling myself with him. He began to match my pace, his hips bucking up to meet mine. His hands trailed down my body finding my clit and rubbing pressured circles.

"Flo, I'm close.. please don't stop." I moaned.

He shifted our position while still stroking, allowing him to hit deeper inside, finding just the right spot.

"Flo.." I moaned again as the heat pooled in my stomach.

"Nic.. fuck baby. Look at me while you cum." He grabbed my head, forcing me to look into his eyes as my orgasm finally erupted and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. A few strokes later and he was cumming with me.

We both sat for a moment, breathing heavily before a breathy laugh slipped from his lips.

"I love you."

This is officially the end of this book. I have loved writing for you guys. My journey as a writer has always been crazy. I've been an avid reader my entire life and have recently fallen back in love with it. I often tell people that my happy place would be somewhere with a beanbag, blanket and a book.

I hope you guys have enjoyed reading this book as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I assure you that this is not the last thing I'll be writing. I'm currently working on another story for Florian but you'll have to wait and see when that comes to fruition.

In the meantime, thank you guys for all your love and support and comments. Thank you for sticking out the ride of Florian and Nicole. I will always love and cherish each and every person who reads my work ❤️

~until next time 😘

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