Toothless' Birthday

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A few weeks had passed since the last sighting of a human boat near the Hidden World, so the defense measures were lifted. Some of the dragons, like Stormfly and Cloudjumper, enjoyed flying around outside of the Hidden World, staying within the perimeter of the fog so as not to be noticed. Meanwhile, Toothless and Stormfly introduced Shimmer and some of the other dragons to the game of dragon racing. Instead of sheep, Stormfly came up with the idea of using some of the loose glowing rocks and hiding them throughout a specific area within the Hidden World. Shimmer, predictably, was somewhat apprehensive about the whole thing, but Toothless convinced her to try it out with him, Stormfly, Kendra, Cloudjumper, Hookfang, Barf and Belch, and Thunderbolt, a male Skrill. After the first few minutes, Shimmer was enjoying herself more than Toothless had ever seen her before, and she told him afterward that she wished she'd learned about dragon racing sooner, and she could hardly wait to do it again. She was relatively competitive, but she didn't care where she finished the race, instead considering it a win as long as she had fun.

"My love, I just thought of something cool we could do with dragon racing," Shimmer said one day. "What's your idea, babe?" Toothless asked. "What if we set up a sort of tournament for it?" She asked. "I don't know. It would raise the stakes for the dragons competing, and it could cause rivalries, too," Toothless said. "I didn't think of that. Thanks. It's much better the way it is, compared to having it as a tournament," she said. "No problem. What do you feel like doing today?" Toothless asked her. She pondered the question for a few moments, wondering what to do that was new and exciting. "Mmm... surprise me," she replied. Toothless decided to bring her to a new area of the Hidden World that he had recently discovered, which would be perfect for them to share when they wanted some peace and quiet to enjoy each other's company. She was a bit confused when he told her that he'd found something, but she followed him anyway. When they arrived, Shimmer was awestruck in a way that she hadn't been since she first saw Toothless, on a beach near what later became New Berk. "This is... this is amazing," she said. "That's what I thought when I found this place. I thought it would be the perfect place for us to share when we needed some peace and quiet," he explained. "That's so sweet of you, my love," she said, affectionately licking Toothless' face, a gesture that he returned. They then sat down and chatted about both their future and the future of the Hidden World, like things they could do to improve it for all dragons.

Stormfly flew alone, just stretching her wings for a little while. She landed to rest for a bit, and she was soon joined by another Deadly Nadder, red and black in color, and he was looking at her curiously. "Hello," he said. "Hi. Who are you?" Stormfly chirped cheerfully. "I'm Jasper. Who are you?" He replied. "I'm Stormfly. It's nice to meet you," she said. "Likewise," he said, "Well, I suppose I should leave you be, so I hope we see each other again." "Well... it would actually be nice to have someone to fly with me for a bit," Stormfly said, meeting his eyes. "Are you sure? I don't want to get in your way or anything," Jasper replied. "Of course I'm sure. We can even keep talking while we fly, if you want," Stormfly said. "Okay, you talked me into it. I'm ready to go when you are," he said. "Maybe we can go in just a few more minutes. I'm enjoying the peace and quiet here," she said softly, and Jasper nodded.

That evening, Toothless and Shimmer returned to their den, still feeling relatively energized. They made eye contact, and Toothless grinned. "What are you smiling about?" Shimmer asked him. "Being able to spend time with you every day. It makes me really happy," he replied. "That's what I thought. Spending time with you is the highlight of my day," she said, nuzzling his face affectionately. "I noticed Stormfly hanging out with another Nadder earlier, and she looked pretty close to him," Toothless said. "Interesting. I'm happy to hear that. Maybe she's finally found her mate," Shimmer said. "Well, we both know how much she loves her job, and it doesn't really give her a whole lot of free time. She's always liked working with kids," Toothless said. "Well, perhaps she'll stop by tomorrow. It is your birthday tomorrow," she said. "Thanks for reminding me. Tomorrow should be a rather chaotic day," he replied, lying down and trying to get comfortable before he fell asleep. Shimmer proceeded to do the same, snuggling up against Toothless' side.

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